Links to DzMD content have now been made faster and more efficient. All download pages now link directly to the DzMD main page, which functions as the game store.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
The first InZoi-related title is now available for download

In anticipation of the March 28th stated release date for InZoi, DzMD has made several bits of art combining game screenshot art with Krea AI - to propose re-creation of the cast of the Dozerfleet Megaverse inside the world of Krafton's new game. This measure was done this way due to the fact that Dozerfleet Main wasn't powerful enough at the time to run the character creator demo for InZoi.
The first of these character recipe books is now available for download: InZOI: The Cherinob Character Recipe Book. It is set to be followed by Cherinob 2, Cherinob 3, Corando's "Don't Lose Hope", Volkonir, The Trapezoid Kids, Grillitan Diner, and Camelorum Adventures tie-in books, in keeping with the fact that these particular title were previously adapted for The Sims 4: Magic of Movies and Memes Stuff.
Following the release of these recipe books, the Anarteq and Ciem sagas will get their InZoi books, followed by the others.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
The Argon Vole has been patched.
The initial release of The Sims 4: Magic of Movies and Memes Stuff came with a little bit of everything included...though the Argon Vole Knight's armor went missing. It has been patched back in.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Magic of Movies and Memes now has an IMDB page

You can check it out here.
In addition to this, the stuff pack now has its official handbook published, allowing downloaders a whole 311 pages worth of content to know what's included in the pack, and its significance!
With this upload finished, about all that remains to finish the project of Magic of Movies and Memes entirely is the following:
- Cleaning up the wiki articles.
- Cleaning up images and workspace offline.
- Generating a trailer for YouTube.
- Making the wiki article for the trailer.
When this work has commenced, the next project to gain major focus will be the official handbook for the Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo Story Pack for The Sims 4, along with creating a spin-off pack for The Sims 3 dubbed Anarteq: Top of the World. Completion of those works will be followed by the generation of handbooks for:
- The Sims 4: Anarteq: Tropic Mercenary Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Anarteq: Envoy to Lough Melvin Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Ciem: Inferno Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Ciem: Ash Cloud Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Ciem: Caldera Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Sodality: Adaptation and Determination Story Pack
With those handbooks made, the old blog posts set to be cleaned up afterward and the content converted to handbooks will include:
- The Sims 4: Swappernetters: Frontliner Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Swappernetters: The Chrome Kite Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Swappernetters: Supporting Cast Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Swappernetters: Screwworms and Other Villains Story Pack
- The Sims 4: Sodality: Instigation Story Pack
- The Sims 4: The Horrorday Gang Story Pack
Adding The Sims 3: Anarteq: Top of the World Story Pack means that there will be a total of 17 Sims packs still hosted on DzMD. The InZOI character recipe books are also still pending, along with research into making some of the homes from The Gerosha Chronicles into mods for House Flipper 2.