Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff updates

As of 9:45 AM EDT on July 21st of 2020, the lots for The Sims 4: Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff, Second Edition have finally been completed.

Pending, are the release of the actual Sims associated with that pack, to be included in release. Some Snakes on a Plane memorabilia is also pending for release with the Second Edition. One of the new Sims to be released, will be Merre Bowmaster: a wonderful woman from the area who tragically died from Huntington's Disease and related injury-induced complications, in early July of 2020. She will be immortalized in the pack as someone to know.

The cast of Blood Over Water, and Hadley Mint, will also be included, as will the Evancris. Jimmy and Jackie Blankenship are coming with the pack too.

Perhaps the most dramatic overhaul, is to the Big Rapids Cinema lot. Special care was put into this remake of the lot, to get it as close as possible to the original Carmike Theater - without the use of custom content. Limitations on accuracy are to the interiors, as many of the side shops no longer exist - and the AMC Theater of today was closed at the time of the tour related to this pack.

The pack's related ad is still pending for release in late August.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Q-Basic Gorillas now available for The Sims 3

Please click the image to go to the download page.

You've played them as a 2D game of throwing exploding bananas back and forth. But what if they lived in a world on par with the Michael Bay Transformers, albeit, with slightly more coherent storytelling?

Now, you can visit that on your Sims! Send the Qilantans to defend your world. Or, let the Ice Chimps turn everyone into cats and take over! Will the ancient Q-Bases fall, or rise like never before? Will the Pyrangutans enslave us all instead? Will the Ethermangs simply kill us all? And where's Col. Flix this week? Find out, by installing the Q-Basic Gorillas Pack today!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Blood Over Water cast now available for The Sims 3

Please click the image above to go to the download page.

The cast can now be downloaded for The Sims 3, for the enjoyment of those who want this crime thriller in their games. Their Sims 4 equivalents were merged into The Sims 4: Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff. A new version of that pack is coming soon, with more content and corrections to buildings.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Some changes coming to Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff

The pack is going to be having some changes made to it, sooner rather than later. As in, beginning later in the week of June 5th!

After a trip to Big Rapids to verify files, and capture footage for an ad, the pack will now have a few buildings modified in accordance with matching reality more closely.

Hillcrest Oakwood Apartments

It turns out that Chris stayed in 201 H, not 211 H. There is no 211 H! His apartment placement will be repaired, and the Building H build that's in the pack now will be updated accordingly.

Unfortunately, there aren't enough 64x64 lot spaces in The Sims 4 to justify adding Building F, so Building H will have to remain isolated rather than conjoined. The build in Sims 4 is a little bit shorter than real life, not longer. So sadly, only so much can even be done to improve the layout, to match for realism.


The bathrooms aren't totally accurate. These will be fixed. Windows will also be adjusted. Otherwise, not much change required here.


Not much to change with this building's strip.

Big Rapids Cinema

Not much change required here. File may be left as-is.

Szot's Bar and Grill

There will be some definite changes to this lot. The build isn't accurate in back. The new build will address various issues.

North Bond Hall

Bathroom windows will be re-positioned, and centered. Otherwise, not much change is possible for this lot.

All other residential lots will remain as they are.

The Greatest Adventure's Dereck, Margo, and Moki, now available for The Sims 3

Please click the image to open the download page.

If you are fond of the old Hana-Barbera cartoon, you can now include its protagonists in your Sims game!

If you need a refresher on the cartoon and its premise, here's the old intro:

And here, you can order the episodes off Amazon Prime.

Swappernetters characters now available for The Sims 3!

Please click the link above to access the download page.

With the exception of Fellertooth, most of these characters and more will also be eventually made available for The Sims 4. If you loved Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Dying Light, but wanted something similar that was Dozerfleet-related (and Sims-compatible), then Swappernetters seeks to fill that void!

Turn your Sims' neighborhood into dystopian Little Rock, and use this cast of characters to make your Sims feel inspired to join an underground movement! Is your teen ready to be a Frontliner? Will they get captured by the evil Chrome Kite regime? Will you instead choose to play as a Mercury Trooper, and try to suppress the resistance? Find out today!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Ashleigh Brock was right

Only ignoramuses and liars still tout that "Black Lives Matter" gives a damn about actually protecting any and all darker-skinned humanity. Their own violence toward blacks who question any part of their greater agenda, instantly betrays this. The fact that they commit arson indiscriminately, further betrays this. The fact that they demand the immediate personal destruction of those who dare question any part of their radical agenda, and zap businesses just like the pro-pedo activists do; reveals just how illegitimate their greater agenda really is - and how insecure they are in light of knowing this!

Let's be real: at day's end, their policies are some of the most destructive to blacks - and anyone else human who still has a pulse - that have ever existed in human history! They are nithings of an order that cannot even be compared to cockroaches and locusts; for that would be an insult to bugs everywhere!

They don't really give a damn about your skin! They want your total conformity, to their specific brand of communism! They are just Bolsheviks with a Tan, nothing more!

They are pro-rape (including sodomy rape), pro-pedophile, anti-nuclear family, pro-sexual-anarcho-tyranny, anti-education, anti-history, anti-white, anti-anything-that-isn't-them!

In a case of Billionaire Boys Club-style "paradox philosophy," they define "white supremacy" to mean literally anything that gets in their way - logic be damned! Several black politicians and celebrities have already come out to condemn them as an illegitimate group. Yet, the instant anyone lifts a finger to resist them, it's "Aryan Nation" accusation crap - all over again! An airstrike is needed to deal with their riots. But no one will call one in. No one.

But there are worse devils than Soros

BLM's ties to Soros are clear. The gates of Hell are wide open. But who will God punish with an even hotter hellfire than Soros and BLM? My guess: Hardin Simmons University.

Don't you get it? Slimy moral cowards will NEVER enter Heaven! One night stand braggarts and Walkaway Joes stand a better chance, but they won't either. And they fare only slightly worse than idolaters, cheaters, buggerists, thieves, the greedy, habitual drunks, slanderers, or swindlers! The doors are in no hurry to open to ANY of these! - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

See, that school is run by what are the quintessence of moral cowards. For record:

  • Ashleigh's offending statement was to say that "All Lives Matter." It's actually Innocent Lives, that matter. Communist insurgents, serial killers / rapists, etc., warrant execution. Preferably, they can be captured and tried and convicted beforehand. But they don't always allow for that.
  • Her TikTok also dared to pose the following statement: “Do black lives matter? Yes, of course. Do white lives matter? Yes, of course. But I’m not gonna sit here and put each one in a group saying this race matters.” ANYONE WITH A BRAIN FUNCTIONING can tell that this is the very definition of EQUALITY, NOT "racism"! But since BLM is black supremacist; they view equality as "oppression," because it is their "rightful place" to be superior! This makes them ZERO SUM SUCCESS FALLACY LOSERS! As in loser, think Rob Finkle from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective levels of loser!
  • What else was deemed "racist" about her videos? Calling out societal double standards on reactions to murder. She wasn't denying that blacks have experienced hardship, as that snake Bruntmyer implied! She was pointing out that REACTIONS ARE DISPROPORTIONATE! Which is THE TRUTH! Remember when it was okay to make Joker memes about "everyone losing their minds" over insignificant things, but ignoring far bigger things entirely? That's the equivalent of what she was doing! But if it interferes with the Marxist narrative, then it's "racist" - to push for EQUALITY!

By all sane accounts, she is engaging in journalistic critical thinking - the very thing colleges were once created SPECIFICALLY TO ENCOURAGE! In a more God-fearing time, a self-professed "Christian" college would be standing up to defend her from these mobs of mental asylum escapees.

By their fruits, you shall know them. Hardin Simmons doesn't fear God. They are complete frauds!

  • Where was there any discussion of the actual substance of Ashleigh's TikTok?
  • Where was a call to ask her to come in?
  • Where was she given a chance to defend herself?
  • Where was she given any venue to redress grievance?
  • Where was she allowed any chance to explain herself?
  • Or, if they wished to go full Diet of Worms, why was she not even given a chance to retract and recant her own words, as the RCC at least had the decency to offer to Martin Luther?

Hardin Simmons offered NONE of those things! They engaged in a full-scale Salem-style witchhunt, in order to appease the mob. The girl was guilty, even if proven innocent. Her college admission? Instantly revoked! Her intentions? Misrepresented. The college itself? Fully huffy and self-righteous about this unrighteous, Pharisaic, sanctimonious crucifixion of this young woman!

As in the days of old, the temple leaders murder the prophets.

Worse: there is no mention of God ANYWHERE in their letter regarding their decision to throw her under the bus, and let the mobs coming after her with slanderous accusation have their way with her future without a fight! NOT ONE MENTION!

Instead, they published some virtue-signalling, sanctimonious screed about their eagerness to pander to left-wing causes that only pretend to be about combating racism!

So if God and His law have no part of Hardin Simmons' supposedly "Christian" school, and its decision-making process, then WHAT IN THE BLAZES is their criterion for operating, especially after this gross injustice against a young woman WHO WASN'T EVEN LIVING ON CAMPUS YET???

Money. Glory in the eyes of men. And: the desire to know that no one would come and burn their precious buildings down.

Except, if they think the neo-Bolsheviks aren't going to burn them down in the end anyway, they are FOOLING THEMSELVES! They have to be drooling brainlets in the utmost, to keep fooling themselves to that extent! Everything BLM is pushing, Stalin pushed variations of it first, just without the race angle.

How well did Stalin treat the churches that defected to him, once he no longer needed them???

Hardin Simmons University has forsaken the Crown of Above, in exchange for absolutely NOTHING! For even what they think they have, BLM will eventually betray them and take that from them too!

And if this mob of demons made manifest isn't satisfied with the damage done to Ashleigh already, then they will be emboldened to harm her in more direct ways - AS THEY HAVE ALREADY THREATENED TO - by the university's moral cowardice! And in the eyes of Heaven, her blood will be on President Eric Bruntmyer's hands. Bruntmyer will be shaking hands with Judas in the Lake of Fire, if he doesn't repent of his two-faced cowardice, scantily-cladden as virtue. That he chose to humiliate her publicly, and (not really) validate the mob, means he will burn EVEN HOTTER!

"Revenge is MINE!" shouts the Lord, "I will REPAY!!!" - Deuteronomy 22:35 [emphasis added]

BLM communists are lower than insects. But that's to be expected. Loathe traitors to sanity, reason, and justice, such as Eric Bruntmyer, however? There is no punishment on Earth severe enough for the souls of men like that. Judas at least regretted his treachery! Bruntmyer? That remains to be seen.