Shooting will soon commence for the YouTube ad for Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff. The Into the Future Conversions pack will have to be rebuilt after the trip. With the Phaemer Village Peackeepers now online for Sims 3, only a handful of uploads to that section of DzMD remain, and it'll be a Sims 4 focus for the remainder of the year. Even then, uploads will be slow, as Blood Over Water production will be of critical importance in the latter half of July.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Saturday, June 27, 2020
The future of DzMD's Sims 3 lists
While Sims 3 uploads will cease to be a priority soon for 2020, future additions to its packs on the DzMD Sims 3 tab have not been outruled entirely at the moment. Support for Camelorum Adventures and Volkonir-related material is scarce. Plum Bixie is planned to arrive in 2020, shortly before editing occurs on the ad for Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff. The following Gerosha packs show potential for release in 2021:
Sodality of Gerosha Founding Elites
- Jack Mercreek / Jackrabbit
- Jeral Cormier / Arbustombre
- Charlotte Yamamura / Mukade
- Kyle Freneti / Meerkat
Sodality Support Staff
- Miranda Kanla
- Emily Cormier
- Laurie Pegol
- Monty Raquin
- Pablo Ramirez
- Anna Ramirez
- Strawforcer
Sodality of Gerosha Legends
- Vince Finton / Navyrope (the original)
- John Domeck / Gray Champion + outfit
- Marge Ramirez / Mapacha del Fuego + outfit
- Ron Barrin
- Stephanie Barrin
- Roger Homink
Sodality of Florence
- Celia Winehart / Taterbug
- Jordan Reddlewick / Sapphire King
- Angelo Abrami / Cocklebur
- Michelle Winston / Feruga
- Chris Kennal / Purge-Flare
Hebbleskin Gang
- Duke Arfaas Hebbleskin
- Gunner Soorfelt
- Skellig Soorfelt
- Simon Ardvin / Capp Aard
- Merle Hourvitz
- Don "the Psycho" Mendoza
- Wayne "the Vampire" Norfine
- Kimiyato Hiryama / Milp
- Fidral Mokenrush / Bosom-Serpent
- Darius Philippine
- Lex Philippine
- Mallorie Wade
- Silo Wade
- Nancy Philippine
- Marion Wevenil
- Fadimo Woziga
- Thevia Logindil
- Chad Orvain
- Jim Oisdaat
- Shaniqua Tamery
- Brian Mizgel
- etc.
Task Force Black Rat
- Shing Xu / Black Rat
- Mingmei Cheng / Stung Hornet
- Wen Du / Tin Dragon
- Chen Tang / Teal Hog
- Miriam Flippo / Sniperbadger
- Steve McLaine / Guan
- Phil Couric
Last Legs
- Nancy Hizrah
- Brittany Lohmeyer
- Samirah Fantine
- Patty Trean
- Major Demerin Gosmerid
- etc.
Horrorday Gang
- Adolphus Kraus / Krampus
- Luca the Snowmobster
- Jerry the Psycho Reindeer
Indigenous Aquatic Order of the Oraphim
- Isitoq "Izzy" Sundue / Anarteq
- Jissika Sundue / Nemara
- Pakulihi Lekaho / Kamohoalii
Society of the Icy Finger
- Warren Buntine / Rappaccini
- Lionfish
- Wishpon
- Screwworms
- etc!
A training video on how to treat Antifa
Since at least one DzMD item on here was made in fashion after New Dawn, it seemed fair to share this.
The correct way to deal with Antifa and BLM terrorists:
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Installation tips on DzMD downloads
Recently, pixygurli.17 asked what seems like an obvious question; but it will be clarified here anyway.
Yes, Dozerfleet Machinomic DOWNLOADABLES, by definition, indicates that these files are for DOWNLOAD, and are NOT separate games hosted online!
This is being made a special post, because comments tend to disappear.
How do I install a download?
Most files are stored inside Zip archives. You need to extract from the archive first. Most modern Windows versions support this feature automatically. In the rare event of a .RAR file, or a .BH (black hole) file, it's recommended to download and install IZArc.
The Sims 2
Objects go into the Downloads folder. Sims are stored in a Sims2Pack file, which installs into your game when clicked. By default, they're associated with Body Shop. Which, by default, also installs any clothing packaged with the Sim.
The Sims Medieval
Sims are stored in a .Sim file. Install all of these into your SavedSims folder.
The Sims 3
Objects go into the Mods > Packages folder. Sims not in .Sim files, which go into SavedSims, are in a Sims3Pack file, along with clothing. These install via the Sims 3 Launcher. Lots are also in Sims3Pack files.
The Sims 4
Objects go into the Mods folder. Sims and lots install via the Tray folder. Custom music goes into one of the genre subfolders in your Custom Music folder. For best results, use MP3 files.
Look at the character, and any custom items they may have. There is a folder for each type of custom item. Unlike a lot of games, MakeHuman will usually show your added result the second you switch to a different tab and then switch back. No need to save a save file, shut the program down, and reopen it.
The Spore threads tell you where to install what. However, most of the time, this is as simple as installing a PNG file in the correct folder.
Sim behaviors
Unless coded with a default occult behavior and life state that comes standard with an expansion pack, these Sims will only behave like they should by you directing them to behave according to their assigned bios. They will otherwise behave like ordinary Sims.
In Sims 4, if they were made with custom traits from Mods, those mods will be needed for the custom behaviors to show up. Cavalore will only act like a proper guardian angel superhero, if you install the Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial. Likewise, the Shrouded Entity will only act like a walking incarnation of Satan in 17th-century Boston if you have Armageddon installed. The Gray Champion's swordsmanship prowess requires the Path of Legends mod. Ciem will always behave like a normal Sim, unless assigned Armageddon traits. Her Centhuen Prototype abilities are not that far off from a Marvel Spider Totem. But putting her in Spider-Gwen poses or flaunting similar agility requires additional mods and pose packs.
Jeral Cormier needs additional mods to be a PlantSim full time. He otherwise has the look of one, but not the behaviors. Flintirah can be made a Spellcaster, specializing in fire-related spells, if you have Realm of Magic. Lemon Witch can also be made a Spellcaster in this regard; but her transubstantiation spell will never work canonically. She won't turn Sims into June bugs or fruits; but into random household objects, more similarly to Maddening Rod.
The Knights of Cortascius don't have a special power in the game to mogrify ("morph") into their powered armor forms. They simply have a costume switch. Any additional superpowers would require the Armageddon or Path of Legends mods.
Any Sims whose special BEP-bond behaviors and traits are not possible, are given the nearest equivalency with default game or game mod occult traits and behaviors. Therefore, Phexo Pseudo-Mer Weresalmon, for example, are read by the game as simply Mermaids.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Approaching Deadlines and Sims uploads
After the Sims 3 section of DzMD is finished, which will be soon, focus in the Sims 4 section will become centered around Into the Future Conversions and the ad for Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff.
With those out of the way, Camelorum Adventures will get its uploads handled quickly. There won't be any Sims 3 releases for Camelorum, unless there is sufficient popular demand.
From there, focus will shift to Sodality: Adaptation. With that pack out of the way, however, focus will then shift away from DzMD for a time. The remaining packs will still be developed and released; but not quickly.
Instead, the non-DzMD sections of Dozerfleet Labs will have their old sections rushed into publication and release. Dozerfleet Comics / Literature will take center stage from there, and Purge-Flare: Stickin' It to Pencil will be rushed for release.
In mid-July, Blood Over Water is to begin "filming" (screenshots taken with the game on both PC and PS4.) This will continue until the entire story has been converted. Once finished, it will then be sent over to Mod the Sims, for hosting approval. It will be made public. Wiki articles will be updated to reflect changes. And then, writing will commence on Ciem: Inferno and Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo.
Once these novels are ready for beta read, the Horrorday Gang will have their submissions uploaded. The Centipede and Fire and Anarteq CC packs will then be added to DzMD. Swappernetters will eventually follow, as will any remaining Gerosha packs.
Volkonir may not get all its content released until next year, as scheduling permits. Once Inferno and Soo are out, and Kahoopiliana is also out, emphasis will switch to writing Sniperbadger and Ash Cloud. Followed by Tropic Mercenary and Ciem: Caldera. The goal is to finish the Legacy volume first, then write the Legends volume, then the Orient volume. Origins and Sodality would be written concurrently. Swappernetters would be written after nearly everything else is cleared out, followed by Ciem: Tomorrow. Then, with no main Gerosha continuity left to write, Volkonir and Camelorum can get official literature written and (hopefully) published.
Ideally, most of this can be done by 2025.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
DzMD Sims 2 fully online
Every major Sims 2-era bit of Dozerfleet-related CC that was deemed worthwhile to restore online, is now available for download again. The restored downloads for The Sims 3 are pending upload soon. After this, only Sims 4 creations will be focused on for the DzMD section of Dozerfleet Labs, before switching focus entirely to the non-DzMD sections. Once those are brought up to current times, Dozerfleet Comics focus will kick in. Dozerfleet Labs will exist in a supportive role to the Comics / Literature division.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
The Golden Age of Memes now out for TS4
Click the image above, to go to the download page.
Feeling nostalgic for your favorite memes from the 2000s? This page gives you links to several, and suggestions on the Gallery, for a number of them! Four are hosted directly by Dozerfleet Labs via MediaFire: Overly Manly Man, Overly-Attached Girlfriend, Tay Zonday, and Disaster Girl!
Return to SPARTA! Where they'll never let you leave, and enjoy the Chocolate Rain fountain alongside the best boxer in history. Say hi to Boxxy, and enjoy much cringe with Doge! But if Zoe gets bored: watch out! Persians? Those giant logs she lit last night, you mean? Bruhahahahaaa!!! They went into the Pit. It buuuurrrrrns!!!!
Friday, June 5, 2020
Inception cast downloadable in three different games!
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Good news on the mods
Concerning Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff
While there remains a good risk that some of the packs on this site could be broken badly by Nifty Knitting's release, there haven't yet been any observed problems with the objects in Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff. Since every object's code is cloned from a pre-existing object, it should in theory inherit that original object's eco footprint. Sims 4 Studio should get an update soon, which will allow for object batching, just to be sure.
Concerning the Far Cry 5® Will Boyd Set
More inquiry into the OBRL matter will commence on Friday evening, after construction is finished on Version 2.0 of the Will Boyd House conversion. So far, the revision to Boyd's house is coming along quite nicely. However, it won't be complete without roof solar panels and an off-the-grid functional water system, to justify off-the-grid lot trait living. Sigma1202's mods were initially recommended to remedy this issue; but the new features with Eco Lifestyle may have just made his mod obsolete.
A final coat mesh will soon be decided on as the base for his Peggie uniform, with a look of the Chosen being selected. An Eden's Gate cross recolor swatch is in the works, to make his jacket more authentic. This may be broken by Nifty Knitting, but there is no way to measure that until that stuff pack is released.
Please be patient. As for Boyd's personal appearance, I am now reading Far Cry: Absolution on my Kindle. Ubisoft hasn't provided any solid materials outside of this for defining his looks.
The Purge-Flare ™
For now, Chris' mask is still the same custom mesh being recolored as is currently being used for the Gray Champion - the same mesh that a default color swatch is being used on for Diabloq's mask. That may not change right away, until a better face mask / helmet can be substituted.
The new Fireman NPC outfit, however, has opened up opportunities for a more accurate Purge-Flare uniform. Research on that will begin soon. The Purge-Flare outfit will be added to the Ciem: Inferno section of the Centipede and Fire Saga Story Pack. Chris' trademark weapons, for now, still remain impossible to implement as proper game objects, and will remain Photoshop jobs for the time being. His wand flamethrower only appears in Photoshopped Sims images. His pellet rifle, however, has appeared in Grand Theft Auto 5. But without mods (or Photoshop,) the flames aren't purple as they should be. They're standard flaming bullets.
Into the Future Conversions Stuff
This pack will be a lot smaller upon final release from its initial. Much of this has to do with the fact that TheJim07 at Mod the Sims has produced better conversions of most of the objects than what the pack originally was set to contain. Links to his versions of those objects will be supplied instead.
The roof is getting a makeover, to add in the gloss that it had with The Sims 3. The initial release on Mod the Sims wasn't glossy enough, and had the wrong atlas. These issues are being repaired, and the new roof will look a lot closer to its TS3 counterpart. The repaired roof will be added to Mod the Sims when ready, as well as added to ITFC. Some wall repairs are also pending.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
TS4 Mods in jeopardy
News and rumors hitting are worse than anticipated.
Sims 4 Studio is planning a batch fix for CC. While Nifty Knitting may or may not break some custom clothing, such as Ciem suits, most Sims and clothes will be unaffected otherwise. This means that, for the most part, most packs will be minimally affected or possibly unaffected by Eco Lifestyle and Nifty Knitting.
Packs at risk from Eco Lifestyle
Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff Pack
The following may require patching / batching following the new patch release:
- All Mancino's signs
- All Boost Mobile signs
- All Szot's Bar and Grill signs
- All Biggby signs
- Dark Knight Movie Poster
- 300 Movie Poster
- TMNT 2007 Movie Poster
- Biggby Cup deco object
- Ferris State flags and decals
- Possibly the deco debug Ice Mountain / Sleet Mountain truck
- Ferris State backpack deco object
- Unlisted Wall Poster
- Ferris State fridges
- Ferris barstool
- Glenn C. Bond Hall sign
Into the Future Conversions Stuff Pack
This entire pack has been taken back to the drawing board for other reasons, but would definitely require patching / batching of nearly all objects before being re-released.
Camelorum Adventures Story Pack
The Cheshire Pig statue object could require patching / batching.
Volkonir Story Pack
The Volkonir Cycle, any jet skis, or other similar items, could be affected. The custom fog machine used for effects shots (not Dozerfleet in origin) could also be affected.
Packs at risk from Nifty Knitting
These packs may or may not require batch overhauls from Nifty Knitting:
SCP Foundation Pack
SCP-811's accessories
The Battle for Gerosha Story Pack
- Sgt. Luddin accessories
- Fantisk Hebbleskin clothing and accessories
Experiments and Offspring Story Pack
- Anarteq clothing and accessories
- Arrowfrog clothing and accessories
The Gray Champion: Modern Legends Story Pack
- Gray Champion clothing and accessories
- Chillingworth clothing and accessories
- Mapacha clothing and accessories
- Blackviel clothing and accessories
- Brackett clothing and accessories
- Hibbins clothing and accessories
The Cherinob Saga Story Pack
- All Apthalan and Biroot clothing and accessories
The Horrorday Gang Story Pack
- Krampus outfit
- Krampus accessories
- Jerry accessories
- Luca accessories
Task Force Black Rat / Chinese Heroes Pack
- General Feng Shoo's outfit and props
- Plum Bixie mask and jacket
The Anarteq Saga Story Pack
- Anarteq accessories
- Nemara accessories
- Wishpon accessories
- Qalupalik accessories
The Centipede and Fire Saga Story Pack
- Proto suit
- Forfica suits
- Lava Tigre CC
- Drop-In CC
- Sniperbadger outfit
- Purge-Flare outfit and accessories
- Korsicht accessories
- Anito accessories
- Girls Incarcerated IDOC Female Juvie Uniforms
- Quoll accessories
- Duzerit accessories
The Many Masks of Ciem Kit
All mask variants. AmiSwift and G1G2 meshes may be particularly adversely affected.
Sodality: Instigation Story Pack
- Variega suit
- Emeraldon suit
Sodality: Adaptation Story Pack
- Musaran suit
- Lithobara suit
- Sapphire King suits
- Earwig suit
- SCALLOP clothing and accessories
Sodality: Determination Story Pack
- Feruga suit and accessories
- Taterbug suits and accessories
Sodality: Augmentation, Battle for Metheel, and Vindication Story Packs
Still being ascertained.
Swappernetters Story Pack
- Tabitha's gloves
- Feathertop's outfit
All else still to be ascertained.
Volkonir Story Pack
All Knights of Cortascius armored suits, for sure. All other items still to be ascertained.
Far Cry 5: The Will Boyd Set
Boyd's Peggie outfit could be affected. All else is still to be ascertained.
Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers Story Pack
All the Emo Ranger outfits are at risk.
Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff
All Ferris State clothing, and the unisex hat, could be affected.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Sims 2 uploads prioritized
Since the Dell Inspiron 3650 currently operating as Dozerfleet Main is suddenly adverse to the idea of supporting a DirectX 9.c runtime, The Sims 2 no longer runs on it. This means that file uploads will be provided as-is. It also means that Ivan's Vault will be clearing these out before any more Sims 4 items are published. And since there are only 9 entries on the Sims 3 page, those will be prioritized next.
With those games' support uploads cleared out of the vault first, work can resume on TS4 content for that page. Blood Over Water production may get yet another push back to support all this, but there is a rush to wrap up DzMD by the end of June. Other web widgets not related to machinomics are pending for upload. But when they get their pages too, focus will shift away from Dozerfleet Labs, and onto Dozerfleet Comics.
SCP Foundation Pack for Sims 4 available
Click either image to go to the download page.
You can now download Ae and Abby for The Sims 4, courtesy of DzMD!
Emo Rangers now available for TS4!
Click the image above, and learn more about how you can have the Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers in your copy of The Sims 4!