The year is 2019, in the Cataclysmic Gerosha Timeline (Earth-G7). It is now late September, and the world is in a state of total dissary.
In January of 2018, Candi "Ciem" Flippo was released from prison - where she'd been held since December of 2015, as a political prisoner. She had saved her hometown three times, and the world at large twice as a Centhuen Prototype, with the aid of her godfather's Zeran tech and suits. However, she was unable to stop the Triumvirate from tearing the United States into four regions. Her new husband, Donte McArthur, likewise saved the world multiple times as "Emeraldon." But failed to stop the Split from happening. All the other heroes, scattered and left unorganized, had also failed.
Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas - beguiled by ambitious and corrupt politicians with totalitarian fantasies - has become a "safe" haven dubbed "Toklisana," for what remains of the American dream. That is, the parts that are willing to tolerate the police state antics going on. Hardly a true "promised land," but an alternative to being murdered outright. California, Oregon, and Washington are colonized by the Chinese, fresh on the heels of trying to suppress riots in Hong Kong.
Amidst the chaos, Miriam is able to sneak into Hong Kong under the fake alias of "Haishui," to start her underground life of crusading against the Hebbleskins that took everything from her - including her fiance, Phil Couric, and his family. Yet, she will soon need to make new allies in the form of MSS Task Force Black Rat, if she wishes to survive the quest. In the mean time, she tries to avoid drawing too much attention from authorities during the riots - in spite sympathizing with the rioters' cause.
Much of the Midwest in the US has been taken over by the Hebbleskin Gang, which have dubbed the region "Netheel." The Society of the Icy Finger plots to seize control of Arkansas, replacing it with their Chrome Kite puppet government and create "Arkonia" as a brutalistic futuristic dystopia. They help the vile Halal Affadidah develop his own ISIS-style caliphate out of the northeast, dubbing the region "Ameristan." And in the new colonies of "Chimerica," Plum Bixie is soon going to go on the warpath to avenge her family.
The Sodality Church in Texas is planning to form an organized league of heroes from among those who enter its membership, as well as any supportive allies they can convince to join the league. They are in close contact with the Navyrope Society and the Order of the Oraphim - which have largely had to go underground. This new league of heroes would be dubbed the "Sodality of Gerosha," and would carry on Stan and Shalia's vision moving forward - in a world where the physical location of Boonville / Gerosha had fallen.
One promising candidate is the recent convert, Jack "the Jackrabbit" Mercreek. With his friends Miranda Kanla and Monty Raquin, also from an Apache tribal reservation, Jack seeks to rid the area around the University of Houston's campus from dreaded Hebbleskin scout Don "the Psycho" Mendoza - a vicious rapist vampire with a penchant for cat-and-mouse games. Rumors are, there's another vampire following Don's lead, also affiliated with the Hebbleskins: Wayne "the Vampire."
Meanwhile, an orphaned traceuse freelancer named Celia "the Taterbug" Winehart has heard rumors that her mother is still alive somewhere. She looks for leads, to put back together what's left of her family. However, she gets distracted by a need to check into the threat of this Wayne figure, as well as try not to draw attention to herself from Wayne nor from Don. She furthermore is distracted by entering a romantic relationship with Monty, that starts going too far. When Monty gets on Don's radar, however, the relationship becomes even more dangerous for Celia - with police suspecting her of foul play!
Don makes things extra personal for Jack, by eventually abducting Miranda to use for his cat-and-mouse game with Jack, relishing the animosity between the two. Jack's romantic feelings for Miranda begin fueling his rage, causing him to become reckless while pursuing answers to save Miranda. Counseling him is Rev. Wilbur Brocklyn, who fears for Jack's soul under pressure.
Also in Toklisana, Candi's old former hallmates from Unit 5 at Madison Juvenile, Patty, Brittany, and Nancy, have decided to carry on her old prison ministry / charity ideas as the Last Legs, saddened that Candi was denied the chance to go with them. Coincidentally, they find themselves befriending Candi's sister Marina Baret - now the lead singer of a rock band dubbed "Turkeybreath Skyline." The drummer, Tyrel Mace, fondly remembers a time when Candi saved his life during the Battle for Cincinnati. Marina, once wayward and promiscuous, started paying attention to signs more after touring with another band in 2016 - and witnessing the highway battle between Cherinob and Astirnah. They all agree that Candi had a lot of good ideas - but that they needed to be the ones to bring those ideas to fruition, since Candi herself couldn't.
Back in southern Indiana, word goes up about a force field installed at the Ameristani border, dubbed simply "the Wall." It's not so much designed to keep rescuers from Toklisana out, as it is to keep refugees to Toklisana trapped in Ameristan against their will! With the entire caliphate northeastern former US having been transformed into a giant prison, Halal Affadidah sets his krokodil "zombies" loose on entire cities. He also invokes on prisoners taken alive the Hebbleskin execution creed: "Decolarent eam, eviscerate eum!" (Off with her head, out with his guts.)
The Project: Earwig armor development system created by Jeraime Malestrom of Malestrom Industries - who believes a company merger with Lambrelli Labs is best for his company's future - has been tampered with illegally - both by SCALLOP director Darius Philippine abusing the powers granted unto him by the Kirby Act, and by the Hebbleskins that Darius was supposed to be protecting the project from! Jeraime himself has been abducted by the Hebbleskins, and is now set to be put in one of the armors with the Musaran mind control protocol ring on his head - thus turning him into their latest killing machine to terrorize Houston with!
Jeraime's new wife, Dolly, is taken to Affadidah's death camp in South Bend. However, she escapes along with Candi McArthur. Candi is forced to eventually move back in with her godfather, inventor Imaki Izuki - who is now one of the leaders of the Indiana Branch of the Exodus Agenda, set up to aid refugees into fleeing to Toklisana. Imaki is desperately seeking answers on how to hack the Wall, so he can lead a troupe out of Affadidah's hellish country.
While searching for more survivors to make into refugees, as well as salvaging for supplies; Candi, Donte, and Dolly become a powerful team. They all share a bunker with Imaki; longing for a chance to finish their mission and start their lives over in new land - which they intend to then defend rigorously. Along with that, they intend to explore whatever became of the other heroes that have gone missing, and build the Sodality's strength up.
The heroes long for a second chance. The villains are willing to snuff out all life to deny them one. America has fallen. And you can now make your Sims experience life in this post-apocalyptic nightmare world, by downloading this story pack for them to interact with!
Pack Description
Play as any of the characters in this pack - or don't. Installing them into a save file lets the good ones fight for your Sims' survival, and the bad ones plot your Sims' demise. Either way, your save file will now be themed after the first season of Sodality, the fifth volume of The Gerosha Chronicles in Dozerfleet Comics. Sodality was first envisioned as a series pitch back in November of 2012, as a way to envision what the potential consequences of a second Obama victory could be for America, but then peppered with fantasy elements carried over from previous incarnations of Gerosha mythos. Sodality portrays a slight alternate history, that all the same provides commentary on the 2020s - what led to them being as they are, and what they may lead to.
Take heed of the lessons; lest reality begin to imitate the art contained in this pack!
Note: This pack was mostly made before the release of Eco Lifestyle. Only Imaki's bunker would require it to run correctly. However, the war-torn wasteland effects of southern Indiana brought about by Affadidah's jihad could easily be boosted by creating a trashed environment via Eco Lifestyle's gameplay elements. Clothing that comes with that pack will also assist in making survivors seeking a way to gather and escape look sufficiently miserable. So while most of this pack won't require Eco Lifestyle, downloaders are highly encouraged to purchase that expansion anyway.
Entire Pack Custom Content Requirements
Note: While you can technically get away with running this pack without these mods, these are ideal for performance without sudden contents going missing.
- Loverett Sims Utility Belt
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by WistfulCastle at The Sims Resource
- Studio K Karzalee Gun Belt
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- 95 Combined Skin Color Overlays (September 2014) by Simsperience
- Ginevra Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Valencia Skin by SayaSims at The Sims Resource
- Uni Skin by Golyhawhaw at Lana CC Finds (Tumblr)
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims (Note: Deprecated. Feel free to use a more updated height slider if you choose.)
Highly Recommended Custom Content
These mods add extra gameplay fun and context. Note that Basemental's Drugs mod wasn't included. This is because it doesn't include krockodil. Minus that and a cult mindset mechanic, Affadidah's minions won't behave correctly. Therefore, the Drugs mod would be pointless. You can get a similar sense of danger, however, by adding in the mods that are listed.
- Zombie Apocalypse Mod by Sacrificial - Essential for creating something similar to the krock junkies that Affadidah sends to terrorize southern Indiana. Unfortunately, these don't form rape / arson squads, kidnap Sims, decapitate female Sims ritually for the pleasure of an evil overlord, nor slice male Sims' guts open, in keeping with Decolarent eam, eviscerate eum. That's what you'll need the other mods for.
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial - for Donte's flight ability as Emeraldon. May give him additional, non-canon powers.
- Extreme Violence Mod by Sacrificial - for most of the fighting back options not included in Zombie Apocalypse. Until Armageddon has its code rewritten to include more actions specific to Centhuen Prototypes like Candi, she'll have to make do in your game with traditional violence to deal with the walking not-quite-dead, spiritually-dead slaves to Affadidah's diabolical agenda.
- Life Tragedies Mod by Sacrificial - to simulate kidnappings, tragic shootings, etc. When not running an official character included in this pack, loading them as background NPCs means you can program some local saviors into your save file. Meanwhile, your custom families will still have to deal with all the mayhem, murder, and chaos happening all around them. Will Ciem or Emeraldon or Jackrabbit or any of the other heroes come to your Sims' rescue? Will the baddies that come with this pack get to them first? Or will some new NPC generated by any of Sacrificial's mods do your Sim in first? Download, and find out!
- Junkyard Set (TS3 to TS4) by G1G2 at Mod the Sims, to add to the war-torn wasteland effects for the Indiana subplot.
Variega Suit

Above: Original Sims 3 Variega render.
Shortly before she was released from Madison Juvenile, Candi's friends Nancy Hizrah and Patty Trean collaborated on this suit design. It was Patty that finally got the first Variega suit made, before Imaki used his connections to get it mass-produced. Nancy had previously assisted Imaki in coming up with the Forfica design.
The purpose of Variega is to allow for maximum freedom of motion, as well as a suit that would produce less noise and allow for better recon - since the Forfica was designed for assault. Candi found that Nancy and Patty, along with Brittany, continued the Last Legs' mission on their own as soon as they got to Texas, promising Candi that just because she couldn't go with them, didn't mean they'd let her vision die.
They secured in the vault along with Candi's inheritance money most copies of her Carbonica, Forfica, and her last Proto suit. Therefore, in Indiana, Candi has very few Ciem suits left. She starts wearing Variega, as it helps her sneak around and avoid detection better than her other suits allowed for. Yet, it also doesn't provide as effective of protection from bullets as the others.
Candi wears Variega a lot more often during the Adaptation timeline, though she starts wearing it during the Instigation timeline. This is because it's still practical and possible to maintain a secret identity in Texas; but pointless to try in southern Indiana - where most of the locals already know who she is due to local news from a few years prior having told the entire state about her arrest and conviction in 2015.
For most of the Instigation timeline, Candi spends her time trying to blend in, rather than stand out, from the rest of the Exodus Agenda. Superhero vanity has no effect on Affadidah and his goons, unless said hero can fly. Since Donte is the only one who can, he still gets to be Emeraldon. Yet, it's not always practical for him to wear his outfit either. So for most of Instigation, Candi and Donte worm their way through Affadidah's dystopia with only their civilian identities - or Islamic disguises in Affadidah's Sharia towns.

Ciem Variega Suit at MediaFire
Emeraldon Suit

Losing his family, losing his hometown, and being treated like a potential terrorist by SCALLOP notwithstanding, one would be tempted to think Emeraldon had it easy. Unlike Candi, who has to go to great lengths to keep up in the field of superhero work and go to significant lengths to protect her identity (only to fail anyway), Donte can fool most of the masses simply by putting on a glorified pair of tinted goggles, and be on his way. The suit helps him maximize ambient energy that he, as an Emwault, can absorb from his environment - and direct it where it needs to go. Whether this enables super endurance, flight, enhanced strength and speed, or whatever else it needs him to do. He can function without it; but is less focused.
And unlike Candi's Ciem suits, with a lot of parts to keep track of, Donte's suit is relatively quite simple. And only the shirt and pants require customization apart from what comes with the game!
Note: For actual gameplay as Emeraldon, the Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial is highly recommended.
Official Pack Requirements

Emeraldon Suit at MediaFire
Exodus Agenda - Imaki Izuki Camp

Imaki Izuki
Born in 1948, Imaki has had the privilege of using his ties to Stan and Shalia Flippo to do all sorts of good for both the US and Japan. He was instrumental in helping Darius Philippine become the director of SCALLOP - a decision he'd come to regret later in life. He was an avid inventor, a very religious man; and godfather to both Candi Flippo and Charlotte Yamamura.
Yet, his disregard for SCALLOP's lack of respect for transparency caused him much trouble, especially when he provided both Ciem and Mukade with essential gear to become traditional superheroes, rather than become the heartless assassin biological kill machines that Darius' increasingly drunk-on-power desires demanded.
In 2015, Imaki had a few too many irons in the fire, both in the US and Japan - with his pending green card at risk! Forced to neglect Candi to save Charlotte's life in Japan, however, Imaki left Candi alone at one of the most critical moments in her life - right as enforcement of the arguably extremely unconstitutional Kirby Act and Beliah Amendment fiats pegged on to it was beginning to pick up speed!
When he returned home, his pirated Zeran wardrobe tech had become known to authorities. And through it, Candi's identity as Ciem was exposed. Worse: SCALLOP personnel were careless with handling the case of Candi's identity being exposed, and this led to an agent being put in a compromised spot and being killed. Rather than let Imaki take the heat for this, Candi herself chose to take the fall under the Beliah Amendments' cruel provisions.
In every way possible, Imaki saw to it to help those being affected by the gradual destruction of America to find refuge wherever they could. This was his way of atoning for Candi's sacrifice. He also worked with the IDOC and Candi's reformed cellmates - many of them orphans with no way to leave before turning 18 - to improve her equipment for the war ahead. He also became a benefactor for Candi's sister Miriam Flippo, whose relationship with legal guardian older sister Erin Flippo was becoming strained. Erin, meanwhile, had numerous health conditions and remained increasingly in need of hospitalization - leaving the girls even more neglected. She considered it an ironic blessing from God, therefore, that two of her sisters were political prisoners and the third was in a rock band. The last thing she needed, was a visit from CPS on top of it all!
With the Trensons dead by 2018, however, Candi lost even her newer adopted family! This led to her having to move back in with Erin and Imaki - into the same joint custody situation that got her in so much trouble in 2015 in the first place! By late 2019, however, Erin had been murdered by the Soorfelt brothers. This left Candi with few alternatives, other than to permanently move in with Imaki.
As Affadidah destroyed more and more of southern Indiana relentlessly, Imaki and Candi knew they'd need to get the Sodality Church and Exodus Agenda program up to speed if they were ever to all make it to Texas alive! Imaki did what he could from his new bunker in Gerosha, built beneath the foundations of his destroyed former house. Yet, he also feared that his heart would give out before making it to the "Land of Safety." Little did he realize, he'd die a much more violent death before making it to what would've been his new home.
Candi McArthur
Born to Stan and Shalia Flippo, the heroes of Gerosha, in 1999, Candi was the only one of her siblings to fully manifest the Centhuen Prototype programming put in Stan's DNA in the 1950s by the Phaelite Society of Earth. Imaki used Zeran tech and suits to train Candi - not to be the killing machine for SCALLOP that Darius wanted, but to be a more traditional sort of superhero. The centipede-themed "Ciem." Darius vowed to find a way to (mis)use the powers bestowed via the Tom Kirby Act of 2015 to get back at Imaki and Candi somehow.
Facing abuse at school and neglect at home for most of her life after her parents were murdered in 2006, Candi looked to religious leaders for guidance - until the Hebbleskins started killing them off as well.
Regardless, she used her time as Ciem to protect the greater Boonville / Gerosha area from whatever threats the local police couldn't. In 2015, she was even tagged to fill in for Emeraldon in saving Evansville from an attack by the Screwworms - though she was only able to address half of it, with disastrous results.
Peer pressure and depression sat in over the seeming hopelessness of her situation, leading to her turning to a poorly-chosen boyfriend for solace. This further led her to moral compromises she'd come to regret significantly.
The Hebbleskins, Gleeful-N'-Young, and Pyro Panthers staged a full-scale assault on October 15th of 2015 on her hometown, while she was fulfilling a sexual dare at boyfriend and classmate Danny Loffin's house. Her town started going up in flames; yet she paused too long in the parking lot of Posey's Supermarket, and was mistaken by panicked police imported from Evansville for being a member of the Pyro Panther gang she sought to help fight back against! After a quick scuffle with the villain Drop-In, however, police discovered that they had something far more interesting on their hands: having accidentally arrested the local centipede-themed defender of Gerosha!
With the Hebbleskins putting another force field around Gerosha, it would take a secret pathway to get back in - which only Miriam could lead Candi to. And even then, only at risk of exposing it. Yet, Candi's carelessness led to the existence of Zeran wardrobes becoming known to local authorities - which she knew would lead to Kirby Act penalties for her.
Candi was able to return to Gerosha in time to save the day as Ciem; but at the cost of having to return to court. She was acquitted of arson; but not the other controversy caused. To atone for a SCALLOP agent being killed by SCALLOP's own bad handling of case information, and to protect her godfather from litigation, Candi cut a plea deal to take the fall for this herself - landing her a prison sentence at the Madison Juvenile Correctional Facility.
Miscarrying Danny's baby, Danny breaking up with her to move to Oregon, and more trauma after Miriam was also arrested (for aiding the Purge-Flare) worsened Candi's depression. Yet, she persisted in wanting to do the right thing.
In 2016, she was let out on a furlough - to save the warden's life from the villain Eric Korsicht. She wound up saving dozens of other lives during the Battle for Cincinnati - which proved to be a pyrric victory for the good guys. She later in 2017 helped Extirpon to minimize Kropimak Duzerit's attempt at triggering a VEI-8 eruption disaster, when Duzerit recaptured the Heart of Pele to detonate Yellowstone.
In January of 2018, she was adopted by Cynthia Trenson - a survivor of the Battle for Cincinnati. Yet, Candi's new life with the Trensons was brief, as they were quickly killed by the Hebbleskins. Candi was only able to kill some of the assassins, never able to fully realize justice for her new family. This forced her to move back in with Erin, as well as occasionally Imaki.
In September of 2018, Candi felt a sense of deja vu, as the Old National Events Center in Evansville came under attack once more. It was there that she met Donte "Emeraldon" McArthur for the first time. Touched by each other's life stories and adventures, the two developed a strong rapport quickly. Within a month, they were dating. This soon got Candi in even more trouble. But unlike Danny, who ran away when Candi's legal troubles under the oppressive Kirby Act began piling up, Donte chose to stay.
The rise of Affadidah's regime made it very difficult for Candi to return to school and graduate, as she wasn't allowed to complete her GED at Madison due to Darius' interference. She succeeded at getting her high school diploma - only for Affadidah to betray his initial promises upon his rise to power. Candi's diploma soon found itself in a wasteland war zone spanning the length of a quarter of the US, where it had effectively become meaningless.
Marina fled before the Wall was erected, and married her baby-daddy, Matt Baret. Miriam decided that fleeing Erin's custody to move in with her fiance Phil Couric was the smart thing to do. Candi...felt guilty about all the times she'd broken Erin's one single house rule of no sex, and moved out of Erin's home after tearful confession. Little did she realize that Erin's days were numbered.
Candi sought to find an underground hidden chapel and elope with Donte, even though they'd have to remarry upon escaping to Texas - as authorities down there refused to acknowledge Sodality Church-issued marriage certificates and valid and legally-binding. The couple naturally joined Imaki's Exodus Agenda, when all hope to save Indiana appeared to be lost. With the Wall up, and Tug protection that Donte couldn't get past, a hacker was needed. In the mean time, the locals were in survival mode.
Candi initially tried to honor Erin by making what remained of her ravaged house liveable again. However, this pursuit proved impractical, and the couple abandoned the remains of Erin's home to live with Imaki in his bunker. She has new Ciem suits; but fears it won't be until she can get to Texas that she can afford the luxury of properly being Ciem again. Of taking the fight to the Hebbleskins and ending the war against the Triumvirate once and for all! However, Arfaas has placed a bounty on her head, simply because she's Shalia's daughter! As in, literally on her head! One false move, and she could find herself drugged up on the executioner's block!
Donte McArthur
Born in Evansville and living there most of his life, this Emwault grew up to become the beloved emerald-themed flying superhero known as "Emeraldon." Yet, as the enemy got smarter with its MPF Chamber suspended animation "tug" tech, there were increasingly limits to what Donte could safely do. Worse, his getting involved with the Inuit division of the Order of the Oraphim became a distraction from his original goal of protecting his hometown.
In 2015, his assistance lent to Anarteq near North Bay became the perfect opportunity for the Society of the Icy Finger to take revenge against him for destroying some of their plans in Florida with the Phaletori. Screwworms deduced his mother's home address, and nuked the neighborhood with a 10-ton small payload bomb. They also assassinated the mayor inside the Old National Events Plaza. And it took a while for SCALLOP and the National Guard to arrive. There was an ambush awaiting them in the rafters if they did. Fortunately, Ciem intervened to ambush the ambushers.
Donte's further assisting Anarteq in destroying an Abdygalis Shard resulted in him becoming a pariah to the whole world, as Rappaccini was doggedly determined to punish any who would deny him multiverse access! In 2016, Donte also played a role in the Battle for Cincinnati. However, he was unable to stop Korsicht, due to a multitude of distractions.
With his family gone, and most of the world familiar to him defeated and destroyed in spite his best efforts; Donte found himself demoralized and adrift in the world. He was taken in by Sodality Church-affiliated Rev. Tyler Kilmington, whom he quickly looked up to as a sort of surrogate father. This didn't last; as a second attack on the Old National Events Plaza sealed Kilmington's fate.
Donte moved to Gerosha afterward, as Imaki and the new Candi girl he'd just met were now the closest thing to family he had left. When he learned furthermore that it was Candi who freed the Gray Champion - enabling the latter to defeat Korsicht - he gained even more respect for her. It wasn't long before the two of them fell in love - but also, madly in lust. He'd had another crush before, named Mary. But Candi seemed willing to return his affections - and then some! Yet, it seemed like his desire for a romance and family with her initially only caused her more trouble. In spite his fears that he'd only be a source of problems for her, she begged him to stay. Danny abandoned Candi when she went to prison. She couldn't bear to go through that again! Candi feared that she was in a hopeless loop; and then Donte...chose to stay.
It took some work, but the two forged a bond that seemed nearly unbreakable. By the fall of 2019, however, their improvised marriage was one of the only solid things they had left. Donte was determined to get to Texas, even if it cost him his life. His new wife deserved nothing less than the absolute dedication he was willing to give her. He just wished the enemy hadn't learned to exploit his MPF weakness. Stripping him of the ability to safely fly, left him feeling almost like he had been reduced to being an ordinary man again. He impotent. So...inadequate.
He dreamed of being an architect, while she dreamed of working in a CSI lab and doing field survey work. Would their dreams ever come true? Would they ever get to be Ciem and Emeraldon again, properly? Was the war against the Triumvirate even winnable? He was committed to answering these questions - even if it were the death of him!
Dolly Malestrom
Dolores "Dolly" Weiss was born and raised in Green Bay, WI. However, her father was murdered by the Hebbleskins after he exposed their influence on local politicans and police. Once a quiet librarian, she became a fiery anti-Hebbleskin activist after his death. Her antics got her time in a Green Bay jail, as police didn't like her raising awareness that sketchy things were going on. She had to move to Indiana afterward.
Dolly's passion for archival of documents pertaining to the culture war was rivaled only by her passion for mixed martial arts and her fascination with robotics. She soon found an ally, in the form of Malestrom Industries co-owner Jeraime Malestrom. However, Jeraime and Dolly then made the mistake of falling in love.
Her elopment to Jeraime in the time of Project: Earwig and Project: Musaran being exposed proved to be nearly their undoing. The Hebbleskins and Affadidah had Jeraime abducted, to be subjected to Hebbleskin AI ring tech and made into a puppet for their evil new Musaran Phexo Extermination protocol! Worse, they would protect their new Musaran minion by using the stolen suit tech - making Jeraime a prisoner in his own toy!
Dolly, they didn't know was the heir to the hidden-away Earwig project armor. Darius from SCALLOP was keeping its location under wraps, mostly for personal reasons. Therefore, it was assumed that Arfaas had no use for Dolly. She was sent to the South Bend death camp, for gang rape and eventual beheading. However, Dolly escaped with Candi's (and Donte's unwitting) help. She would soon join them and Imaki in performing field missions to get the Exodus Agenda ready for its most sacred mission: fleeing Ameristan!
Dolly is physically weaker than Candi, but much more outspoken, and a better leader. In the end, she wants few things more than to rescue Jeraime - or avenge him. She won't stand for her marriage being treated as a joke! In spite everyone telling her to avoid the man; she said yes to him for a reason. And wasn't going to put up with that reason being made light of! She was no fool, however. She realized the road ahead was a perilous one. She realized...that she had very slim odds of surviving to the end of it. But with the Imaki camp of the Exodus Agenda by her side; she was willing to risk almost anything. After all...she'd already survived a handful of attempts on her life. What would a few hundred more be?
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

File size: 346 KB
Candi, Donte, Dolly, and Imaki at MediaFire
Candi, Donte, Dolly, and Imaki (no CC version) at MediaFire
Last Legs

Having been released from prison a year prior, three girls that were with Candi in Madison have vowed to carry on the Last Legs' mission without her. Brittany Lohmeyer, Patty Trean, and Nancy Hizrah are headed to Oklahoma and Texas to begin a prison ministry / charity program, spreading the Last Legs philosophy and helping troubled girls the way Candi helped them. With special focus on those facing Kirby Act persecution, who wouldn't be deemed criminals by society otherwise.
Brittany becomes the main leader of the three, specializing in teaching electrical work. She also is very familiar with MPF tech, which means she can understand how some Altered prisoners feel caught between a rock and a hard place: government thugs out to get them on one hand and the Triumvirate having it in for them on the other. Nancy specializes in tailoring, and Patty in automotive and mechanical studies.
Not wanting to make too many deals with the Darius Philippine SCALLOP devil, as they see it, they find surprise allies and funding in the indie rock band Turkeybreath Skyline - which is led by vampire Ralph Beoden and one Marina Baret: Candi's sister!
Their ministry, focused around SCALLOP Juvenile Containment Center (where Brittany herself was almost sent once), reveals that many of the agents running the center are surprisingly benevolent for a prison staff. They become convinced that the only thing really wrong with SCALLOP, is that Darius is its director.
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

File size: 247 KB
Last Legs at MediaFire
The Hebbleskin Gang

This is by no means a comprehensive list; only a list of the three included with this pack.
Duke Arfaas Hebbleskin
Duke Arfaas feels like he's finally done something right. He has a shaky alliance with Halal Affadidah, is sharing world power with the Society of the Icy Finger's Rappaccini, has the Phaletori aiding Meethlite rather than Phaelite causes, and has conquered most of the western US. But he wants to destroy Houston, and eventually break the spirits of what little resistance remains to the Triumvirate in what remains of the former United States.
With Rappaccini and Affadidah's help, he has finally decimated Gerosha itself; leaving Stan and Shalia Flippo's legacy in ruins. He has finally, after three attempts, succeeed where his cousin, Fantisk Hebbleskin, had failed. But he isn't satisfied. He wants the heads of all of Shalia's daughters as trophies on his wall! And has very specific demands for how those heads are to be collected!
Meanwhile, he's discovered two other women that are not Gifted Flippo candidates; but which have proven to be enormous thorns in his side regardless: Dolly Malestrom, and one mysterious "Plum Bixie." Partially, because these women refuse to die. But with the latter more specifically, because she seems to be an unstoppable killing machine! And...because Zize has hit Arfaas' operations a bit closer to home than he thought possible.
Gunner Soorfelt
One of Arfaas' most trusted and loyal hitmen, Gunner was a junior operator that was involved in the murder of Stan and Shalia Flippo themselves in 2006. He was the one who almost decapitated the already-dead-in-the-ditch Shalia - before the arrival of police forced him to flee! He later was the one who subdued Erin Flippo, letting his younger brother Skellig deal her the fatal blow. Yet, he and Don Mendoza both failed to stop Plum Bixie. He longs for an assignment in Houston, and a chance to redeem himself from the fox lady having humiliated him.
Skellig Soorfelt
Gunner's younger brother, slowly rising through the ranks of Hebbleskin elite. Skellig prefers a more modern thug approach to his style of attire, unlike Gunner's very retro mobster look. He looks up to his big brother as his idol; but has his own way of doing things.
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The Hebbleskins at MediaFire
Phil Couric and Miriam Flippo

All about Miriam
Early life
Miriam always wanted to be destined for the hero life that was promised to her sisters. In spite being jealous that Candi manifested - and got special attention from that day onward, while Miriam herself never did become a properly active Centhuen Prototype, she harbored no malice nor resentment against her sister. Instead, she quickly noted that she was, in most areas of life, remarkably quicker-witted. Not to say that Candi was stupid; but that Miriam was often just a little bit sharper and quicker on the draw. She taught herself to hack as early as age 10; and was among one of the most prolific of hackers in the world by the age of 13.
She helped Tim "Tamperwolf" Downsen to found the Critter Resistance Network at the age of 14, and was soon carrying out all manner of online vigilantism as the hacktress "Sniperbadger." When Imaki was too bogged down by legal demands and needs with Charlotte to be mission control for Candi, Miriam would often fill in. Yet, she was still easily distracted by her own missions. She met a boy at 14 named Correy, and fell in love. She kept the relationship hidden from all of her family, since the incredibly genophobic Erin forbade her sisters to date - on pain of being kicked out of the house. Yet, Miriam abandoned Correy after it became obvious that he was nothing more than using her for sex.
She was also outraged at the lack of justice for Candi and Marina, when Don assaulted Candi and Fred assaulted Marina. When Candi sought to have the sort of relationship with Danny that Miriam wanted with Correy, Miriam decided to help Candi cover it up - even though she warned Candi that becoming overtly sexually active would spell disaster. Furthermore, Miriam viewed Danny as a loser, but as "less of a loser than Correy," so she hoped there was some redemption for him. As she saw it, the very society that treated her sisters the way it did, had no right to judge her sisters for their inability to save themselves for marriage.
Ciem: Inferno
Miriam's success did become a stumbling block, causing her to grow arrogant about her manipulative nature. Yet, there were those she absolutely cared about, and wouldn't sacrifice, even at the expense of her wiliest schemes. But as a whole, Miriam had a tendency to view others as blockheads, who deserved nothing more than to be played around by her as chess pieces. This led to the Purge-Flare's assistant, "Module," referring to her as "that Machiavellian Bitch."
Her invincibility came crashing down hard on October 15th of 2015, however. On that day, she had heard warnings about Hebbleskin, Pyro Panther, and Gleeful-N'-Young activity in the area - with the possibility of a state of emergency being declared for Gerosha. This, mind you, after Evansville was already mostly on lockdown following the events from a few days prior, with I-69 getting nuked and the Old National Events Plaza being taken hostage.
By failing to inform Candi of how serious the situation was, and how imperative it would be for her and Danny to come to the 1205 N. 1st St. house immediately after school, as opposed to the Loffin family's; Miriam unwittingly set up Candi to find herself in exactly the wrong place at the wrong time - leading to Candi getting mistaken for a Pyro Panther by state and borrowed Evansville police, and leading to her arrest and eventual exposure as being Ciem!
Worse, the Hebbleskins put up their new dome around Gerosha just seconds after police had Candi outside of city limits - meaning only one passageway by which Candi could hope to get inside and save everyone! Miriam had nearly doomed her hometown with a simple act of negligence - a fact she was readily kicking herself over. Yet, she discovered the Purge-Flare was also trapped in the city. She was determined to get his help to save Gerosha, before accepting responsibility for her part in getting Candi incarcerated. However, she realized working with Chris Kennal was, at that point, basically a deal with the Devil.
Miriam's various antics with Chris proved to be what was needed to stop Lava Tigre, as well as get Candi back in town after two days in Evansville and a week-long stint at the Madison Juvenile Center. Candi, from there, was able to stop Frank Morvel - saving dozens of young women from being trafficked. However, Miriam had to also agree to help Chris flee town, so he wouldn't be captured and held accountable for the murder of Mark Stefflin in Big Rapids in 2009. This backfired on Miriam, and resulted in aiding and abetting a fugitive allegations being launched against Candi - who was already on trial again due to her identity and Zeran tech being exposed to local authorities, in violation of the Kirby Act!
Candi was already set to take the fall for Imaki, which guaranteed her a stay at Madison Juvenile Correcctional Facility for as long as Darius deemed fit to keep her there. However, Miriam was doggedly determined not to let Candi take the fall for helping Chris escape. That one, Miriam insisted was her mistake to own. On the day Candi reported in to be returned to prison; Miriam turned herself in, confessing to her role and explaining that the Purge-Flare was not Extirpon.
Fall of the Critter Resistance
Darius didn't want the sisters both at Madison. He instead was going to give Miriam a shorter stay at the Warrick County Jail. However, Tamperwolf turned himself in as leader of the Critter Resistance, alerting SCALLOP that Rick "DeathDachshund" Sun had gone rogue. "DD" had turned about half the Critter Resistance rogue, and they were now compromising national security - with help from some rogue CIA that were Icy Finger sympathizers. Realizing they needed Tamperwolf's help, SCALLOP agreed to work with him. But he couldn't fight his former comrades - online or off - alone. He needed a specialist. He needed Sniperbadger.
Unfortunately, the only way for Tim to get Miriam to aid him, was to expose her identity. Darius was left blushing like none other to learn that Miriam had been the world-class hacker, Sniperbadger, right under everyone's nose the entire time! This upped Miriam's status as a security risk, resulting in her being transferred to spend the next two years of her life incarcerated at the SCALLOP Juvenile Containment Center.
Miriam and Tim entertained the idea of a relationship briefly, but later admitted it wasn't meant to work out, as they'd be kept segregated after the mission into different areas of the prison. She was often consulted about new developments, giving her job opportunities that allowed her to occasionally get out of her cell and do something.
She was released from prison in early 2018. She went back to living with Erin, shocked to learn that Darius required Candi to be adopted by another family. She found a way to establish contact with the Trensons anyway, so that her family needn't be completely destroyed by Darius' meddling.
Yet, 2018 was the year Affadidah took over much of the US, rebranding it "Ameristan." As his regime became increasingly oppressive, and Miriam became increasingly frustrated with life under Erin's roof, she eventually decided to move in with the Couric family - who had plans to flee to Hong Kong. She was all but married to their son Phil by the time they started setting out, in the summer of 2019. Yet...Affadidah banned all marriage by "kafirs." He essentially made it so only sufficiently Arab-descended Muslims could still marry. The rest, their marriages were "never valid," and therefore, any relations between them were "always fornicative," and therefore, "always damning." And for that, they could be executed. Thus, an excuse for genocide.

The more oppressive Affadidah became, the more cities and infrastructures began crumbling. The land in Ameristan was beginning to look like a zombie apocalypse more every day. When the older Courics perished via ambush and gunfire, Miriam was left with only Phil by her side. The two holed up for a few weeks in an abandoned fire station in Chicago, before making a break for the Wall. Alas, finally escaping the Wall, and fleeing into the wilderness to reach California, cost Phil his life.
A saddened Miriam vowed to go to Hong Kong and start her life over in exile - while resuming Sniperbadger activities and helping Chinese authorities discover Hebbleskins at work in China. Little did she realize the civil unrest that was unfolding in China at the time. She was able to get aboard a cruise ship to Hawaii, to collect her inheritance money. However, she didn't have enough money to get on the boat itself. Therefore, she prostituted herself to the captain's son, in order to secure passage as a stowaway. Once in Hawaii, she learned how dangerous it would be for her to fly in to Hong Kong. Kamohoalii offered to take her, his way.
Miriam tried to avoid the protests in Hong Kong, in spite sympathizing with protestors, purely for her own safety. There were no Altered left to come to her rescue; and she wasn't going to gamble her life on the prospect that an Apthalan might manifest physically to shield her. She took a job as a pharmacy assistant named "Haishui," complete with a disguise that made her blend in more as a typical Hong Kong local. She even made a new boyfriend for herself, while living in a tent community.
This all came crashing down for her, when some Hebbleskins in the area killed her new boyfriend and burned the tent village down. Suspecting that they were on to her, she fled to Shanghai. From there, she revealed her identity to authorities. She was assigned to serve as part of Task Force Black Rat, who existed to purge the Hebbleskins out of China. From there, she would meet her future husband: fellow refugee Steve "Guan" McLaine.
All about Phil
Being one of the only halfway decent kids at Gerosha High after Miriam returned to it upon her release from prison - which baffled her as to how she was required to graduate from there rather than pursue a GED while locked up - Miriam noticed that she and the Couric family in general had a lot of common goals. She sensed a future with Phil; whereas she sensed herself having zero future with Erin. She also strategized with Candi, saying that someone from outside of Affadidah's region would be needed to assist the Exodus Agenda online. If part of it directly, Miriam would become a liability.
Therefore, Miriam decided after Marina was kicked out of the house, to move out herself voluntarily. She moved in with the Courics, and it wasn't long before she and Phil began dating officially. Phil wanted to do right by Miriam, to give her the sort of moral and emotional support that she was lacking while living under Erin's roof. However, he found it hard to resist the temptation to sleep with her. She did nothing to stop him either.
Upon the deaths of his parents while fleeing to Chicago; Phil was forced to become the very thing he dreaded: a cliche street criminal. He often spoke to Miriam of how they'd get to Hong Kong, get connections, get married legally, and redeem themselves. Miriam grew increasingly less in lust and more in love with him for real; became a true believer in the cause. However, Phil would only succeed at keeping Miriam safe and alive up to the point of escaping Chicago and escaping the Wall. Not long after that, the Hebbleskins would claim his life in an auto incident that mirrored the murders of Stan and Shalia. Interference by Navyrope scouts kept the Hebbleskins from catching up to the car crash in time to check on the couple, however. This allowed Miriam a chance to escape, though she mourned the loss of her fiance.
Phil died while encouraging Miriam to never give up the quest, even if he never got to see his own redemption. Miriam vowed to fulfill his wishes for him, as she cradled his dying body in her arms. She was forced to dump him in a stream, however, as taking the time to bury him properly would have ensured her capture.
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Phil Couric and Miriam Flippo at MediaFire
Jennifer "Jawknee" Clankton

A reclusive young woman with few friends, Jennifer Clankton was of high school graduation age. She lived on her family's farm, and got along better with the chickens than with most anything or anyone else. She even told a few confidants that she almost felt like she could connect with them on another level.
Her family was chosen by the Hebbleskins and Phaletori, with help from Affadidah's regime and the Screwworms from the Icy Finger, to partake of a set of experiments that would be conducted on-site. The family was abducted and tortured, made prisoners on their own farm. Jen was the only survivor of an explosion that occurred next. However, the experiment on her ended a little differently than it had for most. She noticed her bond with the chickens growing, as her sanity waned. Chickens seemed to conform to her every whim, as if naming her their queen. Even her attempts to pronounce her own name started to become corrupted, as "Jenny" came out as "Jawknee." Words began to be replaced with bawking, and her eyes grew black and beady.
Jen soon gained the ability to control the minds of nearly all avian lifeforms, who likewise conveyed their thoughts and wishes to her. She gained a hen's comb and wattle, and her mouth became a large beak. She even grew a tail, but still wore clothes. Green feathers began to cover most of her body, though her legs turned yellow - like chicken feet.
The violence of Affadidah and his men resulted in Jawknee and her chicken army terrorizing countrysides, to stage an elaborate resistance by animal life against these ISIS wannabes. However, Jawknee also grew suspicious of all the rest of humanity. She couldn't help it. Her non-regime targets? The chickens didn't like something about them. And she has to listen to what the chickens tell her. For she is the Jen Hen - their queen.
As this monster wreaks havoc across the Midwest, targeting one farm after another, she has a chance encounter one evening with Candi and Dolly. These two are themselves fleeing south, to escape from the South Bend Death Camp where Affadidah nearly had them beheaded. Yet, the chickens sense Candi's centipede nature. Chickens eat bugs. And Dolly makes the mistake of reaching for a meat cleaver in self-defense. The chickens won't tolerate that any longer! The girls are ironically saved by some of Affadidah's men - who are looking for Jawknee to avenge teammates of theirs killed by bird assault.
It remains a mystery what became of Jawknee after that. But rumors are, she recovered from the assault. And is still terrorizing the Midwest, with an army of birds that will do her every bidding.
"Jawkneeeeeeee!!!! Baaaaaawwwwwwkkk!!!!"
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Note: Comb, tail, and wattle not included. Her nose is extended to represent a beak, but there is no mesh yet to fully cover her mouth with a proper beak.
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Don "the Psycho" Mendoza

Perhaps no villain has ever been able to hurt Candi worse inside than Don "the Psycho" Mendoza - not even Darius Philippine!
Before Candi even knew much of lust, in spite her public educators under Obama and Common Core influence relentlessly seeking to ram perversion down her throat in a very pedophilic manner; she had learned to love purely. She took particular interest in a boy that was struggling in class: Don Mendoza. She grew to care deeply about his well-being, and his problems. However, he didn't have Candi's resolve to face the cruel world. He also found her religious faith offensive. The more she tried to spare him from depression, the more irritated he became.
The Hebbleskins targeted him, but didn't try to kill him like he thought they would. Instead, the assassin Gunner Soorfelt offered him a chance to do what he never could before in life: feel powerful. After his mother's death, Don blamed God for his pain. He decided the best rebellion he could choose, was to serve Duke Arfaas. However, he suspected Candi may have been the Gifted Flippo. He figured he'd expose her to his new masters eventually. But...he wanted to have fun with her first.
After breaking her heart with a sudden breakup in sixth grade, he conspired with classmates irritated by her sexual purity. He assaulted her in the girls room showers when she least expected it, pinning her to the shower stall wall and proceeding to rape her. However, as her sorrow and terror turned to wrath; her Centhuen Prototype powers kicked in. She fought him off with a newfound strength, forcing him to flee.
However, her newfound courage was immediately shattered upon learning that a good lot of the girls in her class were in on it. She was furthermore embittered to learn that no one - not even Darius - would allow her to pursue justice. She was told to forget the matter, the command insisted on her by everyone except Miriam and Imaki. The latter two became Candi's confidants - and Imaki would use this revelation of her power manifesting as grounds to finally let her train to become the heroine that he was convinced that God wanted her to be, rather than become the heartless assassin living weapon that Darius wanted her to be. Yet, even Imaki insisted that Candi not tell Erin what happened. That Erin wouldn't be able to handle it.
As Imaki's need to pay attention to Charlotte more and more interfered with both Candi's training and counseling, she longed to find a meaningful relationship - to erase the damage Don had done. But Don grew in her heart, in a negative way. He became the boogeyman of her nightmares. She feared what the Hebbleskins would do to him - and what she'd have to resort to if she were to face him ever again! Her being denied therapy or even spiritual counseling only further left Candi emotionally feeling like she was left to her own devices. Miriam, furious at the injustice her sisters were facing, became bitter and rebellious, believing that every single adult in town had dropped the ball in some or another fashion.
This would lead to the Flippo triplets all seeking out romantic relationships, to fill the void in their lives. Yet, this led to moral compromises that only made their lives even more difficult.
Don, however, urged Gunner to let him partake of a Phex-1 vampire experiment that had been stolen; vowing to repay Arfaas in kind if permitted. Gunner warned him that not all Phex-1 trials were successful; and many test subjects died. Don didn't care. His grand moment of humiliating Candi had been ruined. She turned the tables somehow. And he never wanted to feel that helpless again!
Don grew in ranks within Arfaas' scouts / thugs, frequently taking the opportunity to use his position to find targets not related to his missions. He continued to engage in the occasional rapey behavior; as this allowed him to subdue the moment that Candi sent him flying. But he also got really good at kidnappings, extortion, and murder. He soon became a boogeyman of sorts to far more than just Candi! He even tried to deal with the Idaho uprising, targeting the mysterious "Plum Bixie" that was causing his Hebbleskin overlords so much trouble locally. Clearly stronger than Zize Choi was; he was unable to finish her off. She too, had found a way to wound his pride. Her escape with her life was chalked up to luck, however. She didn't plan for a friend of hers to open fire on Don with a machine gun mounted to a helicopter! Don escaped with only two bullet wounds and a knife slash to his face, humilated once more.
He healed quickly from his wounds; and was reassigned to scouting for the Great Invasion of Houston. He yearned for his rematch with Candi; but was told that it was now someone else's responsibility to execute her. Don was not to rape her again, nor to do anything other than incapacitate her for presentation. He was also not to seek her out; only to attack if she somehow came to his vicinity first; providing opportunity. Don vowed to himself that after Houston fell, he'd hunt down Zize to finish her off instead.
His terrorizing the University of Houston not only revealed to him that it was where the Exodus Agenda intended on convening; but it is where the rumored "Sodality of Gerosha" to come meant to form. He soon after discovered how Team Jackrabbit was trying very hard to become its first Modality. Arfaas wanted an example made of one member of Team Jackrabbit, to have that member be incinerated on public display and televised nationwide during the impending Great Invasion of Houston. It didn't matter which. He landed a lucky break, abducting Miranda Kanla. She was placed in suspended animation, to await her execution while perfectly intact and unaware.
Jack didn't know what became of Miranda precisely, only that this boogeyman known as "Don the Psycho" was behind her kidnapping. Don relished luring Jack into an endless game of cat and mouse. It finally gave Don the sense of power over others he'd always wanted. He even had a new fan / apprentice: Wayne "the Vampire" Norfine. Yet, Don knew that the next time the tables turned, it could be to his demise. Regardless, he seeks to cause others as much agony as he can. All because one rape victim dared to fight back and humiliate him seven years prior!
Will this monster succeed at terrorizing your Sims? Download and find out! Or, prepare your Sims to fight back! Just be warned: he can't stand it when they successfully fight back! And as fast as this vampire is, he's not easy for the cops to keep up with!
Much to the fledgeling Sodality's dismay, the local police chief, Merle Hourvitz, doesn't even seem the least bit interested in pursuing the Don Mendoza case! Yet...he has all the time in the world to enforce unconstitutional fiats and edicts, steal land, turn homeowners homeless, and then put the homeless in FEMA camps! The Sodality has their work cut out for them.
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Team Jackrabbit
Jack Mercreek / Jackrabbit

A Phexo Leaper, Jack "the Jackrabbit" Mercreek was playboy by all counts back in Apacheland as a teen. But the meaninglessness of his wayward, materialistic life bothered him. He and his friend Monty sought out meaning - and found it when the Triumvirate came to terrorize their tribal reservation! A renewed interest, plus a budding relationship with one Miranda Kanla, resulted in Jack eventually meeting Sodality Church's own Rev. Wilbur Brocklyn. He not only found Christ through Wilbur; he gained an entirely new perspective on his entire life. Suddenly ashamed of the womanizer he used to be; he wanted nothing more than to prove himself worthy of Miranda.
The three Apaches started attending the University of Houston, and quickly discovered that not everything near SCALLOP's headquarters was what it seemed. It soon occurred to him that Rev. Brocklyn was perhaps one of the only friends he had in the world that hadn't let him down somehow. Yet, Jack would find an extra reason to go on the warpath, when Don the Psycho abducted Miranda to instigate a game of cat and mouse with Jack. The latter knew this was probably a trap. Yet...he wasn't going to let Miranda die in vain! If he couldn't save her; he'd make sure Mendoza was brought to justice!
Monty Raquin

Monty has been friends with Jack since they were in high school in Apacheland. However, he did have a problem with Jack's womanizing, and noticed it wasn't making him happy. He encouraged Jack to try new pursuits that didn't involve women. This led to him exercising his Leaper Phexo skills without regard for the Kirby Act. Which also led to Jack meeting Miranda. As the three friends sought out meaning in their lives more, they stumbled upon a certain Rev. Wilbur Brocklyn of the Sodality Church. This caused the three Apache friends to see their lives in a whole different light - and also led to them living more chaste lives.
Yet, the Hebbleskins and Icy Finger seem intent on making trouble across Texas, to undermine the whole Toklisana experiment that arose from the ashes of America. Monty, yearning for a journalist career, also becomes Jack's mission control in Houston while keeping tabs on the activities that somehow avert the attention of the police and SCALLOP. Meanwhile, Monty gets involved in Celia's life, and he tries to keep these two worlds he's involved in from colliding.
Things get personal for Jack and Monty, however, when Don the Psycho abducts Miranda - Jack's backup mission control. The two young men are determined to get their gal back, whatever it takes. Jack fears that he might never know love again; realizing he loves Miranda more deeply than he ever did anyone else. One way or another, Don Mendoza must pay. But seeing to that end...could cost Monty his life!
Celia Winehart

The woman who can't throw a punch, but can do seemingly anything else. Celia Winehart was once a sweet-but-spoiled rich girl; until the Triumvirate's meddling led to her losing her family. She learned from the developing Swappernetter society of dedicated truants how to be a traceuse, and took odd jobs to survive on the streets. She meets Monty Raquin while trying to apply at the University of Houston; and the two quickly become good friends. However, Monty never does let her in on the entirety of what he does.
She does learn some of what his life is about, however, when the two of them are forced to work together to survive Don the Psycho - a vampire that the police can never catch. She considers dating Monty outright; but he immediately regrets his one night stand with her. At this point, she is still not officially a part of the Sodality. She is struggling to survive on the streets, mostly. When she witnesses evidence that Monty has been murdered, she immediately suspects Don did it. Police quickly rule her out as a suspect; but she winds up on SCALLOP's radar. Darius orders Marion Wevenil's team to keep tabs on her from a distance.
Little does Celia realize that she will one day become a heroine known as the Taterbug.
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Miranda Kanla

While Jack and Monty were off being wild boys, but growing existential about it all; Miranda was already showing interest in solving problems related to the Triumvirate's threats of impending doom on what remained of America. She took interest in the Navyropes, Swappernetters, and Sodality Church - as well as the Order of the Oraphim - and in these groups' crusades to protect the public from a menace that the police, military, and SCALLOP couldn't quite figure out how to defeat.
Yet, vibrant and full of life, she didn't have quite the self-confidence nor appetite for violence to enter the frontlines. And given what her snooping around taught her; she had no intention of joining SCALLOP while Darius remained its director. She was convinced he was simply too corrupt, even going as far back as 1998 with the go-nowhere missing persons report on one Evan Manicotti.
Discovering Jack led to Miranda not only meeting her future husband; but led to her finally having a field rep for her plans to run mission control. She and Monty took turns manning the controls, while Jack did patrols on the mysterious "vampire" activities happening around town. They discovered that Don "the Psycho" Mendoza and Wayne "the Vampire" Norfine were very busy in town, causing all manner of mischief. And somehow, due to red tape, not even SCALLOP could do anything about it!
The crusade got personal, however, when Jack and Miranda fell too close in love. For the first time in his life, Jack wasn't afraid of commitment. But then, he learned that real danger was around the corner. An inevitable invasion with massive doomsday ships. Rumors of a "Musaran" in the works - a cyborg dedicated to killing low-level Phexos who resisted Hebbleskin advances. That Project Earwig, which was supposed to be able to counter something like Musaran, was in SCALLOP custody - and Darius Philippine was being extremely picky about who was allowed anywhere near the Earwig armor. But for what reason?
Yet, when Don decided to instigate a game of cat and mouse with Jack "the Jackrabbit" Mercreek, he knew the perfect way how: the televised execution ceremonies during the invasion Arfaas was planning would have to include one male and one female incineration victim. High-voltage MPF chambers would be needed to keep the victims preserved in suspended animation until their incineration could be televised. Miranda...seemed perfect. How else to torture the jumping man you are certain is keeping tabs on you?
Miranda did what she could for her team; but was eventually taken captive. She'd have to wait to be rescued - praying Jack didn't lose heart, or come to believe she was dead and then move on. But when even Monty winds up dead, Jack soon finds himself in need of some new friends, PRONTO! Wilbur can provide moral advice for Jack; but it'd be too dangerous to ask him to run comms!
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File size: 93 KB
Miranda Kanla at MediaFire
The Baret Family

Marina Flippo tried to put her traumatic past behind her after witnessing Cherinob on the highway - convincing her that God and miracles were real. However, she could never shake her desire to be in love, nor her desire to be in a band.
This led to her letting her guard down with classmate Matt Baret. While she tried to run away from adventure, unlike her reckless "criminal" sisters who always ran toward it, adventure always seemed to find Marina anyway.
Letting her guard down led to Marina being the second of the Flippos triplets to get pregnant - in high school, no less - and the first to be kicked out of Erin's home. Feeling that Erin was too harsh on Marina, and seeing no good outcome for her own future if she stayed in Gerosha, Miriam left Erin's home voluntarily, to move with the Courics to Hong Kong. However, her plans to marry Phil went dramatically sideways. When Candi's conscience caught up to her, and when she wanted to marry Donte, she too left Erin's home voluntarily. And from then on, vowed not to give herself physically to Donte again until after they were married, realizing it was as much her fault as any.
Alas, when Affadidah stormed through, and Imaki's division of the Exodus Agenda became stranded in southern Indiana, Candi and Donte lost the ability to formally, "officially" marry. They eloped in secret, as churches had to go underground under Affadidah's ISIS-like obession with stamping the church out. The Soorfelt brothers returned to Gerosha briefly, and murdered Erin. They then burned down the house that Candi and Donte were squatting in.
Out of memory and respect for her fallen sister, Candi moved back into what was left of Erin's home that had survived the onslaught, having Donte help her patch it up into a (barely) liveable outpost. When maintaining the remains of Erin's home became too impractical, however; Candi and Donte were forced to abandon the home, relocating to live with Imaki inside his bunker. Dolly Malestrom, robbed of her husband and being hunted by Affadidah for extermination, would eventually join Candi and Donte's troupe - dreaming of either getting Jeraime back, or avenging him.
By this time, Marina had long since decided that enough was enough. She'd moved to Oklahoma with Matt's family as soon as she had the chance, and met some new bandmates in the area while raising her son Andy.
The Phexo vampire Ralph Beoden was the aspiring guitarist for a band he wanted to call "Turkeybreath Skyline," with influences such as Modest Mouse and the Decemberists. However, he couldn't sing. Meethexo imperfect werewolf Harry Mensuto was to be the drummer. Tyrel Mace, who had a skin condition and needed to be bandaged up a lot, was often dubbed "the Mummy" by those who knew him, and was an excellent synthesizer and keyboard player. They needed a bass guitarist and lead singer, however. Marina happily obliged, and Turkeybreath Skyline quickly took off.
Matt continues to run a used car lot, under his father's tutelage, while looking after his son in his spare time and supporting his rock star wife. He's noticed that little Andy has taken quite an interest in pitohuis - and in motorcycles.
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The Baret Family at MediaFire
Turkeybreath Skyline

Harry Mensuto

"The Wolfman." Harry was a Meethexo whose werewolf programming didn't manifest correctly. He's outgoing and sometimes abrasive, but an excellent drummer. He tries to be the "cool bro" whenever possible. He clearly had no loyalty to the Hebbleskins.
He did run into the Last Legs while leaving drug rehab. He was the one who introduced Marina to Brittany and Patty, and a charity of sorts was born. The band would use some of their proceeds to finance the Last Legs' prison ministry.
Marina found it the height of irony that she'd get to pick up where Candi left off with the Last Legs, while Candi struggled to survive in the harsh environment to the north.
Ralph Beoden

A Phexo vampire, and a bit shy, Ralph was the first to dream up Turkeybreath Skyline. But he didn't have much of a singing voice. He needed someone else to frontline, while he did his guitar like a boss.
By chance, he had a run-in with wandering backup stage talent Marina Flippo-Baret, and immediately knew he'd found the right voice to lead his dream - and supply the backup bass guitar. Meeting Harry as a drummer and Tyrel on synthesizers and keyboard sealed the deal, and Turkeybreath Skyline was born.
Tyrel "the Mummy" Mace
If it involves a keyboard, sythesizer, or mixer, Tyrel can do it all day. Very kind, friendly, and outgoing, Tyrel is a survivor of the Battle for Cincinnati in 2016, where Korsicht nearly destroyed the city in the same fashion as was done to Louisville. He was a big fan of the risks Candi and others took to make a stand against Rappaccini's army. Getting to start a band with Marina was a dream for him.

However, his surviving the onslaught in Cincinnati was not without consequence. He now suffers serious skin diseases due to his trauma, and needs to be bandaged up frequently. As such, he has often been called "the Mummy."
Therefore, Turkeybreath Skyline is what happens when a hipster mutant, an outdoorsy vampire, a mummy, and a tropical werewolf get together to make an indie rock band. That supports a juvenile prison ministry / charity program, and is supported in turn by a car dealership run by a Mexican-American family, in which the youngest new member of said family is really interested in pitohuis and motorcycles.
Recommended Custom Content
- Sims 3 to Sims 4 Mummy Conversion by Gauntlet101010
Because otherwise, Tyrel looks like this:

Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

File size: 25 KB
Turkeybreath Skyline at MediaFire

Jeraime Malestrom

A proud member of the Malestrom family down in Texas, Jeraime headed to Indiana to salvage company prospects there, while also lobbying for his anti-Hebbleskin crusade and prospecting a merger of the family company with Lambrelli Labs.
The one thing this cowboy entreprenuer and inventor of the Project: Earwig exoskeleton suit program didn't anticipate: finding a wife.
However, while he was up in Indiana, Jeraime met and soon became smitten in love with librarian-turned-anti-Hebbleskin activist Dolly Weiss, originally from Green Bay, WI. This troubled young woman had run-ins with corrupt police before, even spending a few nights in jail for questioning the Hebbleskin ties that appeared to exist with some of the officers. Dolly and her mother were the only surviving members of Dolly's family after fallout from Hebbleskin activity in Wisconsin, leading to moving to Indiana for safety, only for Affadidah to render that null and void.
Alas, Darius Philippine began helping himself to Project: Earwig. The AI in the Earwig armor, which Jeraime made with Dolly in mind, was flawed. And soon became corrupted by learning all of Darius' darkest secrets. Thus, Darius took pains to keep the armor hidden away, until he could get the AI to un-learn what it knew of him.
The Hebbleskins raided the warehouse storing Project: Earwig, and discovered a side Project: Musaran armor. They combined it with their own AI units, and created a killing machine. But when the initial Musaran wasn't quite effective enough, they decided to cruelly abduct Jeraime and make him wear it - thus turning Jeraime into the very monster that he sought to destroy.
With Affadidah's help, the Hebbleskins made Jeraime turn into their killing machine - while handing off his wife Dolly to the South Bend Death Camp. From there, she was to be gang-raped and eventually beheaded.
Little did they anticipate that Ciem and Emeraldon would, in their own ways, rescue Dolly. And that she'd go on the warpath with their help to save Jeraime - at nearly any cost!
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

File size: 104 KB
Caution: For whatever insane reason, Jeraime's last name is a "disallowed word" on the Gallery. Don't attempt to reshare him without slightly changing the spelling of his last name.
Jeraime Malestrom at MediaFire
Rev. Wilbur Brocklyn

The minister of the Sodality Church in Houston, Wilbur becomes a great ally for the budding Sodality of Gerosha. His sermons help keep its members passionate and focused. And when SCALLOP director Darius Philippine becomes extra obsessed with persecuting those he is supposed to be helping, it's Wilbur's work as a chaplain that keeps the faithful from despairing. He counsels the Sodality of Gerosha as part of the Sodality Church; but tries to keep out of the way of their hero activities.
His significance as a moral guide and beacon grows even stronger once Rev. Tyler Kilmington and Imaki Izuki are both dead; leaving Candi (among others) with no other father figures or spiritual guides remaining.
Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

File size: 83 KB
Rev. Wilbur Brocklyn at MediaFire
Halal Affadidah

Having strategically coordinated his followers, many of whom had cousins in ISIS, to gain the Triumvirate's trust; Halal Affadidah became the despotic ruler of "Ameristan" - most of the eastern US! In late 2015, he destroyed Boston, with the help of Brackett and Hibbins. By late 2016, he changed the course of US history for his timeline, making the elections impossible. And by 2019, he had most of southern Indiana in ruins and under his thumb.
Livin' it like al-Queada, Halal Affadidah wasted no time subjecting his more expendable troops to 'Aqtila 'aw taefun: Kill or rot! He injected them with krokodil and other drugs to get them addicted, vowing that only collecting so many confirmed kills would allow them to qualify to seek treatment to overcome addiction.
His krokodil "zombies" quickly began terrorizing cities, leaving anyone who wasn't a Muslim specifically of Arab descent living in Ameristan vulnerable to assault. Death camps began popping up everywhere, with the worst one being in South Bend - where victims were often repeatedly raped before being executed.
Affadidah's regime did all it could to curry favor with the Hebbleskins as well, earning them a special gift from Arfaas: a special energy "wall" to put around their new domain, to ensure that no one got in or out of the country without Affadidah knowing it! And some Tug installations courtesy of Rappaccini too, in order to catch any Marlquaanite would-be savior of the "kafirs" that dared to find a superpower workaround to the Wall! Indeed, only a skilled hacker could disable the Wall...and only temporarily! Anyone else trying to get through, would face ruthless border patrol! Worse: Hebbleskins patrolled anything else that got past, until Toklisana's borders came into play!
The Exodus Agenda did all it could to assemble resources - and find skilled hackers - so they could plan their escape. But it would take months, and wouldn't be easy.
Meanwhile, Affadidah began engaging in the common Hebbleskin practice of Decolarent eam, eviserate eum ("Off with her head, out with his guts!") Gut impalement victims began to become a regular occurrence, of any male prisoners that weren't shot dead first! Women were ritually beheaded, usually via block and ax - though the occasional guillotine wasn't unheard of! Cannibalism was also a common occurrence amongst Affadidah's men. To the point that the Exodans began referring to it as the "Muslim zombie apocalypse."
And now, this cruel tyrant can terrorize Sims in your game!
"I am the real deal. That Disney thing with the Mandarin? What a farce!"
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

File size: 103 KB
Halal Affadidah at MediaFire
Ravaged 1205 N. 1st. St. in Gerosha (Boonville)

Erin Flippo's house, 1205 N. 1st St. in Gerosha, IN (Boonville in real life), eventually fell to the Hebbleskins and Affadidah's forces. While Candi and Donte were away, Erin paid the price for not going underground. Arfaas had one Flippo head trophy. Three to go! With their other house completely destroyed, and Erin gone, the couple thought they could squat here. They patched it up. However...lack of proper tunneling forced them to later abandon it.
Required Official Packs
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Smaller Functional Counter Top Stove by Necrodog at Mod the Sims
- Abandoned Apartment Set by Frau Engel on Blogger
- Fiddledeedee Half-Life 2 Walls by SanoySims
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
- Lot size: 30x20
- Lot type: Residential
- File size: 185 KB
- Price (Furnished): $57,109
Ravaged 1205 N. 1st St. at MediaFire
Post-Apocalyptic Gerosha City Hall

Based on the real-life city hall for Boonville, IN! Inside is vacant, and lot only a shell, for legal reasons. However, this is one thing worth having to decorate your post-apocalyptic southern Indiana save file with! As Geroshans had to go underground to avoid the krockodil troops, their city hall building (built out of a bank that was repurposed) fell into ruin.
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

- Bedrooms: 0
- Bathrooms: 0
- Lot size: 30x20
- Lot type: Generic
- File size: 202 KB
- Price (Furnished): $38,403
Post-Apocalyptic Gerosha City Hall at MediaFire
Imaki's House (and Hidden Bunker)
Ciem: Inferno history
After matters with Charlotte were resolved, Imaki returned to Gerosha to find that Candi had been betrayed by Darius. A simple slip-up that should've proved minor, was being inflated into an absurd criminal case, to punish her in spite. Yet, she had secrets of her own, and was unwilling to let Darius use Imaki as leverage against her. It devastated Imaki to see his goddaughter take the fall for him, and go to prison. She wasn't a criminal! The case was absurd! However, he honored her wishes. She could handle juvie. He, Imaki, would not survive in a federal penitentary.
Ciem: Caldera history
Instead, Imaki got to work. He'd moved to 209 N. 2nd St. after having lived a few years at a different house. This one had an advantage: an easier time authorizing the city to permit for him to embark on reconstruction and renovations! He found time to make Candi some more Ciem suits, sure. But he focused a lot more energy on the Exodus Agenda. The Sodality Church knew that, should the worst come, they may need to gather the masses to flee Indiana. But to where? Only time would tell.
Developing catacombs beneath the city made sense. Also, so did developing underground shelters for the catacombs to connect to. One of these shelters, was a bunker that Imaki would hide beneath the garage to his home. It would provide him with bare minimal power, to aid survival in the event that the power grid should be compromised.
In 2017, however, the Hebbleskins caught wind of what was happening. They sought to use Bernie "Quoll" Mudster, a fan of practical cinematic special effects, as a tool to sabotage the catacombs. While the catacombs themselves remained fairly secure, Quoll set to work sabotaging the surface, in order to starve the locals out.
With National Guard and others being redirected toward an all-out attack directly on DC by Rappacini's forces, with Tug installations making it impossible for the Gray Champion or Extirpon to intervene in the battle, Gerosha seemed to be rendered defenseless. Agent Randy Lapborn was deployed to the scene, along with a furloughed Candi, to deal with Quoll.
However, defeating the Hebbleskins' third attempt to put a dome around the city, and destroying Quoll's booby traps, turned out to have all been a diversion! The Madison Juvenile Center was attacked, and several of Candi's new friends were captured! With Tanya Woven's careful quick thinking, however, a few of the inmates were able to escape, and message for help.
Candi found herself lost for a brief time in the forests near Boulder, Colorado, after a battle with Quoll there went horribly wrong. She did, however, save a local from a bear. She was eventually able to regroup with Lapborn and with her friends, to take Quoll down. Yet, this too proved to be a diversion! The real threat, it turned out, was Kropimak Duzerit the entire time! He'd reclaimed the Heart of Pele, initially recovered from Korsicht a year earlier. His mission: detonate Yellowstone! Some teamwork by Tanya and Candi was able to take Duzerit down; but not in time to stop him from triggering his attack pointed northward!
Lapborn's desperate call to Extirpon for help reduced the damage, but Yellowstone still erupted. There'd still be considerable damage to the American Midwest, even if it weren't the full dose of VEI-8 destruction! Yellowstone erupting may not have truly starved or choked the nation; but it succeeded at demoralizing the nation!
Sodality: Instigation history
Amidst all the chaos, America fell. Imaki's house was later burned up by Affadidah's men. However, they forgot to check for the hidden bunker entrance in the garage! Imaki now uses the bunker - and remains of his home and yard - as a base of operations. He also hides Candi, Donte, and Dolly down there. Patiently, he waits for word that the day has come for the Exodus to occur. He tries not to have too many possessions, other than what's required for survival and to keep the bunker operational. Too much stuff, only slows him down.
Official Pack Requirements
Expansion Packs Required

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
- Lot size: 30x20
- File size: 213 KB
- Lot Value (Furnished): $55,556
- Traits: Off the Grid, Peace and Quiet, Private Dwelling
Imaki's Bunker (from Sodality: Instigation) at MediaFire

Ignoring the wishes of President Xi, one brave MSS official secretly and subversively put together a team of heroes whose individualism he believed would better work to save China from the Hebbleskin onslaught than a typical sheep of the state would. He was inspired by the work of the ancient General Feng Shoo - whose wisdom kept Chinese society at bay after the discovery of nin-chyo.
The special task force created was dubbed "Team Black Rat," and was charged with seeking out all Hebbleskin activities that threatened China, and disposing of them. Many of these in Team Black Rat would've been seen as enemies of the state if allowed to speak their minds without sanctioning for this particular purpose. As such, this band of quasi-righteous social outcasts routinely put their lives on the line. Not for the state, as the state wishes; but for those they love.
Little did they anticipate that China in their timeline would eventually fall anyway. Yet, they'd make new friends: the Sodality of Gerosha. And they'd defeat the Hebbleskins eventually, all the same.
General Feng Shoo

Character Bio
It was Feng Shoo's unit that first discovered the "nin-chyo" substance that would later become the Ming-Yo and Ming-Cho nuclear projects.
As an Asian prototype of the Society of the Icy Finger teamed up with agents of the Hebbleskin Dynasty from the planet Metheel to claim nin-chyo, Shoo put his reputation as a general in the Chinese army on the line to keep nin-chyo from ever falling into the wrong hands. Alas, he never anticipated that his own countrymen, centuries later, under Mao, would become the "wrong hands."
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Recommended CC
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle
- Height Slider w/ Shorter Teens by SimmyTheSim
- TianXia 3 outfit by ReminiSims
- Path of Legends by Sacrificial's Kyutso

Core MSS Team Black Rat
Character bios
Shing Xú / Black Rat

Shing took in stride his election to lead a special task force to defeating the Hebbleskins, which was based only on his prior vigilante acts in rural areas toward the same goal. He found it odd that he'd be deemed worthy by anyone at State Security to serve such a role. He was, by all social accounts, a bit of a rebel. He wasn't part of "the sheeple," and had no intention of ever being.
Shing was fascinated by old Dick Tracy comics, and loved film noir fashion sense. He'd even heard legends of the late Fred Thernip, a detective in the 1940s who was pressured by the Phaelite Society of Earth and US government to work with treasure hunter Tobey Flippo to recruit the Phexo Quartet to fight the Japanese - while said Japanese were contemplating an alliance with the Hebbleskins. In fact, Shing even had a knack for embarrassing himself with his bad Humphrey Bogart impersonations.
He became one of the deadliest Hebbleskin hunters in the world - in spite being warned that all that old-time western media would "rot his brain." Shing was notorious for all the women he'd allegedly taken to bed. Alas, there was no shortage of women being asked to enter marriages they wanted no part of. Shing was often their last hurrah of rebellion, before having to jump into their societal obligations. But what saddened him, was that he couldn't keep any of these women. He yearned for more than just a one night stand.
One day, his prayers were answered. Mingmei, herself no stranger to being tossed around and used, joined the team. Shing tried to be coy about it at first; but it became obvious in short order that he'd finally found his true love. Then came the other big question: what would it take to win her over, and have her as more than just a teammate?
But first things first: more Hebbleskin scum to put down...after a martini, that is!
Traits: Serial Romantic, Alluring, Gloomy, Romantic, Neat
Mingmei Chéng / Stung Hornet

Mingmei was born in 1995, and was trained early on to develop a love for mixed martial arts. She was also a tad flirty; but was not the favored girl in school. Some of her peers bullied her, and gave her the nickname "Stung Hornet" - to indicate she'd be an "epic fail" at life.
She turned it around, eventually out-performing her peers in almost every area; and never letting them get her down. She took the sting to be merely an indication of experience, which she'd turn around and do them one better.
Mingmei's family came under attack one fateful day, and this rendered her homeless. The man who killed her uncle personally, she believed, was responsible for staging the killings. She took to the streets in her quest to avenge her family - or if possible, convince authorities to care enough to take action and bring the killers to justice.
Her private espionage practice proved effective; and she was able to kill the man at the top. But also discovered his Hebbleskin ties. She was eventually arrested by authorities herself - while caught in the act of street prostitution whilst trying to seduce a mark into giving up information that would further her new anti-Hebbleskin crusade.
As punishment, Mingmei was forced to work as a honeypot for the MSS, under the tutelage of the sleazy Kai Yun. In spite of her boss and his demeanor, she was able to thwart a major terrorist attack on Beijing by Arfaas' forces - after discovering some key state officials were secretly in bed with the Hebbleskins. She was able to escape that life eventually, being reassigned to Shing Xu's new ragtag team. She also schemed for her ally in the Battle for Beijing, Zize Choi, to get a new assignment - escaping Yun's cruel control.
Mingmei would become a surrogate mother figure to a lost Miriam "Sniperbadger" Flippo, who'd join Shing's team after being gangpressed into it. She'd later befriend the Sodality of Gerosha, even at one point faking her own death with SCALLOP agent Brian Mizgel's help to aid their cause. She'd fight many battles to rid China - and everywhere else - of the Hebbleskins. But by 2026, she was forced to retire to a remote Chinese village and lay low. From there, she and Shing would marry, and lead a quiet life. The world needed to believe that Black Rat and Stung Hornet were finally dead.
Traits: Serial Romantic, Alluring, Self-Assured, Active, Outgoing
Wen Dù / Tin Dragon

The group's mechanic. Wen loves three things in life: cars, helicopters, and blowing stuff up. He likes to act like a tough guy; but has a soft spot deep down. He also has a tragic ending; as he doesn't survive the mission against Capp Aard.
Traits: Public Enemy, Dastardly, Ambitious, Hot-Headed, Mean
Chen Táng / Teal Hog

A comedian with a penchant for distraction, who's surprisingly good with a gun; Chen isn't as innocent (nor as stupid) as he looks and lets on. This adorable goofball quickly won over Shing, who made him a part of the core team. He enjoys playing the part of the clueless James Bond wannabe.
Alas, after Plum Bixie revealed to Black Rat the secret location of Capp Aard's base - where the Ming-Yo was being stored - the trip to Oklahoma proved too dangerous. Chen was among the first to die on that mission. He was missed by all who truly knew him.
Traits: Joke Star, Gregarious, Erratic, Goofball, Cheerful
Steve McLaine / "Guan"

After the Hebbleskins stole the Ming-Yo and Ming-Cho projects, and Halal Affadidah took over the northeastern US to make his hellish state of "Ameristan," China panicked over its economy, and staged a move to colonize the "left coast" that Toklisana didn't want. This also lead to the acquisition of Alaska to the new "Chimerica." Steve McLaine agreed to join the core of Team Black Rat, if only to ensure he got to keep his science lab. When not touring about China to take out Hebbleskin associates, "Guan" is usually cooking up new arsenal and inventions in his Alaska lab.
Little did he know that he would one day be married to none other than Sniperbadger herself: Miriam Flippo! However, Miriam and Steve finding each other seemed inevitable. In the end, Shing's heart belonged to Mingmei. And Miriam had lost everything else in life. Team Black Rat...became her new family.
Traits: Renaissance Sim, Quick Learner, Loves the Outdoors, Romantic, Perfectionist
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Official Free Packs

Recommended CC
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle
- Ginevra Skin by Saya Sims
- Height Slider w/ Shorter Teens by SimmyTheSim

Forked Tiger and Scratched Hen

Character bios
Huắjĭ Tiĕ / Forked Tiger
Trying to hide his past and present affiliation with an underground congregation, Forked Tiger ironically finds his freedom in taking over as leader of Team Black Rat when Shing is forced into retirement. His first major task, during the Vindication timeline? Escort Steve and Miriam McLaine and their children to the Forbidden City, to avoid SCALLOP apprehending them per the Kirby Act and Beliah Amendments Enforcement Drive!
Even so...Shing got to be in the Second Battle for Dephinapolis! How could Huaji ever hope to not live in Shing's shadow? At any rate, he becomes close friends with the McLaines, while defending their lab, on the pretense of being their overseer.
Traits: Nerd Brain, Quick Learner, Bookworm, Perfectionist, Loner
Zhe Wuxiang / Scratched Hen
Zhe had stumbled upon information given to her by a man from Hong Kong, about a world beyond China. This whetted her appetite for knowledge of freedom and individualism she'd never known. Yet, she found herself groomed for MSS service. She saw working with Huaji as her golden ticket to go where she could learn and experience what was not possible in China. As such, she agreed to be Huaji's partner in guarding the McLaines. And eventually...found herself a husband that way.
Traits: Painter Extraordinaire, Muser, Self-Assured, Active, Ambitious
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs


Zize "Plum Bixie" Choi

Character Bio
Robbed of her family and her country, Zize is forced into life as a spy / sex slave. She breaks free from that control, only to find herself in Idaho during the Hebbleskins' aggressive takeover. She makes a new life for herself, and a new family, with the Wenzons from Ucon. However, that life is not an easy one to defend. Being unwittingly injected with a serum that gives her a handful of the same abilities as Ciem, however, she becomes a near-unstoppable force of rage-fueled destruction against her extraterrestrial enemies.
However, she loses her new family to the Hebbleskins in 2019, compelling her to hit the road on a warpath of destructive vengeance. The Hebbleskins feared that Ciem would be their prophesied doom. It was, in the end, Dolly "the Earwig" Malestrom that they should've feared more. Yet, they likewise also underestimated how Plum Bixie would become a huge thorn in their side.
The Tale of Plum Bixie is the tough tale of a woman who could've joined MSS Team Black Rat, along with her "big sister" and fellow former honeypot Mingmei "Stung Hornet" Cheng. But...discovered that God hadn't abandoned her after all. He simply...had other plans.
In her war-torn alternate history timeline, villains would soon learn that just because she isn't a powerhouse of Marlquaan energy on par with Extirpon or the Gray Champion, doesn't mean they should underestimate a former Chinese spy with a healing factor...who simply refuses to die; and will gladly seek out any weapon necessary to let them know just how furious they have made her!
Decolarent THIS, Hebbleskin punks!
Friend of the World, Gregarious, Loner, Hot-Headed, Active

For the Bixie
The Plum Bixie mask and outfit are custom recolors not available for redistribution. Her bow is a Legolas bow, from Studio K Creations. Her mask mesh is derived from PurpleLove. The outfit is a recolor of one from The Sims Resource.
For regular Zize
To get her skintone, you'll want the Ginevra Skin by Saya Sims. To get her height, you'll want this old height slider by SimmyTheSim.
Further Reading
Yes, it's true. Zize's character design is inspired by Far Cry 5! For more information, please see her wiki article.

The Many Masks of Ciem
There are several ways to get a Ciem mask of sorts in the game, some more serviceable than others, some requiring more Photoshop editing in post with screenshots than others. The methods will be documented below.
AmiSwift Method

This is the most accurate-looking of the Ciem masks, and requires the least post editing of screenshots in Photoshop. However, due to the fact that AmiSwift doesn't allow upload of direct recolors containing her mesh, you'll have to produce your custom swatch manually. This quick tutorial will walk you through the process. While the update kit utilities provided in here may be shared and redistributed for this manual upgrade process, do not re-upload your end results.

What you'll need
- This nose decal
- This thumbnail.
- Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements). Affinity Photo should work as well. If you don't have access to these, Photopea will let you do most of this online for free.
- Sims 4 Studio
- AmiSwift's Iron Man and Spider-Man Civil War Mask and Armor Set. (You'll want the mask for its mesh, obviously.)
- Using Sims 4 Studio, open the mask / helmet up and add a new swatch, based on the Spider-Man swatch. Recolor the swatch to red-orange on top, black in the middle, and green on bottom.
- Export your Spider-Man swatch clone's UV map as a PNG file.
- Using Photoshop, adjust hue and saturation until the main mask body color is about #ad6110. The base back color should be about #ba611b.
- Reshape the eye rims to be rounder, less triangular. She needs her mask to look more centipede-like iconically, and less like a spider eye set.
- Copy and paste the nose decal, until it's flush with the eye.
- Using clone stamp or whatever else at your disposal, remove all black webbing pattern.
- Create a septagon or hexagon weave pattern, and shrink it to wrap around all cloth portions of the mask. Be careful not to let it be part of the nose decal or eye piece.
- Replace the white eye center with a green one, and make it semitransparent.
- When test your end result. When it looks sufficiently Ciem-like and not overwhelmingly like Tom Holland's Spider-Man, it's serviceable.
- Import final result into the AmiSwift package, under your new swatch.
- Re-categorize all parts of the mesh, to permit for female Sims to wear it. Apply to all swatches.
- Import the custom thumb for female.
- Save end result edited package to your Mods folder. Or to a subfolder within it dubbed "Ciem mods" or something similar.
Note: A similar process can be employed for making a Feruga mask. However, the orange regions need to be made tan/cream yellow. The weave, which will be about #9a460b in color on the Ciem swatch, will need to be closer to #9c754a for the Feruga result. The golden centipede nose decal needs to be recolored a turquoise blue, and the green eyepieces will be turquoise blue too. Feruga's baseplate color is #c6b268.
For best results, the Gray Champion Inner Suit Body Makeup package should be used when using this mask with any suit that isn't a Forfica model. Otherwise, Candi's neck is left exposed. The AmiSwift version works best with Forfica suits.
G1G2 Method

Pending a way to fix the eyepiece lens shapes, there is no way to get this to not look like a Spider-Man mask that's just been re-skinned. However, if this isn't a bother, and you just want a mask for Candi to wear that's serviceable with minimal Photoshop editing for eye pieces and what-not, then G1G2's Spider-Man mask is the way to go. This mask works best with Variega suits, but can work well with Lithobara too. As with the AmiSwift mask, this one will also work best with the Gray Champion skin overlay for covering Candi's neck.
What you'll need
Installation instructions
Your Mods folder will be the place to go (or a subfolder of it) with this recolor (linked below.) File contains both Ciem and Feruga reskins.
G1G2 Spider-Man Ciem / Feruga Recolor Swatches at MediaFire
Balaclava Method

This item works best with Lithobara suits. Currently, no one at Dozerfleet Labs has the meshing skills to put eye pieces on this mask and complete it. However, it only requires about 20 minutes tops in Photoshop or a similar editor to add the eyepieces in. Skilled editors can probably do it in 10 minutes. Otherwise, this is a good mask to go with, if the eyepieces and editing time with them are not a concern for you. Unlike the other masks, this one doesn't require you to use Forfica suit tops nor the Gray Champion Inner Suit overlay.

Ciem Balaclava Mask at MediaFire
La Luchadora Method

This mask requires the least amount of overall mesh reshaping of all the non-AmiSwift masks, though it does work better with the Gray Champion Inner Suit Overlay for neck covering. It does require screenshot editing if you want proper eye pieces, as well as the clone stamp tool to deal with covering up her mouth and ears.
Ciem Luchadora Mask at MediaFire
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