Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Screwworms from Swappernetters now available for The Sims 4

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At long last, a third of the packs that make up the DzMD Sims 4 Story Pack series for Dozerfleet Comics' Swappernetters has finally been completed. There is one pack remaining in that series, and then two additional characters. Some menu changes will showcase next year's hopeful arrivals, both for Sims 4 and Sims 3.

This September 20th release comes just two days after the September 18th release of the Chrome Kite story pack, the second pack in the four-pack series.

In this part of the Gerosha timeline, the old rogue crazy Screwworms are mostly gone from Arkansas / Arkonia. There are still plenty of these jetpack-loving homicidal maniacs descending like locusts on the "Wild Territories," which are recovering from Yellowstone - only for the Navyropes, Extirpon, and two Gray Champions to beat them back! However, only a tiny handful of the old Screwworms remain to terrorize Arkonia into place - and pose a threat to the Twirlflame Trio, the new heroes that have taken over for the old Sodality of Gerosha.

In Arkonia itself, about the only long-term sub-group of Screwworms still operational are the Microwave Mouth Corps. The Mercury Troopers, or "Hgs," have replaced most of the rest. What's the difference? Hgs don't bomb an entire neighborhood just to hit one target! They're more traditional storm troopers; making them more acceptable for occupying and enslaving a nation (without killing everyone.) Hasam Arbini has learned lessons from Icy Finger history; and doesn't want Arkonians to feel that the Chrome Kite occupation of Arkonia is just a drawn-out setup to a rerun of the Battle for Cincinnati in 2016. In fact, Arbini is dedicated to creating a "slightly softer" Icy Finger - one that isn't quite so off-the-rails malevolent!

Yet, Arbini's sympathies sometimes fall on deaf ears; either from on top, or from rogues beneath, or from third party villains with their own sinister agendas!

This pack explores five key individuals who refuse to play by Arbini's rules regarding themselves:

  • Warren "Rappaccini" Buntine: The dark lord himself! Rappaccini is keeping close watch over Arbini's operation, to see which ideas he can cultivate to improve his own global conquest operations - with every intent on making the end result multiversal!
  • Jill Hook: An imposter under the Oisdaat Protocol, Jill infiltrates the Frontliners, in an effort to learn more about their culture. However, she decides not to write a report until after she has figured out who all the Frontline bosses are! Yet, she's exposed before she can learn of more than Hassler and Kamhold. She fails to mention Hassler, but does target his Frontliners after being exposed, thus taking part in killing Atroce. She also manages to confirm to authorities that Tabitha Pang is still alive, but fails to indentify any of the others. She is all the same promoted to becoming the Scerwworm operative known as "Lady Chillingworth," tasked with assassinating Frontliners using the same abilities as Miles Charleston had back in 2014. *
  • Immanuel "Feathertop" Corten: Able to manipulate the mind and adrenal glands of his targets; Feathertop uses his Marlquaan bond to act similarly to the Scarecrow in Batman lore. While the Twirlflame Trio are immune to his secondary power of illusion-casting, he can harm them by creating doubt in their ability to protect their still-vulnerable allies - or the general public - from self-destructing while under his influence. Like most Icy Finger villains, Corten takes the name for his alias from a Hawthorne story. He revels in the fact that, until the Tug is destroyed - there will be no Gray Champion to stop him!
  • Erica Johann / Bliksemhek: Already a disturbed, unstable individual, a chance Marlquaan bonding and losing a fight with Tabby left Erica as a "lightning witch" with a lust for revenge. But when she can't break Tabby the simple way? She goes for the heart. Destroying systematically everything she can that the Twirlflame Trio care about. However, she is not welcome in Arkonia by the Chrome Kite; nor has any use for them. Therefore, she becomes mindlessly destructive; killing others at random for fun. Doesn't matter! If Tabby hates it, all the more reason to do it! The Twirlflames soon realize that they're gonna need some serious outside help - preferably, of the Tug-immune variety - to take this monster down! Yet, unless Tabby surrenders herself to SCALLOP; she fears there will be no way to bargain for society to forgive the Trio. After all: it was Tabby's decision to abandon Erica when the Hgs were coming that cemented Erica's hatred. Frontliners in general were going to get blamed for Blikesmhek's rampage!
  • Fred Chimpton / Frotchimar: Ever meet that someone, and they seem to make your latest job all too easy, and feel like a friend; but you suspect they may be a devil in disguise? As Tabby and Jordan find out on a mission one day, Professor Chimpton is quite literally that! What will it take to undo the damage he's caused? How will they absolve their own role in enabling him? Their only consolation in the end regarding working with him, is that Frotchimar's boss, Strakinot, hates the Chrome Kite just as much as he hates Swappernetters! Stopping this cabal of incarnate demons, however, is going to require a major supernatural ally to return: Cherinob!

* The Gray Champion: Chillingworth's Revenge

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