Over two dozen worlds collide in this pending pack to bring you this mega crossover smorgaspord.
Dakota Dream Stiefel |
Sim (dog), and as Himself |
From Cherinob
Cherinob |
Sim |
Filforth |
Sim |
Levío |
Sim |
Gabriel |
Sim |
Cavalore |
Sim |
Maurice |
Sim |
Kritchobol / Yevghenny Mavoric |
Sim |
Riptchokal |
Sim |
Scorptisquid Corps |
Sim |
Boris Heminski |
Sim |
Illie Sala |
Sim |
From Cherinob 2
Ted Monekite / Leadenfrost |
AI |
Greg Travin |
Sim |
Krystal Travin |
Sim |
Belay |
Sim |
Astirnah |
Sim |
Det. Rick Hallower |
Sim |
Ted Followswir |
Sim |
From Cherinob 3
Soetera |
Sim |
Pakulihi Lekaho / Kamohoalii |
AI |
Radjuatt |
Sim |
Andre Brinkman |
Sim |
Prontchika / Pele |
Sim |
From Corando's "Don't Lose Hope"
Jerry Emberton |
Sim |
Jen Emberton |
Sim |
Spike Monide |
Sim |
Martin Zorge |
Sim (Servo) |
Ruby Emberton |
Sim (cat) |
Kasey Monide |
Sim |
Darshan Chawla |
Sim |
Mahima Zecharia |
Sim |
Ketan Arudash |
Sim |
Adriv Chawla |
Sim |
From Mary Perry's Tepee
Mary Perry |
Sim |
Cassidy Holmine |
Sim |
From The Blue Face Film Strips
Marzwhatti the Lirquinwur |
Wall decor object |
From Volkonir 2008
Cassie Helm |
Sim |
Dereck Tumbline |
Sim |
From Volkonir: The Series
Prince Volkonir Moroti / Vinny Mason |
Sim |
Masato Yoneda |
Sim |
Vantina Rumastik |
Sim |
Dr. Hanom |
Sim |
Vanessa Kwan |
Sim |
King Gwirmalesh |
Sim |
Gwirdon Treaders |
Sim |
From Volkonir and the Knights of Cortascius
Lord Mogabir |
Sim |
King Morlikus |
Sim |
Kayla Tarington |
Sim |
Carlos Modi |
Sim |
Lenny Drae |
Sim |
From Camelorum Adventures
Carly Rancine / Maddening Rod |
Sim |
Barry Navoz / Ion Boy |
Sim |
Emily Barnes / Semaphore |
Sim |
Candace Mason / Lemon Witch |
Sim |
Stan Woudean |
Sim |
Patrick Pitterson |
Sim |
Julie Mulie |
Sim |
Antonio Martinez |
Sim |
Mike Obediah Morrison / MODM |
Sim |
Johnny Geriwall / Lightning Hobo |
Sim |
Jackie Regg / Laney the Laughable |
Sim |
Xiboruty Loxic |
Sim |
Xironooti Loxic |
Sim |
From The Trapezoid Kids
Cornert Mindoche |
Wall decor object |
Polly Mindoche |
Wall decor object |
Enclo Mindoche |
Wall decor object |
Humdrum Mindoche |
Wall decor object |
Spike Sletterman |
Wall decor object |
Stigmie Sletterman |
Wall decor object |
Quadril Ladderale the Rapper |
Wall decor object |
Karen Mindoche |
Sim |
Keith Witterman |
Sim |
Darien Spitz |
Sim |
Mike Mutters |
Sim |
From Grillitan Diner
Wes Sankey |
Sim |
Valerie McMaline |
Sim |
Reggie Schmelding |
Sim |
Bookie Rodriguez |
Sim |
Jenny Kay |
Sim |
From Hana-Barbera's The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible
Derek |
Sim |
Margo |
Sim |
Moki |
Sim |
From Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers
Ross Fretten |
Sim |
Luke Markey |
Sim |
John Penn |
Sim |
Vicken Symes |
Sim |
Stef Braithwaite |
Sim |
Fai Archer |
Sim |
From Star Flops: Curse of the Medium Side
Tiemess the Jithy Knord |
Sim |
From The Master of Disguise
Pistachio Disguisey / Turtle Man |
Sim |
From Italian Spiderman
Franco Franchetti / Italian Spiderman |
Sim |
From The Godfather
From Far Cry: Absolution
From Sharknado
Fin Shepherd |
Sim |
April Wexler |
Sim |
Nova Clarke |
Sim |
Claudia Shepherd |
Sim |
Baz Hogan |
Sim |
From Inception
Dominic Cobb |
Sim |
Mallorie Cobb |
Sim |
Hikamora Saito |
Sim |
Ariadne Mavitch |
Sim |
William Eames |
Sim |
Yusuf Ahmtabi |
Sim |
Robert Fischer Jr. |
Sim |
Arthur Freeman |
Sim |
From the SCP Foundation
SCP-811 (Ae) |
Sim |
SCP-053 (Abbey) |
Sim |
Laina Walker / Overly-Attached Girlfriend |
Sim |
Mike Conely / Overly-Manly Man |
Sim |
Tay Zonday / Mr. Chocolate Rain |
Sim |
Zoe Roth / Disaster Girl |
Sim |
Real life locations re-created
- 7779 E. Mt. Hope Hwy., Grand Ledge, MI, as seen in The Blue Face Film Strips and Volkonir Journals: Attempt #43
- Kagy Village Apartments, Bozeman, MT, as seen in Volkonir: The Series
- 703 7th Ave., Brookings, SD, as seen in Cherinob 2
- Emo Road (Lea Court Apartments), Chelmsford, UK, as seen in Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers
Fictional locations re-created from other properties
- Sarfina Apartments & Lumile Impruena Sports Complex, Bucharest, Romania, as seen in Cherinob
- Salt Industry Apartments, Corpus Christi, TX, as alluded to in the epilogue of Cherinob 2
- Corando's original home, Orono, ME, as alluded to in Corando's "Don't Lose Hope"
- Chawla Homestead, Bihar, India, as seen in Corando's "Don't Lose Hope"
- Lenny Drae RV Park, Monida, MT, as seen in Volkonir: Rise of Semaphry
- Restored Moroti Castle, Mighty Cortascia, Cortascius, as seen in Volkonir and the Knights of Cortascius
- Gwirmalesh's Evil Lair, Chestnut Mountain, Bozeman, MT, as seen in Volkonir: The Series
- Grillitan Diner, Dromedary Heights (Lewes), DE, as seen in Grillitan Diner and Camelorum Adventures
- Camelorum Correctional, Dromedary Heights (Lewes), DE, as seen in Camelorum Adventures
- Boyd Residence, Hope County, MT, as seen in Far Cry 5
- Traitor's Bluff, Hope County, MT, as seen in Far Cry New Dawn
Pack-original fictional locations
- Ramp, Park, and Bar
- Nalways Starter's Joy
- MyDeptember Mini-Mall
- Iqaluk Café
- Mary Perry's Tepee
- Honkler Park
Pack includes miscellaneous objects, clothing, makeup, and folder icons related to the following properties:
- Cherinob
- Volkonir: The Series
- Grillitan Diner
- Camelorum Adventures
- Ghost Recon
- Far Cry 5
- Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers
- Italian Spiderman
- The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible
- Girls Incarcerated
- Snakes on a Plane
- Sharknado 2: The Second One
- SCP Foundation
- The Trapezoid Kids
- Iqaluk Café
- MyDeptember Mini-Mall
- Star Flops: Curse of the Medium Side
Legal Notices
All brands being freely advertised retain rights to their original trademarks.
- Brands being advertised are not paid endorsements.
- The Sims 4 game and associated logos remain EA and Maxis property and trademarks.
- The Dozerfleet Labs™ logo remains a trademark of Dozerfleet Productions™.
- The Gerosha Chronicles ™, Gerosha™ logo, and associated characters and fictional buildings are trademarks (™) of Dozerfleet Comics.
- Volkonir™, The Bison™, and associated characters are trademarks (™) of Dozerfleet Comics.
- The Trapezoid Kids™, Camelorum Adventures™, Grillitan Diner™, and associated characters and fictional buildings are trademarks (™) of Dozerfleet Comics. Certain characters in the Dromedeverse are inspired by similar characters, which are owned by Chad “Prodigal-Gamer” Patterson. The Pickle Jar is copyright (©) Chad Patterson and Irina Anghel.
- Iqaluk Cafe™, Mary Perry’s Tepee™, MyDeptember™, and Lumile Impruena™ are all trademarks of Dozerfleet Productions.
- Mighty Moshin’ Emo Rangers original franchise is copyright (©) Chris Phillips, Nick Pittom, and MTV UK.
- Ghost Recon and Far Cry video game franchises are copyright (©) Ubisoft.
- The Master of Disguise film is copyright (©) Sony Pictures.
- Italian Spiderman original film is copyright (©) 2007 Alrugo Entertainment.
- The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible and Inception are currently copyrights (©) of Warner Bros.
- SCP-811 was originally created by Pig_catapult, for use by SCP Foundation Wiki.
- SCP-053 was originally created by Dr. Gears, for use by SCP Foundation Wiki.
- The Godfather original film is copyright (©) Paramount Pictures.
- Sharknado film series is copyright (©) The Asylum.
- All other franchises being represented through custom content referenced in this handbook remain the property of their respective creators.
- Sim likenesses to anyone real may or may not be intentional, and should in no way be construed as an accurate modern-day representation of any real-existing individual.
Selling or redistribution publicly without prior consent is strongly discouraged.
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