This pack is primarily focused around the Free Agents, Frontliners, and Frontline Bosses that make up the main hero factions in Swappernetters. If intrigued, don't forget to also check out the Chrome Kite Story Pack! Also, there is one for miscellaneous heroes and supporting cast, and another one still for villains not directly related to the Chrome Kite.
About Swappernetter Society
Swappernetter Operations

All the Fosters, Professors, Chaplains, Free Agents, and Frontline Bosses answer, in their own words: "First to God, second to each other, third to Mr. Trussel, and we pretend the Chrome Kite is fourth." All Fosters, Professors, Chaplains, Free Agents, and Frontline Bosses have a common enemy in Gina Swinton.
Especially for the faithful among them; focus on preserving faith, Law, and Gospel understanding and belief among members is considered a top priority. A secondary priority, only slightly less and shared even for the less-religious among Swappernetters, is defeating Gina's evil curriculum, a practice dubbed "Mantiswork."
However, each Frontline Boss is permitted to emphasize tackling of one of Trussel's other targets: Mousework (sabotaging and distracting the Hgs, military, and the Screwworms), Mancerwork (bringing down the Tug), Bluepaxwork (keeping the regular police hostilities minimized), Bunnywork (relaying data with outside sympathizers), Corazowork (charity), CReNwork (hacking and cybersecurity ops), Roosterwork (undermining state propaganda), and Frontwork (cover jobs, to maintain illusion of conformity to Chrome Kite society.)
To learn more, please visit the article about this on the Dozerfleet Database.
Downloadable Lots
Clarion Cabal HQ
1524 W. 19th St.

This house became Trista's base of operations shortly after she retired from Lambrelli Labs. She scouted, and knew this particular home, in need of some TLC, was the ideal one to choose for her new life in Swappernetter society. It later served well her plans for destroying the Tug and overthrowing the Chrome Kite. She emphasized building the catacombs and basement hospital first, wasting very little on renovating other floors of the home until her main operation was up and running.
Any improvements to the house from its trashed state when she bought it, have been the result of various volunteers that she's hired periodically. Steve Trussel also helps funnel spare funds to her, to ensure she can always hire help under the table in getting her home fixed up.
This home becomes the main base of operations for the Twirlflame Trio as well, though they do sometimes take up housing with other cabals. In response to Bliksemhek's rampage, Clamdor and Arbini's paranoia kicked into high gear. They began launching missiles at targets where they'd heard rumors of teens hanging out, in the hopes that they might kill a few Frontliners along the way. Trista and her house are both eventually destroyed by one of these missiles; though that particular missile failed to kill a single Frontliner.
Trista's house being destroyed led to what was left of the Chrome Kite losing all legitimacy. They did what they could to keep a stranglehold of fear over Arkansas; but ultimately lost when Ciem assisted the Twirlflame Trio in finally taking down the Tug. An epic showdown in Little Rock led to the Chrome Kite finally falling, and to justice finally being served for Trista's death.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs


- File size: 332 KB
- Lot size: 40 x 30
- Lot value (furnished): $121,143
- Lot type: Residential
- File last shared to Gallery: 4/4/2023
- Bedrooms: 4*
- Bathrooms: 2
- Lot traits: N/A
- Gallery hashtags: #swappernetters #dozerfleet #gerosha #Realhouses #reallife
* There are two obvious bedrooms on the second floor. Trista's bedroom is on the first floor, but there's a basement bedroom as well. There's also a hidden room in the basement, which serves as a mission control and as a passageway to the catacombs that lead to an ally's house. This set of hidden rooms also contains a secret hospital for Frontliners. This hospital, when not in use, functions additionally as a bedroom.
To install, unzip and place all files into your Tray folder.
1524 W. 19th St. Little Rock, AR at MediaFire (297.92 KB)
Original draft house

This house was the draft for Trista's house from December of 2017 until April of 2023, when it was replaced with a build that more closely matches real-world Little Rock geography.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

- File size: 271 KB
- Lot size: 40 x 30
- Lot value (furnished): $155,700
- Lot type: Residential
- File last shared to Gallery: 8/1/2020
- Bedrooms: 3*
- Bathrooms: 3**
- Lot traits: Home Studio, Peace and Quiet, Private Dwelling
- Gallery hashtags: #swappernetters #dozerfleet #gerosha
* There are two obvious bedrooms on the second floor. Trista's hidden room in the basement, which serves as a mission control and as a passageway to the catacombs that lead to the subway system, doubles as a secret hospital for Frontliners. This hospital, when not in use, functions additionally as a bedroom.
** The one bush in the back yard makes for a technical third bathroom. There is one obvious bathroom on the first floor, and another on the second.
To install, unzip and place all files into your Tray folder.
Original Draft Clarion Cabal HQ at MediaFire (233.79 KB)
Hassler Cabal HQ

Located at the real-life Forest Place Apartments in Little Rock, Hassler lives inside one of the Magnolia floor plan apartments. This location isn't ideal for many Frontliners to meet with him directly, though he does remotely recruit hackers from this location. He pretends to be working with Birch Thunders, but secretly uses this base to undermine Hatori Ikomara and Will Clamdor - and sometimes also to undermine Richard Swean.
Hassler has unofficially adopted Triflow, who has no place else to go, and isn't as adept at parkour or wilderness survival as many other Frontliners have become, due to her special health needs. For a time, Hassler housed Atroce here - until Atroce was assassinated by Lady Chillingworth.
Note: The first floor in this package is only an entry / placeholder / shell. The second floor is dedicated to Hassler's actual apartment, making this lot more of a set than a full-blown apartment complex.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

- File size: 165 KB
- Lot size: 30 x 20
- Lot value (furnished): $69,639
- Lot type: Residential
- File last shared to Gallery: 4/8/2023
- Bedrooms: 2*
- Bathrooms: 2
- Lot traits: Home Studio, Eco Lot, Fast WiFi
- Gallery hashtags: #Swappernetters, #littlerock, #apartment, #arkansas, #reallife, #real, #dozerfleet, #gerosha
* The sofa in Hassler's living room contains a hidden Murphy bed, allowing his living room to technically double as a third bedroom.
Hassler's Cabal HQ at MediaFire (148.54 KB)
Kamhold Cabal HQ
924 Roseclair Dr. North Little Rock

Always the rebel, Kamhold may have had to leave behind life as a Navyrope Enforcer due to his age - but the Navyrope Society in him was still very much alive. While Clarion and Hassler were willing to game Arbini's secretaries to maintain an air of legitimacy while plotting to bring the Chrome Kite down, Kamhold chose to take up hidden residence in a fenced-off property that was off the grid.
With his own satellite feed via his Navyrope connections handy, Kamhold is only as online as he needs to be, ever - only just enough to keep the mission alive! Now, your Sims can live in this home!
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs


- File size: 135 KB
- Lot size: 30 x 20
- Lot value (furnished): $58,109
- Lot type: Residential
- File last shared to Gallery: 4/4/2023
- Bedrooms: 2*
- Bathrooms: 1**
- Lot traits: N/A
- Gallery hashtags: #swappernetters #dozerfleet #gerosha #real #realhouse
* Note: The living room sofa is a Murphy bed, and therefore makes the living room technically count as an extra bedroom.
To install, unzip and place all files into your Tray folder.
924 Roseclair Dr. at MediaFire (120.6 KB)
Original draft Kamhold hideouse

If using a fox hole to leave the property is your idea of an awesome daily commute, then this home may be the place for you! This version of Kamhold's hideout was drafted before serious geography research on Little Rock had been conducted, and is no longer canon to Earth-G7. However, you can still download it.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

- File size: 201 KB
- Lot size: 30 x 20
- Lot value (furnished): $53,814
- Lot type: Tiny Living Residential
- File last shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- Bedrooms: 2*
- Bathrooms: 2**
- Lot traits: Off the Grid, Great Soil, Private Dwelling
- Gallery hashtags: #swappernetters #dozerfleet #gerosha
* Note: The living room sofa is a Murphy bed, and therefore makes the living room technically count as a second bedroom.
** Note: There is a bush that can be used as a second toilet.
To install, unzip and place all files into your Tray folder.
Kamhold Cabal HQ at MediaFire (181.7 KB)
Downloadable Characters
Trista Clarion's Cabal :
Trista Clarion

Frontline Boss
Trista needed something to do, as she reached retirement age from Lambrelli Labs. She and Rev. Beauregard believed aiding the Swappernetters was the ideal charity of choice. Matt Gumbery was dead due to the Chrome Kite, and that meant that Pete Hassler and Brett Kamhold now had more Frontliners than they could manage. Trista stepped in to fill the void. A few other Frontline Bosses would also join in, until Frontliners had no shortage of cabals to work for.
Having mastered the catacombs that the Sodality Church helped build underneath Little Rock, Trista buys up an old, run-down house that's been boarded up - determined to reinvent it as one of many bases of operations that Frontliners can use as a safehouse. A hidden compartment within the basement also functions as a makeshift hospital - as well as a hidden mission control room, and catacomb entrance. She turns the upstairs into two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a large classroom - all of which can be used for hiding Frontliners that need to lay low! The downstairs appears as being ordinary enough.
Trista begins to bond with the Twirlflame Trio in particular, considering these three kids to be like family to her. All the same; she encourages them to sometimes take jobs with other Frontline Bosses. By making sure they aren't with her 100% of the time, her association with Tabitha in particular can become harder to pinpoint by authorities. While Sarah has by far caused more trouble; Tabitha is the one that needs to stay hidden the most. She's not hated for being a troublemaker. She's hated, simply for being the daughter of the sidekick of the Gray Champion.
Trista is stern, but understanding and loving, when working as mission control. She knows that a few mistakes too many are all it would take, and a missile could come crashing down right on top of her! Module's death in 2015 was not forgotten!
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Elder
- Traits: Computer Whiz, Quick Learner, Perfectionist, Geek, Maker
- File shared to Gallery: 8/1/2020
- File size: 12 KB

Trista holds a meeting in her improvised classroom for Swappernetter students - where Beauregard and several other Professors periodically teach, when the Chrome Kite isn't looking.
Trista Clarion at MediaFire (82 KB)
Rev. Renald Reginald Beauregard

Beauregard was still a vicar at the time, but his Sodality Church career kicked into overdrive when the Battle for Cincinnati ensued. He soon got promoted, and found himself a few years later in Iowa, aiding the Exodus Agenda. He got to meet the legendary Plum Bixie - and even counsel her! He knew Trista from before, while he was at seminary. She was friends with his mother, who also worked with Trista at Lambrelli Labs. Therefore, in addition to ministry, Beauregard took up some interest in engineering.
When the Exodus Agenda was attacked by Hebbleskins at the border with Texas, Beauregard was among the few survivors. He recalled hearing rumors that many were captured, and that the captured were mostly executed in an improvised Hebbleskin death camp.
It didn't take long for him to settle in Little Rock, where he reunited with Trista to aid the Swappernetters with their personal quest to defeat a state monopoly on education. While he shifts around servicing the children of various fosters, he primarily works for Trista's cabal.

Beuregard and the Twirlflame Trio.
Beauregard seldom gets directly involved in anything Frontliners do; but is ready to facilitate them on activities that aren't explicitly illegal. He longs for a day when they can overthrow the Chrome Kite, step out of the shadows, and embrace law and order more fully.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Adult
- Traits: Nerd Brain, Quick Learner, Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Good
- File shared to Gallery: 8/1/2020
- File size: 8 KB
Rev. Beauregard at MediaFire (78.16 KB)
Tabitha Pang

Frontliner - Decoy
- Jolt Figment (comms codename)
- Vanessa Chartruese (workforce alias)
- Ulzzang Brat (by the Hgs)
Early life
Tabitha was born in 2013, as the daughter of Gray Champion sidekick Hea Pang and SCALLOP Junior Agent-in-Training Kyle Medsor. This makes her the granddaughter of Joo-Chin Pang, one of the founders of Swappernetter Society - along with Anthony Parnel. She grew up idolizing Candi Flippo-McArthur, known better to the world as "Ciem." To the point that she even dressed as Ciem on Halloween one year!
She was raised in pretty much all the same professions as her mother regarding Order of the Oraphim business, though she didn't share Hea's interest in running a history museum. Her ambition in life was to become a nurse, though she also didn't mind being a traceuse. Her father perished in battle against Eqquibus, one of the Gray Champion's deadliest 21st-century enemies.
As a toddler, she was relocated from her early life in Boston to Jonesboro, AR. This was due to the fall of Boston under an invasion by Halal Affadidah's ISIS-like forces, being facilitated by Screwworm Network goons Brackett and Hibbins - who were there mostly to keep John Domeck at bay. She began hero-worshiping Candi after the Battle for Cincinnati, in which it was Ciem that helped the Gray Champion defeat Eric Korsicht.
She was homeschooled for most of her early life. But right before turning 13, the Beliah Amendment Enforcements kicked into overdrive. For keeping the Pusher's Ruby from falling into the wrong hands, as well as saving her friends from being murdered by Screwworms who were filling SJCC with poisonous gas, Tabby was eventually sentenced to serve 3 years at the Mansfield Juvenile Center.
Most of the inmates didn't feel like Tabby deserved to be there, as she had acted heroically. Yet, as the Chrome Kite politicized its justice system into anything but justice; more and more political prisoners began filling the facility. Attempts on her life were met with supernatural brute force, as Maurice the Ferryman began assassinating those who ignored a stern command from God that Tabitha was not to be harmed while she was inside Mansfield.
Three days before she was to be released, Tabby and her cellmate Sarah were abducted by Chrome Kite thugs from right out of the prison. The goons decided that to get around Maurice, they would smuggle the girls into Ameristan. They stripped the girls naked and tied them up, with plans to execute them inside an abandoned home via gunshot to the head. Their reasoning was that if this plan failed, the krokodil zombies would deal with the girls instead.
However, a gone-rogue SCALLOP agent, Shaniqua Tamery, executed the goons first. Shaniqua had to vanish; but an army of krokodil zombies heading for the girls' location found itself being mowed down by the mysterious "Plum Bixie" - thought to have died years ago. On the other hand, this new Plum Bixie wore a fox mask, and seldom spoke. No one was sure if it were the actual Zize Choi underneath or not.
A new life
After getting back inside of Arknoia with help from Tobias Reno, Tabby and Sarah met with Trista Clarion and Rev. Renald Reginald Beauregard. After getting involved a bit in Frontliner activity, Tabby and her friends quickly figured out that Hassler's Jill Hook recruit was a spy. Jill responds to this by becoming Lady Chillingworth full stop, threatening all of them to the next level. This leads to Lady Chillingworth and the Hgs and Stagtars capturing several students and Frontliners, with Jill killing Atroce.
Wishing to ensure that Atroce didn't die in vain, Tabby and Sarah hatch a plan to borrow whatever hidden rubies Hea had left, after finding a way to sneak back onto the property Hea was on. Their plan was to use it to fulfill Marge's wish to retire, by taking her Mapacha del Feugo powers and splitting them among Tabby and her two allies.
Hea couldn't let Hester's Locket be found, ever. So instead, she handed off a weaker, yet, similar ruby. Hea was later incarcerated for no reason at all. The new "Twirlflame Trio" then took off to Marge's house, and began the power transfer. Yet, Marge wasn't careful about hiding what had happened, via signal spoofing. As such, her lack of Marlquaan bond readily tipped off the Chrome Kite that she had passed her powers to someone else! Marge was also sent back to prison.
Tabby learned about John's tenuous situation to the northwest, and vowed she'd do whatever she could to get her family put back together. For her, that made this quest to destroy the Chrome Kite personal! Her boyfriend, Jordan Sterlie, had become a Frontliner as well. However, he was working for Kamhold, rather than Trista. She longed for a day when the two of them could develop their relationship in a more meaningful direction. Yet, they needed to focus on their work for the time being.

Tabitha turns herself in to Geoff Throba over inspiring Bliksemhek's rampage.
Carelessness by the regime led to a miniature Marlquaan storm turning Erica Johann into Bliksemhek, after the latter picked a fight with Tabby and lost. The mentally unstable Erica blamed Tabby for her hellish transformation into the monster, leading to her hating Tabby most of all.
Witnessing the carnage that she'd inspired, Tabby decided to invoke Geoff's help to smuggle herself to Texas, to complete her mission, knowing SCALLOP would place her in protective custody. Turning herself in to Geoff didn't end well for the latter, as it led to him getting killed by Bliksemhek.
Finally, Tabby and her Twirlflame Trio friends found a way into Texas together. Tabby cuts a deal so that Sarah and Tobias can lead reconstruction efforts after the Chrome Kite is taken down. However, in exchange, she has to do the protective custody time that Lex assigned initially to the other two - along with her own. Having two years in prison to look forward to, Tabby makes the deal - with Jordan vowing to wait for her.
She gets a deal struck to get her mother held until after the Battle for Little Rock inside SWCC, and gets Candi out of Houston Women's to help her and her friends finally take the Tug down. This leads to a showdown with Feathertop, followed by the Chrome Kite pulling out all stops when the Sodality arrives. To everyone's shock, Extirwraith reveals that Clamdor injured the Tomte, invoking the wrath of Krampus - and the inhabitants of Nordreichdunn.
A shaky alliance forged, as the Nordreichdunni forces joined the Sodality, the military of Toklisana, the Navyropes, and the Swappernetters to take down the Chrome Kite once and for all. However, this victory was still a ways away from being able to restore the United States. Tabby also made a deal, and spent the next two years in SWCC. To her benefit, almost everyone else she loved as able to go free.
Eventually, both her mother and Jordan's were able to find love again, and marry. Jordan changed his last name to Steel as well, and adopted Samantha after she was discovered to be his Phaletori-created Marlquaanite genetic half-clone. Tabby and Jordan eventually marry, and have a child of their own: Trevar Steel. Giving up her powers in 2040, Tabby retires from Frontliner work completely, and becomes a nurse, as she once planned to.
Abilities and motives
Tabby can run really fast, perform all manner of parkour stunts, run on air, and can generate a flame trail behind her if she runs next to her friends. Also like Mapacha, she has enhanced strength and rapid healing. She gained an additional ability from the power transfer: the ability to emit a signal that causes temporary nerve paralysis in the legs of her targets.
For her, this is all about family. The Icy Finger had cost her the chance to ever know her father. They had taken her mother away from her. They had taken away John, who was like a grandfather to her. They had killed her grandmother. They had put her "aunt" Marge in prison - again! As for her childhood idol, Candi? Also a political prisoner, due to the Icy Finger's meddling in politics! They threaten the Swappernetters - her new, current family. They destroyed the Sodality of Gerosha - which was also like family to her.
Enough was enough. Most of them didn't have traditional family. So hurting their families would be meaningless. All the Society of the Icy Finger (and Chrome Kite by extension) valued, was their raw lust for godlike power. So she was going to take that away from them. Forever.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims (Note: Deprecated. Feel free to use a more updated height slider if you choose. Tabby is about 5'4", same as Candi.)
- Fingerless Gloves for Women by Moicom on Mod the Sims
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Rennaisance Sim, Quick Learner, Maker, Active, Perfectionist
- Celebrity Data: Notable Newcomer
- File shared to Gallery: 8/1/2020
- File size: 12 KB
Tabitha Pang at MediaFire (76.67 KB)
Sarah Ruben

Frontliner - Infiltrator
- Plum Kitten (comms codename)
- Mona Reece (workforce alias)
- Specter Turd (by the Hgs)
Early life
Tabitha may have adopted the Swappernetter lifestyle, having been born with the Order of the Oraphim as her real destiny. But Sarah? She was a part of the movement, since long before birth! Sarah lost her family early on, while state officials in Arkansas, prodded on by Obama officials, were pushing Arkansas to eliminate all matter and form of learning apart from the very strict Common Core curriculum.
She was 3, when the FBI in 2015 showed up at her father's door, and blew him away. She managed to escape, hiding, scared, with Sneakernet Underground-affiliated neighbors, while her mother was slaughtered like an animal. She always wished she could uncover answers as to why her family was subjected to a Ruby Ridge-style massacre. Yet, she feared she'd never know the real reason. Perhaps what angered her the most...was that the news media never even made mention of it, not even on local news! It was as if her family never existed!
Theories raced throughout her head from age 11 onward. Was that really the FBI, or were those FPB in disguise? Were they Hebbleskins? UN? NWO? Screwworms? CIA? LGBTQPIZON militants? Phaletori? Rogue SCALLOP agents? Who hated the Ruben clan enough to pose as FBI, and slaughter everyone they could find in the house? No single answer seemed any more or less credible than the last one. But the lack of any media coverage told her that it was someone powerful, who had a lot to hide - and needed her parents dead!
She jumped around from foster to foster since her parents' demise, a drifter in the world - seeing the entire world as her real classroom. The idea of swapping lessons on flash drives, and living freely apart from that, always appealed to her. The thrill of needing to avoid capture by statists hellbent on taking that freedom away from her, the sense of danger that came with that, only upped her desire to keep doing it. She got to resist evil and resist illegitimate authority, and be a "rebel" in a noble fashion - without having to shame God in order to do it!
Yet, she always wondered if she'd ever be willing to give it all up. If there were ever anything more immediate, concrete, and Earthly, that she'd ever be willing to surrender all that freedom for. What could be worth it?
Her answer came to her in the summer of 2026. During the Beliah Amendment Enforcement crackdowns, the various still-active factions with vested interests in filling the power vacuum left by the Hebbleskins' defeat came to a head. It seemed like an agenda free-for-all. Discovering that Sarah was an inactive Phexo with potential to become a Centhuen Prototype, SCALLOP's new director, Lex Philippine, wasted no time trying to secure her internment at the SCALLOP Juvenile Containment Center. He reasoned that if she ever manifested, she'd be viewed by the Screwworms as a new Ciem. They remembered well what Candi McArthur and Michelle Winston had done as Chilopod Crusaders, and were hellbent to ensure there'd never be another one!
Around that time, the ultra-leftists in power in Arkansas (who got in via vote fraud) decided that the best approach to dealing with an aggressive new Rappaccini onslaught - was to simply give Arkansas to him! The need to capture Kirby Act targets for their safety, while also coordinating Team Spaghetti Liberation behind everyone's back, led to SCALLOP's Lex Philippine deciding that protecting Arkansas was a low priority. The Phaletori, and the growing situation on Phaeleel, only further complicated matters.
With multiple factions all after the Swappernetters for one reason or another, Sarah and her then-current professor found themselves in a dire situation. In order to give her professor a chance to escape; Sarah agreed to go with SCALLOP. On trumped-up charges of trespassing, among other details, they placed her in SJCC as an Altered Delinquent - low-level threat. She became cellmates with Tabitha Pang, and introduced the latter to thinking like a Frontliner.
The two girls would help themselves, Jordan Sterlie, Frank McArthur, and fellow Frontliner Tobais Reno to escape from SJCC alive, when the Screwworms ovewhelmed it. However, they were unable to save the hundreds of others inside - who were killed with poisonous gas. Jordan reassured Tabby of his love for her; but that he needed to relay to the Navyropes what all was going on. He promised to become a Frontliner, and would wait for her to join him.
Tobias decided that he needed to take his chance at freedom. In case Jordan didn't find Tabby, someone else would have to. However, escorting Frank to safety meant that Tabby would need to stay behind in Texas - and turn herself in. Sarah decided to stay with Tabby, so the latter wouldn't be entirely alone and without an ally in an Arkansas juvenile center.
Tabby and Sarah would become like sisters, and live that way for the better part of three years at Mansfield. Most of the staff was surprisingly supportive and morally encouraging - until the final few months, when supportive and caring staff were deemed "traitors" by the Chrome Kite. Brutal new staff were put in charge - which led to Maurice the Ferryman directly threatening harm to anyone who tried to kill the girls while they were inside Mansfield.
Due to Plum Bixie and Shaniqua Tamery's meddling, an attempt by said Chrome Kite goons to kidnap the two girls and assassinate them in Ameristan was foiled. Tabby and Sarah met up later with Tobias in Little Rock, and became part of Trista Clarion's cabal.
Abilities and field role

Sarah walks through a wall to avoid capture.
When inheriting Marge's Mapacha del Feugo powers, Sarah inherited most of the same abilities as Tabby; with one key difference: Sarah didn't have the neural ray to incapacitate enemies. Instead, she gained a very limited W axis traversal capability, allowing her to effectively walk through walls on a whim. Therefore, when stealing intel to bring the Tug down, Sarah is the primary thief.
She goes back and forth with Tabby on leading and masterminding operations in the field - that is, when Trista doesn't come up with a better idea first. The two girls feed off each other's strengths. This means that Sarah is the prime burglar; whereas Tabby is usually a decoy.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Loverett Sims Utility Belt
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Friend of the World, Gregarious, Outgoing, Kleptomaniac, Bro
- File shared to Gallery: 8/1/2020
- File size: 9 KB
Sarah Ruben at MediaFire (83.15 KB)
Tobias Reno

Frontliner - Muscle
- Diceroy (comms codename)
- Jake Hambone (workforce alias)
- Crowbar Crackhead (by the Hgs)
Early life and ambitions
Tobias, like Sarah, has been on the streets for most of his life also. While Sarah had inactive Centhuen Prototype genes, Tobias was an inactive Leaper - leading to him having potential to be the next Jackrabbit. In spite this, he was more interested in being like Emeraldon. But whereas Sarah was more interested in construction directly, Tobias cared more specifically about interior design.
Becoming a Frontliner
Right as Trista Clarion was beginning to get into the act of being a Frontline Boss, Tobias made a point of joining her cabal. He maintained good working relations with Navyrope Jordan Sterlie, who showed interest in joining Brett Kamhold's cabal. He was also dating Francine Smith, a Student-class Swappernetter who wasn't designated as a Frontliner (and had no interest in becoming one.) In spite this, he had some feelings for Sarah. And also saw fellow Frontliner Katrina Nelson as a big sister.
In one day, however, Tobias' semi-comfortable world came crashing down. Corrupt Rep. Rick Weimder, suspected of Icy Finger ties by SCALLOP, sent Screwworms disguised as SWAT after the Nelson family. Tobias himself barely escaped the onslaught alive. He was soon captured under Kirby Act reasoning guidelines by Agent Tyler Frenzel. Tobias soon found himself in SCALLOP Juvenile Containment Center; though he had a problem with the fact that he had effectively been incarcerated for no reason at all.
His contact with Tabby and Sarah was limited, as the girls were still kept somewhat segregated from boys at the center. Yet, when he finally got a chance to escape, he had no interest in turning himself in again. The group of surviving children cast a vote, and agreed to let Tobi flee back to Arkansas and lay low. The girls would turn themselves in - to save young Frank. Jordan, still pining for Tabby as she did for him, all the same agreed to accompany Tobi.
Escape and life with Francine

Tobias and Francine embrace.
When no one was looking, Tobi resumed his relationship with Francine. The two tried very hard to keep their situation a secret; but this became difficult when she became pregnant. After she's murdered by Lady Chillingworth, Tobi is devastated. He all the same commits himself to the Twirlflame Trio's cause. Over time, he and Sarah develop feelings for each other. Yet...Tobi is convinced Sarah will never be exactly the same for him that Francine was.
Abilities and team role
Tobias has most of the same abilities as the two girls in his trio. However, he has neither the neural paralysis beam nor ability to walk through walls (unless Sarah grabs a hold of him first.) Instead, when sufficiently agitated, he can enter a rage mode. This enhances his strength and durability - while also making him extra proficient at wielding melee combat accessories, however improvised. He becomes especially fond of using a crowbar as his weapon of choice, to the point that police and Hgs associate him with its use. While Tabby is a Decoy, and Sarah an Infiltrator, Tobi is very much the Muscle - there to assist the girls when a job goes wrong.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- PlazaSims' Gordan Freeman Pack (for the crow bar)
- Sacrificial Sims' Extreme Violence Mod
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Chief of Mischief, Dastardly, Self-Assured, Hot-Headed, Active
- File shared to Gallery: 8/1/2020
- File size: 8 KB
Tobias Reno at MediaFire (78.65 KB)
Pete Hassler's Cabal :
Pete Hassler

Frontline Boss
Hassler is the technical pacifist among the Frontline Bosses, always the last one to want to pick a fight involving actual, physical violence. He will assist with Mancerwork when necessary; but is focused primarily on CReNwork and Corazowork. He has lent Atroce (and later, Triflow) to Trista on several occasions, but tries to avoid letting his cabal workers get too involved in anything that would require heavy Mousework - unless he temporarily has Tabby or her close friends doing an odd job for him.
Hassler is not opposed to Bluepaxwork or Bunnywork, as he needs to keep his youths out of prison - and relay with Outzoners, to cover for Trista. He wants more than anything to bring down the Chrome Kite's security, so he can both disarm the Hgs and disable the Tug - leading to the Gray Champion's return. His hacking prowess and access to security systems makes him a favorite for CReNwork specialists, as he models himself after Tim "Tamperwolf" Downsen from nearly 15 years prior. While Trista is not herself untalented at the same fields as Hassler, Atroce, and Triflow, she acknowledges that Hassler and his team are exceptional.
In order to keep his plans against Clamdor and Ikomara from being exposed, he also pushes for clean energy initiatives publicly, alongside Steve Trussel, thus winning the trust of Birch Thunders.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Adult
- Celebrity Level: Notable Newcomer
- Traits: Party Animal, Gregarious, Perfectionist, Cheerful, Insider
- File shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- File size: 95 KB
Pete Hassler at MediaFire (81.76 KB)
Cassidy Verner / Atroce

Frontliner - Hacker
Atroce was one of Hassler's first and best hackers. In spite working primarily for Hassler, she was eager to lend a hand to any other cabal that needed her assistance with infiltrating a storage center guarded by Chrome Kite security. Atroce fancied herself in the fashion of being "the New Sniperbadger," as she hailed Miriam Flippo-McLaine as her role model.
Alas, Atroce was short-lived, falling during an assault on Frontliners by the treacherous Lady Chillingworth.
"Atroce" is French for "hellish," as she intends to be a "hellish pain the rear" to the Chrome Kite. Her name is a parody of Celeste, a character from Mirror's Edge Catalyst. In spite of this, her appearance is more similar to that of the hacker character Plastic.

Atroce advises Jordan when to act.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Computer Whiz, Quick Learner, Geek, Insider, Good
- File shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- File size: 107 KB
Atroce at MediaFire (94.97 KB)
Selina Travin / Triflow

Frontliner - Hacker
A cousin of the legendary Krystal Travin, Triflow was a sort of "little sister" to Atroce; but less talkative. She is almost as talented, and has a crush on Chanticleer. She is agoraphobic, and doesn't like to be seen in public, whereas Atroce was very outgoing. She becomes the former's reluctant replacement on Hassler's team, after Lady Chillingworth brings about Atroce's demise.
When finally pushed to her limit, Triflow can get vicious - especially if she loses patience with the Chrome Kite.
"Triflow" is a reference to chlorine trifluoride, implying the level of intensity of her hatred to burn the Chrome Kite until there's nothing left. The chemical is demonstrated to be able to set metal and glass on fire - something normally thought impossible.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Computer Whiz, Quick Learner, Paranoid, Squeamish, Geek
- File shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- File size: 104 KB
Triflow at MediaFire (92.01 KB)
Bret Kamhold's Cabal :
Bret Kamhold

Frontline Boss
Alias: Kangaroo, Navyrope K
While also involved in Bunnywork and Mancerwork, Bret Kamhold emphasizes Roosterwork, and Mousework, while allowing some time for Bluepaxwork.
Being a former Navyrope Enforcer has helped shape Kamhold's more aggressive approach. Unlike Clarion and Hassler, who take pains to maintain a surface level of legitimacy, Kamhold is a shameless pariah, always in hiding. He never shows his face on broadcasts, always using voice distortion and a Navyrope helmet. His Bunnywork is primarily focused on maintaining contact with Outzoner Navyrope Society members, to keep them and the Swappernetters updated.
Kamhold's grumpy personality is inspired by Kevin Conroy's voice work as the elder Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Adult
- Traits: Bestselling Author, Muser, Hot-Headed, Bookworm, Perfectionist
- File shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- File size: 84 KB
Bret Kamhold at MediaFire (76.56 KB)
Jordan Sterlie

Frontliner - Muscle
Born in 2014, Jordan is the son of Vince Finton's apprentice Tiffany Sterlie, and of a deceased Hebbleskin recruit named Garret Whaling. The Navyrope Society has been most of Jordan's life. He recalls memories of being 3, and being shuffled around with numerous babysitters while his mother in 2017 aided Vince in protecting Oklahoma City from the FPB.
While eager to help out other Frontline Bosses on a whim, Jordan's loyalty is primarily to Kamhold for this reason. Only Tabitha can cause him to doubt his allegiance.
Jordan met Tabby when they were both fairly young children yet, after Tiffany and Hea were rescued by the Sodality. During Beliah's goons and the Phaletori making their move on Tugging potential Sodality recruits, the two women and their sons were among those captured. With the Legends joining the Sodality alongside the Elites, the Sodality of Gerosha became strong enough to fight back against the Phaletori's plans for Houston - and also led to the rescue of Camille Beliah, and to Judge Terry Beliah himself having his much-feared final showdown with Extirpon.
When the Beliah Amendment Enforcements kicked into high gear in 2026, Tiffany let herself be captured by SCALLOP in order to help Vince escape, and keep several other Navyrope Society locations hidden. She was locked away in a repurposed water tower, while the other Sodality-affiliated women were placed on the third floor of SCALLOP Women's Containment Center. Jordan himself was sent to SCALLOP Juvenile Containment Center, and quickly became friends with Tobias Reno.
The Screwworms attacked SJCC in an effort to kill Tabitha, as a way to forever demoralize the Order of the Oraphim - while also undermining SCALLOP's prison system. They failed to get Tabitha, Jordan, Frank McArthur, Tobias, or Sarah. However, 400 children were gassed to death, and SCALLOP was undermined. To get Frank to safety, since he was only 5 then, the teens decided that Tobias and Jordan should go on the run into what was becoming Arkonia. Tabby and Sarah would turn themselves in as soon as was safe to, ensuring Frank was given a safe place to stay.
The two girls found themselves spending the next three years of their lives behind bars, primarily with only a shared faith, and each other, to bear it and get through it. Jordan begged Tabitha to never forget him, as he intended to never forget her. However, he realized they needed to go their separate ways.
After surviving Phaletori cruelty and escaping, Jordan became convinced they must have stolen some DNA from him. But to what end? As he would discover years later, they created a Marlquaanite half-clone of him who was an Emotion Battery Mischief Elemental, but female. He would eventually adopt that lab creation, naming her Samantha, and raising her as his daughter.
Kamhold's aggressive approach and subversive tactics make him a match for Jordan's own desire for revenge, hence why Jordan prefers working for Kamhold - while also longing for the chance to find his missing mother, Tiffany. Jordan eventually finds Tabby again, and tries to rekindle the flame with her. She likewise tries to rekindle the flame with him, having kept her promise to never forget him. Yet, their different cabal preferences challenge them to be creative about their relationship dynamic.
Jordan has doubts about how good he really is, knowing his yearning for revenge against the Chrome Kite clouds his judgment. He also wonders if he and Tabby can ever truly be better role models than their predecessors. Or, would he be as weak when tested in certain situations as those predecessors were? He has no respect for who his father was, often wishing Vince were that man instead. He also knows that while his mother was a victim of rape, she hadn't yet found a man to marry, to make things right by her son.
Tabby was in a worse predicament, and Jordan feared corrupting her with his own lust for her. Hea caved under pressure, and slept with Kyle Medsor, resulting in Tabby. Candi, Tabby's other role model, had slept with more than one man outside of marriage before. Jordan didn't wanna be responsible for taking Tabby down a similar path.
For this reason, Frotchimar targeted Jordan and Tabby. However, Tabby got wise to what Frotchimar was doing, and resisted right before he had his way with Tabby and Jordan. This led to an intervention by Cherinob to cast the demon out. Even so, Jordan's sense of guilt and doubt undermines him. In this moment of fear of the worst, however, is when Tabby finds the most strength to build him up again.
Tiffany eventually would get married, and change her last name to Steel. Jordan changed his as well, to put away the past. When Tabby agreed to do time for her role in creating Bliksemhek, and to protect Sarah and Tobias, Jordan vowed to wait for Tabby to be released from SWCC. He kept his word, and the couple would eventually marry. They would raise Samantha Steel together, and eventually have a child of their own: Trevar.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Soulmate, Alluring, Self-Assured, Active, Insider
- File shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- File size: 93 KB
Jordan Sterlie at MediaFire (79.66 KB)
Free Agents :
Charlie Cleems / Chanticleer

Free Agent
A lifelong scavenger and street level broker, Chanticleer has always been reluctant to commit to a single Frontline Boss for any length of time, or become a devout Frontliner at all. Most Frontliners are expected to be good at freerunning. However, Chanticleer is good at dancing instead. He is also good at diversions and traps. He boasts about having rebuilt Drop-In's old jetpack for his own use.
He hangs out with Atroce (and later Jordan) the most when dealing with actual Frontliners; but this French-accented charmer will help Tabby and her friends in a moment's notice.
Charlie gets his "Chanticleer" nickname partially from being inspired by Rock-a-Doodle, and partially by the song "King Chanticleer" from By the Light of the Silvery Moon.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs

Game Packs

Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- The Sims 3: Into the Future Jetpack Conversion by GalaxSims on Space Cases (Tumblr)
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Joke Star, Gregarious, Childish, Loves Outdoors, Dance Machine
- File shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- File size: 101 KB
Chanticleer at MediaFire (88.45 KB)
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