This pack is primarily focused around the Chrome Kite and villains that are directly under their regime's command, in Swappernetters. If intrigued, don't forget to also check out the Frontliner Story Pack! Also, there is one for miscellaneous heroes and supporting cast, and another one still for villains not directly related to the Chrome Kite.
The Chrome Kite is a brutal, albeit, experimental totalitarian regime put in place by Rappaccini as his puppets over Arkansas / Arkonia. They wish to completely destroy all trace of Christendom in the region they have hijacked, as well as suppress anything that came before them. However, they aren't completely evil by intent.
Unlike the Screwworms that they tolerate, who do almost nothing but destroy, the Chrome Kite's leadership believes that enslaving the captive Arkonian population into serving the cause of building a futuristic better land is an essential morale booster.
They reason that if they can seduce the populace into a strong belief in designing better infrastructure, this can architecturally inspire locals toward a brighter, cleaner future.
Surfaces are smooth as often as possible, and white or slightly offwhite are preferred colors to use as a base. Splashes of color are tolerated in parts. Glass is utilized wherever it is reasonable to do so, and lit glass uses LED blue, aqua, or teal lighting.
Buildings often have solar panel roofing, as each building is expected to contribute its own part toward the power grid. Some buildings may have additional wind turbines atop the solar roof. When fake terrain must be used instead of real grass in an area, it is often a bright white recycled rubber and synthetic white vinyl set of "grass" blades.
Most notably, the Chrome Kite tries to avoid sharp right angles in their building designs and re-designs. They will go to lengths to remove sharp corners, if it can be helped, even if this leads to strange results and counter-intuitive room navigation. Unlike similar dystopian baddies, they aren't opposed to incorporating green into their designs. But they prefer white and blue.
However, even their beautiful constructs become a form of oppression; as they piecemeal destroy everything that stands in the way of this goal. As such, Little Rock in particular is reduced to a mess of blinding white futurist buildings and rotting remnants of the war-torn, rattled buildings that preceded the regime's mad-paced reconstruction efforts. The skyline becomes a schizophrenic jumbling of old and new; as locals both love the look of the new while wishing they were allowed to embrace the values of the old.
Downloadable Characters
Hasam Arbini

To manage Arkonia locally, Rappaccini put Hasam Arbini, and his "progressivist" totalitarian party known as the "Chrome Kite," in charge. From there, he seeks to completely erase the Gray Champion's legacy.
He even goes so far as to sometimes hire Feathertop to do dirty jobs for him - so that there will be a fall guy if things go wrong. Feathertop: a terrorist hated by all!
Perhaps most sickening of all to those living under his thumb: his photo ops! The man never wastes an opportunity to virtue signal, or to pretend like he has Arkonia's best interests at heart.
His self-aggrandizing, self-promoting propaganda is ubiquitous across the landscape.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Personality traits: Public Enemy-Dastardly, Snob, Evil, Gloomy
- Age: Adult
- File size: 89 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/14/2020
Hasam Arbini at MediaFire
Hatori Ikomara

Secretary of Energy
Ikomara is primarily in charge of maintaining the infrastructures and secrets that keep up the Tug, and keep the Sodality, Toklisanan military, and SCALLOP from entering into Arkonia. He has to work closely with other cabinet members; but is concerned about the need to eventually upgrade the entire system to feed through a Marlquaan energy transfer system, drawing energy directly from Carpathine.
The old nuclear reactor setup that the Hebbleskins employed is quickly proving obsolete - as well as dangerous! Not only the Tug, but all of the Arkonian power grid rely on this. And to Ikomara, that is poor long-term planning.
It was noted that when the Hebbleskins created their domes around Gerosha, cores weren't protected well. Radiation leaks often killed guards at their posts after only two weeks of exposure. Even Sniperbadger once commented on how poorly-protected those setups were from radiation leaks, when she had to endanger herself by getting close to a dome energy core to disable it!
However, he does wish that the other cabinet members would take his concerns about long-term, clean energy a bit more seriously. To ignore current risks, was to undermine the entire Chrome Kite project!
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Personality traits: Rennaisance Sim-Quick Learner, Music Lover, Creative, Lazy
- Age: Elder
- File size: 102 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/14/2020
Hatori Ikomara at MediaFire
Richard Swean

Secretary of Commerce
Swean keeps the populace distracted, by getting many of them involved in what looks on the surface like a "good cause" - entirely replacing the decaying infrastructure of Little Rock with a megalomaniacal futurist vision for local architecture.
He is pompous, arrogant, self-righteous, and at times childish. But can also be dangerous, if sufficiently provoked! He tends to be well-guarded, keeping Hgs nearby at all times. And if they're not good enough? He keeps Sicklesaw or Lady Chillingworth on speed dial!
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Personality traits: Fabulously Wealthy-Business Savvy, Noncommittal, Mean, Evil
- Age: Adult
- File size: 91 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/14/2020
Richard Swean at MediaFire
Gina Swinton

Secretary of Education
Perhaps the singularly most evil member of Arbini's cabinet though, was one gender-confused Gina Swinton: the Secretary of "Education"!
She demands an aggressively leftist indoctrination campaign, that tolerates no alternative learning.
And with this, the resistance found its greatest talking point: ending her arbitrary monopoly on education!
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Free Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Personality traits: Public Enemy-Dastardly, Mean, Hates Children, Evil
- Age: Adult
- Occult type: Woman taking male hormones
- File size: 96 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/15/2020
Gina Swinton at MediaFire
Will Clamdor

To deal with resistance, the Chrome Kite has General Will Clamdor, a vampire, who is unafraid to launch military strikes against civilian targets!
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Personality traits: Public Enemy-Dastardly, Hot-Headed, Perfectionist, Mean
- Age: Elder
- Occult type: Vampire
- File size: 112 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/15/2020
Will Clamdor at MediaFire
Birch Thunders

Secretary of Agriculture
Birch Thunders, a Marlquaanite plant-man is made the Secretary of Agriculture. With Swean and Ikomara, he runs the Beautification Committee. He is a low-level Marlquaanite plant elemental plant-man, who is frustrated that the Phex-1 Jeral "Arbustombre" Cormier is more infamous. He would love nothing more than to prove which type of plant-man is superior!
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Personality traits: Leader of the Pack-Gregarious, Loves the Outdoors, Evil
- Age: Adult
- Occult type: Human (works well with PlantSim buff)
- File size: 98 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/14/2020
Birch Thunders at MediaFire
Geoff Throba

Commissioner - Little Rock PD
Knowing how dangerous it would be to retire; Throba is forced to swallow his dignity and remain on the force. His police always use the minimum of force on Swappernetters - unless they do something he deems in turpitude. In fact, he frequently offers Frontliners tips on how to avoid getting themselves into trouble! He arrests only when it's absolutely necessary to maintain his cover, as he's quite sympathetic to the youth whose older loved ones were callously disposed of by the Chrome Kite.
Throba wonders for how long he can keep up this ruse. Yet, believing in the Twirlflames' mission most of all, he takes pains to ensure that they are never arrested under their real names. With their aliases, he can have charges dismissed.
But if he were ever to take in Tabitha Pang as herself, he knows full well she'd be executed without a trial - simply for being Hea's daughter! He can't allow that. That isn't why he joined the force! He signed up to protect the innocent; not to protect an elite thug class, at the expense of harming children! That he has to play both sides, like a completely corrupt cop, makes him sick to his stomach. Yet, he does what he believes he must.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Personality traits: Friend of the World-Gregarious, Good, Perfectionist, Gloomy
- Age: Adult
- File size: 9 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/15/2020
Geoff Throba at MediaFire
Cilian Rotzky

Mercury Trooper
Beneath Clamdor are the Mercury Troopers, or "Mercuries" for short. Swappernetter youths often refer to them as the "Hgs" (pronounced "Hogs.") Yet, even these storm troopers are far from the only menace to those resisting Chrome Kite tyranny. Hgs are authorized to use military-grade force on suspects, in ways that ordinary police are not authorized to.
Cilian, a typical Hg, is included in this pack.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
Recommended Custom Content
- Extreme Violence Mod by Sacrificial
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial
- Human Military Fatigues (Unisex) by Xld Sims at Sims Workshop
- Personality traits: Fabulously Wealthy-Business Savvy, Mean, Evil, Active
- Age: Adult
- File size: 98 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/15/2020
Cilian Rotzky at MediaFire
Stacey Lohsima

Microwave Mouth Corps
Sometimes affiliated with the Hgs are the Microwave Mouth Corps, female assassins who take inspiration from past Microwave Mouths Christina Wade and Janet Phillips. They sometimes attack directly, and sometimes pilot Stagtar droids for remote assault.
The Stagtar Legion are inspired by Scott Morrisson's Stagtar, originally created as a way to stalk down Ron and Stephanie Barrin, while getting the jump on their Pilltar and Strawberry droids. All of this was as punishment for the Barrin family preserving Seth Lambrelli's legacy, as Seth was Morrisson's mortal enemy.
Now, the Microwave Mouth Corps treat any and all resistance to the regime as if they were Stephanie Barrin irritating Christina Wade with questions of logic about the definition of marriage!
Stacey Lohsima, a typical recruit, flaunts her position of raw power.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
Recommended Custom Content
- Extreme Violence Mod by Sacrificial
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial
- Personality traits: Public Enemy-Dastardly, Mean, Evil, Active
- Age: Young Adult
- File size: 9 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/15/2020
Stacey Lohsima at MediaFire
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