Saturday, April 8, 2023

Hassler's Cabal finally added to the Frontliner Story Pack

At long last, Pete Hassler's cabal gets their main headquarters added to the Swappernetters: Frontliner Story Pack for The Sims 4. This addition is to celebrate the fact that the apartment complex where Hassler is set to be in-universe has now been officially defined as the Forest Place Apartments of Little Rock. Lack of scouting in 2020 for an actual location for Hassler's apartment led to use of in-game defaults from the Eco Lifestyle apartments, which aren't guaranteed accurate to the floor plans of any real life apartment.

This setup makes it harder for Hassler to hide his activities with Frontliners than in the previous draft, resulting in visitors seldom coming to his door other than Atroce and Triflow.

Another noteworthy detail about Hassler's apartment is that this version is safer for download. The original wasn't included on DzMD, due to its requiring TwistedMexi's T.O.O.L. mod. This version can get by without it. The floor plan for Hassler's apartment is the Magnolia plan.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Revisions to the Swappernetters Frontliner Story Pack

The Swappernetters: Frontliner Story Pack has been revised as of 4/4/2023. The old Trista Clarion and Bret Kamhold cabal HQ houses, which were draft concepts, are still available for download. However, they are now offered alongside new models, which take their designs based on real homes in the Little Rock area.

Trista's home is especially noteworthy, given how connected it was to other places in the original draft. However, the structure and terrain needed for a house like that in real-life Little Rock was too far from downtown to be practical. The new address for Trista's base of operations for her cabal is now specified to be located at 1524 W. 19th St. in Little Rock.

Kamhold's hideout also has a real address now, in nearby North Little Rock. His new hideout is 914 Roseclair Dr. While not nearly as functional as the original hideout, it is consistent with real world geography. It also reflects how Kamhold wouldn't necessarily be operating with the same generous budget as Trista, in spite Steve Trussel and other benefactors at the top of the chain financing both cabal bosses.