Check the Games tab to find it. After this, the Cherinob 3 book for InZoi is pending. This will be followed by The Trapezoid Kids, Grillitan Diner, Camelorum Adventures, Corando, and Volkonir. Every property that was adapted for The Sims 4: Magic of Movies and Memes Stuff is getting an InZoi book first. When these are cleared from the slate, work will resume on Anarteq: Top of the World for The Sims 3. Work on the wiki articles for Anarteq in gaming will also resume. Once Top of the World is finished, the booklets for the Anarteq adaptations for Sims 4 will be worked on, followed by the InZoi recipes for the Anarteq cast. This will be followed by Sims 4 handbooks and InZoi recipe books for the other Sims adaptation properties from the old catalog, especially The Horrorday Gang.
The final franchise to get InZoi and Sims 4 booklets will be the Centipede and Fire Saga, culiminating in the writing of Ciem: Inferno the novel, and work on the actual comic for Blood Over Water. With these done, and Purge-Flare possibly getting a repackage, the novels will likely get a bright future. Game modding will eventually be phased out. However, Dozerfleet Labs will still host the existing titles, along with the software and crafts of Dozerfleet.