The Sims 4: Magic of Movies and Memes Stuff

The Sims 4: Magic of Movies and Memes Stuff

Stuff Pack | May 21st, 2024

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Over two dozen worlds collide in this pending pack to bring you this mega crossover smorgaspord.

Note: Games themselves are ® and © Electronic Arts. Dozerfleet is not affiliated with EA Games.


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Dakota Dream Stiefel Sim (dog), and as Himself

From Cherinob

Cherinob Sim
Filforth Sim
Levío Sim
Gabriel Sim
Cavalore Sim
Maurice Sim
Kritchobol / Yevghenny Mavoric Sim
Riptchokal Sim
Scorptisquid Corps Sim
Boris Heminski Sim
Illie Sala Sim

From Cherinob 2

Ted Monekite / Leadenfrost AI
Greg Travin Sim
Krystal Travin Sim
Belay Sim
Astirnah Sim
Det. Rick Hallower Sim
Ted Followswir Sim

From Cherinob 3

Soetera Sim
Pakulihi Lekaho / Kamohoalii AI
Radjuatt Sim
Andre Brinkman Sim
Prontchika / Pele Sim

From Corando's "Don't Lose Hope"

Jerry Emberton Sim
Jen Emberton Sim
Spike Monide Sim
Martin Zorge Sim (Servo)
Ruby Emberton Sim (cat)
Kasey Monide Sim
Darshan Chawla Sim
Mahima Zecharia Sim
Ketan Arudash Sim
Adriv Chawla Sim

From Mary Perry's Tepee

Mary Perry Sim
Cassidy Holmine Sim

From The Blue Face Film Strips

Marzwhatti the Lirquinwur Wall decor object

From Volkonir 2008

Cassie Helm Sim
Dereck Tumbline Sim

From Volkonir: The Series

Prince Volkonir Moroti / Vinny Mason Sim
Masato Yoneda Sim
Vantina Rumastik Sim
Dr. Hanom Sim
Vanessa Kwan Sim
King Gwirmalesh Sim
Gwirdon Treaders Sim

From Volkonir and the Knights of Cortascius

Lord Mogabir Sim
King Morlikus Sim
Kayla Tarington Sim
Carlos Modi Sim
Lenny Drae Sim

From Camelorum Adventures

Carly Rancine / Maddening Rod Sim
Barry Navoz / Ion Boy Sim
Emily Barnes / Semaphore Sim
Candace Mason / Lemon Witch Sim
Stan Woudean Sim
Patrick Pitterson Sim
Julie Mulie Sim
Antonio Martinez Sim
Mike Obediah Morrison / MODM Sim
Johnny Geriwall / Lightning Hobo Sim
Jackie Regg / Laney the Laughable Sim
Xiboruty Loxic Sim
Xironooti Loxic Sim

From The Trapezoid Kids

Cornert Mindoche Wall decor object
Polly Mindoche Wall decor object
Enclo Mindoche Wall decor object
Humdrum Mindoche Wall decor object
Spike Sletterman Wall decor object
Stigmie Sletterman Wall decor object
Quadril Ladderale the Rapper Wall decor object
Karen Mindoche Sim
Keith Witterman Sim
Darien Spitz Sim
Mike Mutters Sim

From Grillitan Diner

Wes Sankey Sim
Valerie McMaline Sim
Reggie Schmelding Sim
Bookie Rodriguez Sim
Jenny Kay Sim

From Hana-Barbera's The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible

Derek Sim
Margo Sim
Moki Sim

From Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers

Ross Fretten Sim
Luke Markey Sim
John Penn Sim
Vicken Symes Sim
Stef Braithwaite Sim
Fai Archer Sim

From Star Flops: Curse of the Medium Side

Tiemess the Jithy Knord Sim

From The Master of Disguise

Pistachio Disguisey / Turtle Man Sim

From Italian Spiderman

Franco Franchetti / Italian Spiderman Sim

From The Godfather

Don Vito Corleone Sim

From Far Cry: Absolution

Will Boyd Sim

From Sharknado

Fin Shepherd Sim
April Wexler Sim
Nova Clarke Sim
Claudia Shepherd Sim
Baz Hogan Sim

From Inception

Dominic Cobb Sim
Mallorie Cobb Sim
Hikamora Saito Sim
Ariadne Mavitch Sim
William Eames Sim
Yusuf Ahmtabi Sim
Robert Fischer Jr. Sim
Arthur Freeman Sim

From the SCP Foundation

SCP-811 (Ae) Sim
SCP-053 (Abbey) Sim


Laina Walker / Overly-Attached Girlfriend Sim
Mike Conely / Overly-Manly Man Sim
Tay Zonday / Mr. Chocolate Rain Sim
Zoe Roth / Disaster Girl Sim

Real life locations re-created

  • 7779 E. Mt. Hope Hwy., Grand Ledge, MI, as seen in The Blue Face Film Strips and Volkonir Journals: Attempt #43
  • Kagy Village Apartments, Bozeman, MT, as seen in Volkonir: The Series
  • 703 7th Ave., Brookings, SD, as seen in Cherinob 2
  • Emo Road (Lea Court Apartments), Chelmsford, UK, as seen in Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers

Fictional locations re-created from other properties

  • Sarfina Apartments & Lumile Impruena Sports Complex, Bucharest, Romania, as seen in Cherinob
  • Salt Industry Apartments, Corpus Christi, TX, as alluded to in the epilogue of Cherinob 2
  • Corando's original home, Orono, ME, as alluded to in Corando's "Don't Lose Hope"
  • Chawla Homestead, Bihar, India, as seen in Corando's "Don't Lose Hope"
  • Lenny Drae RV Park, Monida, MT, as seen in Volkonir: Rise of Semaphry
  • Restored Moroti Castle, Mighty Cortascia, Cortascius, as seen in Volkonir and the Knights of Cortascius
  • Gwirmalesh's Evil Lair, Chestnut Mountain, Bozeman, MT, as seen in Volkonir: The Series
  • Grillitan Diner, Dromedary Heights (Lewes), DE, as seen in Grillitan Diner and Camelorum Adventures
  • Camelorum Correctional, Dromedary Heights (Lewes), DE, as seen in Camelorum Adventures
  • Boyd Residence, Hope County, MT, as seen in Far Cry 5
  • Traitor's Bluff, Hope County, MT, as seen in Far Cry New Dawn

Pack-original fictional locations

  • Ramp, Park, and Bar
  • Nalways Starter's Joy
  • MyDeptember Mini-Mall
  • Iqaluk Café
  • Mary Perry's Tepee
  • Honkler Park

Pack includes miscellaneous objects, clothing, makeup, and folder icons related to the following properties:

  • Cherinob
  • Volkonir: The Series
  • Grillitan Diner
  • Camelorum Adventures
  • Ghost Recon
  • Far Cry 5
  • Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers
  • Italian Spiderman
  • The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible
  • Girls Incarcerated
  • Snakes on a Plane
  • Sharknado 2: The Second One
  • SCP Foundation
  • The Trapezoid Kids
  • Iqaluk Café
  • MyDeptember Mini-Mall
  • Star Flops: Curse of the Medium Side

Legal Notices

All brands being freely advertised retain rights to their original trademarks.

  • Brands being advertised are not paid endorsements.
  • The Sims 4 game and associated logos remain EA and Maxis property and trademarks.
  • The Dozerfleet Labs™ logo remains a trademark of Dozerfleet Productions™.
  • The Gerosha Chronicles ™, Gerosha™ logo, and associated characters and fictional buildings are trademarks (™) of Dozerfleet Comics.
  • Volkonir™, The Bison™, and associated characters are trademarks (™) of Dozerfleet Comics.
  • The Trapezoid Kids™, Camelorum Adventures™, Grillitan Diner™, and associated characters and fictional buildings are trademarks (™) of Dozerfleet Comics. Certain characters in the Dromedeverse are inspired by similar characters, which are owned by Chad “Prodigal-Gamer” Patterson. The Pickle Jar is copyright (©) Chad Patterson and Irina Anghel.
  • Iqaluk Cafe™, Mary Perry’s Tepee™, MyDeptember™, and Lumile Impruena™ are all trademarks of Dozerfleet Productions.
  • Mighty Moshin’ Emo Rangers original franchise is copyright (©) Chris Phillips, Nick Pittom, and MTV UK.
  • Ghost Recon and Far Cry video game franchises are copyright (©) Ubisoft.
  • The Master of Disguise film is copyright (©) Sony Pictures.
  • Italian Spiderman original film is copyright (©) 2007 Alrugo Entertainment.
  • The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible and Inception are currently copyrights (©) of Warner Bros.
  • SCP-811 was originally created by Pig_catapult, for use by SCP Foundation Wiki.
  • SCP-053 was originally created by Dr. Gears, for use by SCP Foundation Wiki.
  • The Godfather original film is copyright (©) Paramount Pictures.
  • Sharknado film series is copyright (©) The Asylum.
  • All other franchises being represented through custom content referenced in this handbook remain the property of their respective creators.
  • Sim likenesses to anyone real may or may not be intentional, and should in no way be construed as an accurate modern-day representation of any real-existing individual.

Selling or redistribution publicly without prior consent is strongly discouraged.

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