Since 1990, the Dark Kingdom of the North, Nordreichdun, had been the domain of Adolphus Kraus and his gang: better known as Krampus and the Horrorday Gang! They only terrorized the outside world when necessary for their annual rituals, and maintained a relative isolationism otherwise.
In 2018, that isolation was violated. Wanting to seize an entire subdivision to use as a blood sacrifice while merging several confiscated Marlquaanite rubies in an effort to forge a new Earth Abdygalis Shard, Icy Finger affiliate Chad Estahm needed to keep his plans a secret until the exact right moment. Estahm had spent years developing cover; acting as a sheriff over Dickey County. With his influence, he had managed to corrupt nearly every office of local government, bending more and more of the bureaucracy to his will.
But he had one small problem: his brother! Refusing to partake in the "Great Reemergence," Anton Estahm instead tried to get in touch with the Navyrope Society - and to expose his crooked brother. Chad was having none of it! Hearing wind that the remnants of Washington - slowly being phased out by Halal Affadidah - were giving him the green light; Estahm used his powerful connections to make Anton a political prisoner. Yet, Anton escaped from prison, desperate to continue his mission to expose his brother's villainy.
Around the same time, Estahm saw fit to begin harassing local farmer and truck delivery man Rob Strainer - whose overt Christianity and sympathy for the Navyropes got under Estahm's skin. He began a relentless, spiteful campaign to destroy the family - Rob especially. But he underestimated Rob's determination to get his family back, come whatever may.
Pushing his luck further, Estahm staged an invasion of Nordreichdun, injuring the Tomte and using a diversion to get Jerry, Perchta, and Luca to leave the castle inadequately guarded!
Using a fancy wristband, Estahm enslaved Krampus. He assigned the monster but one task if he wished to live: hunt down and kill Anton, before Anton could cause any more trouble! Krampus eventually finds a way to get the wristband off; and mayhem ensues when Estahm's men try to kill the monster. They realize that if Krampus won't kill Anton for them, then they need Krampus dead - before his gang comes to retrieve him!
Perchta and Jerry head out, on orders from Luca, to find a lead on the boss and his whereabouts - while Luca and the Straggele heal the Tomte. They discover some of Rob's abducted children - about to be trafficked. Anton trying to turn to Rob for help proves disastrous for Anton, who dies anyway amidst the fighting when the Screwworms arrive. Yet, Rob is able to kill most of them, and take in an injured Krampus.
A truce forms, and intensifies when they get a call from an injured Perchta. The attempt by Perchta to get a lead on the boss's whereabouts ended badly. The Screwworms left her badly wounded, but she was saved by Strainer's daughter. However, Jemma was killed by the Screwworms for her interference - along with several other children that rose up, that were supposed to be sent off to Arfaas' Gleeful-N'-Young operation!
Perchta is forced to retreat. However, she does so only after contacting Jerry. Jerry has more success locating Rob's son, Ted. He's unable to learn much from the Screwworms, but manages to kill them before they can kill Ted. Luca and a handful of the Straggele arrive at Rob's house, with Perchta retreating to Nordreichdun to watch over the kingdom while the boys do their thing. From there, she'd receive medical treatment from other guardsmen. The Tomte, rested up, heads south to join the fight.
It soon dawns on the Horrorday Gang and on the two reunited Strainers that their families have been dealt a blow. And many more families - many of whom don't deserve it - are about to be dealt an even worse one! Estahm was out of control. The Strainers wanted to be reunited, and end the rule of Estahm's corruption. The Horrorday Gang had a simpler idea: revenge!
As the crooked sheriff continued his pursuit of the ritual, his Screwworms capturing all of Forbes and Oakes, Estahm would soon learn one very uncomfortable truth: Santa and his reindeer weren't coming this year. He had a meeting to attend...with the other guys!
Downloadable Lots
Nordreichdun Castle

Not long after gaining a cult following in northern Greenland, Krampus established the construction of this small castle. He kept the interior relatively basic, and modified it throughout the years to improve the efficiency of his operations - with Luca's help. It bears some subverted festive garments, enough to indicate that it's the home of a bad Santa who sucks the joy out of Yuletide.
Most don't even know the castle exists; as even Denmark reluctantly and begrudgingly complies with the formation of Nordreichdun. However, this doesn't stop the Icy Finger from trying to raid the castle, and make off with the king inside! Nordreichdun - the Dark Kingdom of the North - has interfered with Icy Finger operations for too long, and now Chad Estahm wishes to make sport of this strange, defiant spit of land!
However, Estahm's superiors are less than amused by how much Tug tech was required to pull off a successful invasion of Nordreichdun! Was it even worth it? Apart from one time a year, Krampus otherwise doesn't usually bother anyone. It may have been wiser to leave this place alone!
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Official Free Packs

- Lot type: Residential
- Lot value: $284,126
- File shared to Gallery: 8/29/2020
- 4 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom
- File size: 237 KB
- Lot size: 40x30
Nordreichdun Castle at MediaFire
Downloadable Characters
Adolphus Kraus / Krampus

He's made out a list / and he'll check it thrice! / Determined to know whose ORGANS he'll slice! — Lyrics to a rendition of "Krampus is Coming to Town"
Adolphus Kraus was transformed into a near-ageless monster by a Marlquaan storm on February 23rd of 1672. To avoid too much backlash for his actions, he adopted the folklore of Krampus, and adhered to his own version of making the mythical demon his alias.
Unlike the monster of folklore, however, Adolph was a bit more rational. He also only fed when the time for feeding was upon him. To save his energy in his new vampire-like state, he also needed to hibernate six months out of the year.
He spent centuries honing the art of being Krampus, preying on the naughtiest of children shortly before Christmas, as well as going after random adults whose criminality especially bothered his sensibilities. In this way, he felt that he'd become more of an antihero, rather than be seen as an outright villain. Either way, he was someone understood to be not anyone to mess with!
He forged a reluctant truce with the Order of the Oraphim, as he and they had a common enemy in the Society of the Icy Finger. When his feeding frenzy got out of hand in Hawaii one year, however, he found himself facing the wrath of Kamohoalii - who had him banished permanently from the Hawaiian islands. Paku and Adolph would remain frenemies ever since, doing their best to respect and avoid each other's domains - but also work together against the Icy Finger.
Kraus did, however, develop a soft spot for a band of Inuits on the northern end of Greenland. So much so, that he started his own cult following among them. They eventually broke away from the rest of Greenland in 1990, around the same time that the Battle for Gerosha was being fought. The new kingdom, dubbed "Nordreichdun," managed to live in relative peace and isolation - in spite Denmark being miffed.
A lost, angry, confused Luca Ricci finally found his way to Nordreichdun, where his helping the locals earned him sanctuary from the US military. It wasn't long before Krampus noticed how effective Luca was at organization, and agreed to let Luca stay in Nordreichdun - pending several prior conditions. This made Luca the Snowmobster into Krampus' official Underboss, and the Horrorday Gang was born as the rulers of Nordreichdun.
After rescuing Jerry, Perchta, and the Tomte, Krampus had secured a basic collection of Marlquaanite misfits unto himself, to keep control of his dark northern kingdom. The Nordreichdunni royal guard even had a division within known as the Straggele - who dressed up as the mythical monsters!
Kraus had a system. But he never anticipated that one corrupt Screwworm-affiliated sheriff from North Dakota would have the audacity to invade Nordreichdun. Yet, the Screwworms finally had him! One way or another, he was determined to reunite with his gang, and take back control! And Sheriff Estahm? Needed to pay! One fateful December in 2018, it was evil vs. evil, for the fate of Dickey County!
Krampus is a Marlquaanite vampire of sorts, with some other abilities. He prefers to be active at night, though he is not particularly bothered by sunlight. He needs his hibernation periods, but also his feeding times. He is inhumanly strong, heals quickly, is extremely fast, and can even walk through walls if charged enough. He commands a hovercraft / jet dubbed the Totensauto, often jokingly called his "Slay Sleigh."
In addition to this, he has some limited ability to warp reality around himself - usually, to suck the joy out of environments. He can make even the cheeriest Santa North Pole home look more like a creepy vampire castle, simply by corrupting the environment with his mere presence and force of will. He can turn Bronner's in Frankenmuth into a Hot Topic, with the wave of a hand, stealing joyousness, comfort, and color - the way the Grinch may steal presents!
To further drive home the point of his purpose to the modern world, he has taken hints from the 2015 film Krampus, and decided to dress himself up as a dark mockery of Santa Claus. The suit encourages him to use his head, and employ devious tactics to destroy his prey. Without it, he is more likely to turn into his savage form, simply ripping enemies apart.
He used to be ashamed of the horns that the Marlquaan storm gave him. But in time, he embraces them as essential to his new identity and purpose.
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
Krampus-ified Father Winter Suit
- World of Warcraft Horns by Vahallan Sim
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial Sims
- Extreme Violence by Sacrificial Sims
- Demon Trait by Simsbunny19 at Mod the Sims
- File size: 144 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 8/6/2020
- Occult type: Vampire
- Age: Elder
- Traits: Public Enemy - Dastardly, Serial Killer, Evil, Demon
Krampus at MediaFire
Gerald Smack / Jerry the Psycho Reindeer

Jerry the Psycho Reindeer /
Always had a bloody nose! /
Got dead rats in his mailbox; /
Followed everywhere he goes! /
All of those lowlife reindeer; /
Nearly tossed him in the flames! /
They'd beat the snot out of Jerry;
Them and all their reindeer gangs! /
Then came the mutiny on Christmas Eve! /
Santa coughed up blood to spray:
"Jerry! Here's a chainsaw or three!
Please, avenge my memory!"
Now other reindeer fear him; /
As they scream in agony! /
Jerry the Psycho Reindeer! /
Now the rest are history! — Lyrics to "Jerry the Psycho Reindeer"
Not much is known about Jerry's origins. But what is known, is that two generations of Anarteq guarding Canada made things difficult for the Icy Finger. As Warren "Rappaccini" Buntine was making his way up the ranks of Icy Finger leadership, it was decided that more extreme measures would be needed eventually.
Early tests on the Anito Squad proved helpful to finding minions that could be controled easily, that were also much more durable than the easily-defeated (by Order of the Oraphim Marlquaanite standards, anyway) Qalupaliks.
However, Anitos were mindless, tortured creatures that didn't fare too well in arctic weather. Plus, the program of kidnapping pinay prostitutes to create Anitos with was in its infancy at that time. They didn't just want the new Anarteq, Isitoq Sundue, to be defeated. Wishpon could possibly do that one day! They wanted an associated mythological counterpart to Anarteq to defeat him once and for all, in order to completely demoralize the Inuit chapters of the Order! Anitos weren't gonna cut it!
A few twisted geniuses decided that they would capture random men for a program that showed promise: Project Ijiraq. Inspired by the Hebbleskin Gang's werewolf Meethexo program, a band of Icy Finger scientists set to work either kidnapping random individuals or recruiting volunteers - either from inside or outside Icy Finger ranks! Gang members were preferred, as they'd already understand how they were expected to function.
Of those captured, two severely mentally unstable individuals without families were abducted for recruitment to the ranks for the Tariaksuq facility: the neurotic and speech-limited Gerald Smack and the sadistic and mostly quiet George Lawence. An explosion occurred at the facility, as Stephen Harper sent in troops to deal with an exposed, obviously illegal operation just outside of Cape Dyer.
George was the final member of the company to be set up for testing, though the explosion occurred before he could be tested. He managed to escape undetected, getting creative to find ways of surviving and making his way south back to his home streets in Illinois. However, he was intercepted and sent to a mental facility elsewhere. He would later escape, with help from the Gleeful-N'-Young cartel, when Clyde Spendelworth thought George would prove useful. George would later go on to become one of Clyde's hitmen for hire, to help oversee the Sleet Mountain operation near Big Rapids.
This left Jerry and the others on their own. However, Jerry's verbal tics and mental processing issues cause the others to fear and hate him - leading to all manner of abuse that would intensify. That Jerry could take seemingly infinitely more punishment than the rest of them combined, further bothered them.
"How did the retard get all the endurance?", they demanded to know. His glowing red eyes when upset further terrified them.
Jerry and the others eventually found employment under a man known to most only by his first name: Patrick. But Jerry believed Patrick was Santa Claus, and would address him as such. While contemplating their fate, in-between sessions of making Jerry's life miserable, the other Ijiraq took factory jobs for Patrick. However, Jerry's loyalty - and subsequent promotion under Patrick - irritated them to no end.
Icy Finger recruiters offered the Tariaksuq runaways a second chance; and all of them took it - except for Jerry. Jerry remained loyal to Patrick. The recruiters gave the Tariaksuq a main mission: find the new Anarteq and assassinate him! But first, to prove themselves, they needed to assassinate Stephen Harper, to get revenge for the Tariaksuq facility getting blown up!
The Tariaksuq instead made their first mission to prove they were no longer working for Patrick - by burning the factory down! The carnage they wreaked left everyone inside dead - except for Jerry and Patrick. Patrick handed a pistol and a key to Jerry, telling him to go to his shed and get more weapons. Patrick breathed his last, asking Jerry to ensure the other Tariaksuq paid for their crimes against him and his factory workers. In his own special way, Jerry vowed to do exactly that.
Something snapped inside of him that evening. Gone was the completely innocent Jerry. Inside, was now an urge to kill. The more ultraviolently, the better. His "Santa" was dead, and he couldn't cope without an equatable master. After hunting down all of the other Tariaksuq, Jerry wasted no time picking them off and brutally murdering each one of them. This earned him a new nickname: Jerry the Psycho Reindeer.
Being compared to an evil Rudolph was charming to him; but he still felt empty inside. Then, amidst his wandering the world lost, he protected some Nordreichdunni interests from Screwworm attack. He later was invited to Nordreichdun, where he was taken in by Luca. Krampus made Jerry an official soldier, alongside the Straggele, in early January of 2010. Thus, Jerry became Krampus' version of Rudolph - but able to wield chainsaws!
As a Tariaksuq, Jerry has three forms. His quiet, original default form allows him to still look mostly human. In this form, he is a playful, jolly soul that enjoys childish forms of amusement. He often speaks in very broken sentences, and has a heartwarming element to him - that partially masks his other half of him, the homicidal nutjob. He is weakest in this mode, but can speak more fluently. He also hides his antlers well.
Jerry's second mode increases his strength and endurance, at the expense of further weakening his vocabulary. In this mode, he appears to be half-man, half-deer. His eyes glow red, and he can move super fast. He is prone to wielding a chainsaw as his primary weapon. In this mode, he also loses the ability to hide his antlers.
Jerry's third mode makes him a full-on sapient-minded deer. His eyes may or may not glow red, on will, instead of being involuntary like with his second mode. However, this mode strips him entirely of the ability to speak. This mode makes him near-invincible, as well as allowing him to move even faster. He uses this for recon in rural areas, as it lets him better blend in with his surroundings. He uses his human mode for urban recon, as a glowing-red-eyed reindeer would stand out painfully.
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Official Free Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle at The Sims Resource
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial Sims
- Extreme Violence by Sacrificial Sims
- Demon Trait by Simsbunny19 at Mod the Sims
- Fur Skin Overlay (Classic) by EmuMaster2002 at Mod the Sims (for his dark form's deer fur)
- Antlers by Mikalina on Tumblr
- File size: 149 KB
- Shared: 8/6/2020
- Occult type: Vampire (because Werewolf wasn't an option)
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Public Enemy - Dastardly, Serial Killer, Active, Erratic
Jerry the Psycho Reindeer at MediaFire
Luca "the Snowmobster" Ricci

In spite his prowess with organization, Luca Ricci wasn't allowed to rise the ranks of the Saraceno family. Being reduced to little more in New York than guns for hire for the Lucchese family, the don decided that moving their operation away westward was a good way to get out from underneath the Luchhese.
However, Luca in particular soon ran into trouble when remnants of the Purple Gang decided that they weren't going to let him muscle in. A Marlquaan storm hit in 1946, with Luca being one of the only directly affected by it. He became an ice and snow elemental Marlquaanite, able to assume a snowman-like form. In spite this, he seemed to be able to tolerate heat surprisingly well.
Hiding as a snowman for a short while in a small town in Minnesota caused him a lot of stress. Friction with some military personnel later on finally drove him over the edge. He acquired an M16 rifle, and went on a rampage in a small town. Always, he felt unappreciated. But couldn't shake himself of his need to be a gangster.
Some time later, he encountered Krampus. It wasn't long before Luca rose up the ranks, becoming the viceroy of Nordreichdun. He became very loyal to his new boss, who gave him a true sense of purpose in life. He governed over Nordreichdun during the half of the year that the boss was required to slumber. He did, however, use his new power and position to take revenge on the most vile of the rival gangsters he'd previously received trouble from.
Luca the Snowmobster may not be as powerful as Krampus; but he is not to be trifled with! This speedy, efficient snow monster can chill enemies to the bone! Though, he usually prefers to blow them away. Shotgun, bomb, Tommy gun, doesn't matter! He is a ruthless planner and organizer, often taking no contradiction from anyone other than Krampus himself! He can move at very fast speeds, control wind and water to an extent, and become more or less snowman-like in appearance. He can tolerate extremes of heat and cold on a whim.
Yet, what Luca is most infamous for, is being an evil counterpart to Frosty in children's imaginations.
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Official Free Packs

Required Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial Sims
- Extreme Violence by Sacrificial Sims
- File size: 101 KB
- File shared: 8/6/2020
- Occult type: Alien
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Public Enemy - Dastardly, Serial Killer, Evil, Stay Away From Me
Luca the Snowmobster at MediaFire

While the others all have some scant history to go by, the Tomte is probably the least known or understood. He moves really fast. Krampus can just barely out-pace him in speed, but only at significant strain to himself. The Tomte's favorite trick appears to be tying up his victims, then doing random humiliating things to them when they are incapacitated. He may rip their heads off, if he gets pushed to anger sufficiently.
This playful midget is normally captain of the police. However, he can join the Horrorday Gang on missions outside of Nordreichdun on occasion.
His red eyes are a Photoshop effect. The Tomte in-game is usually portrayed by a standard garden gnome structure, and requires no further download.
Polly Ann Wilson / Perchta

The youngest recruit to the Horrorday Gang's top brass. Polly Ann Wilson was 16 at the time that men dressed as FBI attacked her neighborhood. Her parents were allies with the Rubens, who were part of the emerging Sneakernet Underground from before it became mostly comprised of Navyropes.
Polly herself wasn't as well-grounded in the religious underbelly of Swappernetter culture, but did love the parkour element. She even used to babysit a young Erica Johann, having no idea this girl would grow up to become the monster Bliksemhek.
However, that raid changed everything. Polly herself was spared - but then found herself being taken captive by Belgian sex traffickers. Given her age, she was warned that she'd be beheaded on her 17th birthday, as the clients of that ring would lose interest in her.
Finding a Ritual Dancer's Marlquaanite Ruby inside of one of her clients' suitcases while rummaging for anything else useful that could assist her in escaping to a life outside the brothel, she wasted no time using it on herself. However, the resulting bond didn't quite go as she planned.
Polly was transformed into a monster, one that looked like a deformed mix of a streetwalker and an angel decoration. Krampus realized she would be good at managing security systems for Nordreichdun - and keeping a naughty list to make his job easier.
It didn't take long to seduce her into joining the Nordreichdun cult, at which point she became the head of Krampus' national intelligence committee. She adopted the alias of Perchta, on suggestion from the other Horrorday Gang members.
She gained new abilities from the ruby, including the ability to forge weapons and shape her arms into almost any type imaginable. She became especially fond of her arms becoming whip-swords.
After using these abilities to get the jump on her former captors, it was quickly noted that she also killed most of the others inside the brothel, in a twisted mercy kill fashion. She also burned the bodies, to prevent the cartel's support from extracting blood samples to collect adrenochrome. She began wandering the Earth as a vigilante, seeking out Belgian sex predators and torturing them to death as twisted revenge.
Her tech prowess even allowed her to hack into their bank accounts, or even hack security systems. It somewhat frustrated her, however, that some "Extirpon" kept getting credit for her work.
Perchta has a twisted moral code, protecting innocent children who've not been molested but mercy killing those who have been - sometimes even when they don't ask for it! She also goes after bad kids, and predators. And anyone else that Krampus wants targeted. She will sometimes join in on the fun directly, but is usually thought of as a last resort in the field. She mostly stays behind to monitor activities, with drone cameras to assist her in this, while she lets the boys have fun doing most of the dirty work - while she gets to watch.
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Recommended Custom Content
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial Sims
- Extreme Violence by Sacrificial Sims
- File size: 100 KB
- File shared: 8/28/2020
- Occult type: Spellcaster
- Age: Young Adult
- Traits: Computer Whiz - Nerd Brain, Active, Geek, Mean
Perchta at MediaFire
The Straggele

Dressed as dark elves of sorts, the Straggele are the elite among the Nordreichdunni guard. They've devoted their lives to their nation, and to its king / boss, Krampus. They will do anything to maintain the balance that allows him to be their (mostly) benevolent king, rather than be consumed by the monster within.
In spite their vicious appearance and storm trooper brutality in combat, they are fairly easy to negotiate with. They rarely ever attack anyone who didn't in some way deserve it. They are assumed to be mostly for show; but can pack a punch if pushed to it. Two of them are included here.
Salik Skifte / Hosenzünder

Salik quickly rose through the ranks, to become a lieutenant in the Straggele. He has unquestioning loyalty to Krampus, and displays physical feats of determination far beyond the expectations of his actual power level. He is supposedly just an ordinary man; yet he has trained himself to peak physical condition. Only the Tomte ranks above him in policing Nordreichdun's ordinary civilians. Given that the total population of Nordreichdun is only about 5,000 tops, that means he doesn't have too impossible a job.
On a few occasions, he will leave Nordreichdun - mostly for recon or diplomatic excursions, as a special agent. But when at home, he is content to be a ranked officer. He feels special attachment to Ivalu Molgaard, who is beneath him in rank - but has shown his same spirit of dedication. He longs for the day they may see each other as equals.
He and the Tomte command several Straggele in their offensive against Estahm's Screwworm army, for the fate of Oakes.
Ivalu Molgaard / Scharfekatze

Always one to be curious, Ivalu is fearful of crossing the line. She is often eager to take assignments away from home, due to her doubts about whether or not Nordreichdun's existence is truly justified. However, she sees the children playing by the coastline, and is always reminded of what she is truly protecting: Not the Horrorday Gang; but her kin. This boost keeps her going, even when King Kraus' inner monster comes out and demands to feed - which gives her dread.
Ivalu, when not on duty making rounds, entertains children with how King Kraus came to be - and how they became his secret to keeping his inner Krampus in check most of the year. Though, she is given pause when the children question Luca and Jerry's origins, or Perchta's. Their redemption arcs feel less complete, and their actions less justified. Ivalu has to twist her way around it, so as not to offend her king or endanger her kingdom, but still satiate the children's curiosity. She hates feeling like a liar.
She was one of many brave Straggele to partake in the Battle for Oakes, and was the quickest to remind other troops to leave Rob alone - and not to harm those he was helping flee town! Some years later, Ivalu and Perchta were captured by SCALLOP during the Beliah Amendment Enforcement Sweeps, as they were following up with recon teams on what was becoming of the Sodality. Perchta escapes with Keet Kabo, only to return to Nordreichdun after the Italian mission is done.
Ivalu, however, elects to stay behind, in order to secure Keet and Perchta's escape. She uses this as an opportunity to do recon, and learn other points of view and ways of thought outside of her lifetime indoctrination into Nordreichdun lore.
Still not ready to leave her kingdom behind, Ivalu all the same begins to question her lifetime of blind faith to Krampus. She is transferred along with Candi to Houston Women's Prison, after SWCC is temporarily closed. The two become good friends for several months. Ivalu is offered a chance at parole in February of 2027. Candi urges her to take it; saying she'll get by. Ivalu's transport turns out to be an Icy Finger spy, however. She attempts to escape into Arkansas; but then learns too late that the Tug setup prevents her countrymen from invading to rescue her.
The Chrome Kite capture Ivalu, and she is sent to McPherson's. She is later joined by Hea Pang, Jissika Sundue, and Marge Ramirez - and finds it strange that she is getting along with Order women so well. Chrome Kite desperation grows to finally destroy the Gray Champion - and his new sidekick, the Gray Rancher. This leads to an attempt on Hea's life; which is foiled partially by several Swappernetters and Navyropes. However, the scuffle leads to guards at McPherson's murdering Marge and Ivalu both.
Salik, desperate for answers to Ivalu's whereabouts, performs recon all across the broken Toklisana. He finally convinces SCALLOP to let him have an interview with Hea. She informs him that Marge was taken away with one other woman - but that it's since been confirmed it wasn't Jissika. Hea fears it may have been Ivalu.
An enraged Salik then risks his life to confirm Ivalu's death, finally fleeing into Ameristan upon confirming it. He vows to avenge her, as former SCALLOP agent Shaniqua Tamery tells him more. Shaniqua urges him to save his anger - but to inform the Horrorday Gang that the Chrome Kite has kidnapped and killed Nordreichdun personnel in cold blood.
It is Ivalu's death that motivates Perchta to rally Luca for an invasion of Arkonia - right as the Twirlflame Trio and Ciem disable much of the Tug. Considered a friend to the Sodality, Order, and Nordreichdun alike, all three hold a ceremony in her honor - with Krampus himself even acknowledging that Ivalu's staunch moral fiber was an encouragement for all in Nordreichdun to become better versions of themselves.
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle at The Sims Resource
- Ginevra Skin Overlay by Saya Sims at The Sims Resource
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Studio K Anonymous Mask by Karzalee at Wixsite
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- File shared to Gallery: 8/31/2020
- File size: 237 KB
- Ages: Adult (both)
- Salik's traits: Soulmate-Alluring, Music Lover, Gloomy, Paranoid
- Ivalu's traits: Angling Ace - Collector, Perfectionist, Mean, Paranoid
The Straggele at MediaFire
Rob Strainer

Rob Strainer was a devout family man, who loved to keep things simple: God, guns, family, church, hard work, etc. Alas, he found himself embroiled in a world where nothing was ever simple. He could be a bit abrasive and strict, even with his wife, but much of that was due to his military history.
Convincing corrupt CPS that Strainer was a threat to his own wife and children, Sheriff Chad Estahm set to work grooming Estahm's oldest son - while making life Hell for the rest of the Strainer family! The family soon found themselves facing all manner of civil rights violations, as part of an endless harassment campaign. Why? Because Strainer's piety irritated the sheriff. And...because Strainer's kids looked appealing to Estahm's Gleeful-N'-Young connections. Yet, anyone who could help or advise the Strainers, turned up dead! All that was left, were the lawyers and public defenders that Estahm had on his side!
Leah found herself forcibly separated and moved to another town, pressured to divorce the man she loved "for her safety." She saw through it - but worried that she may not have a choice in the end. Rob and Leah were allowed no contact with one another.
Realizing that exposing himself as an Icy Finger ritualist would be tantamount to career and personal suicide, Estahm instead set to work with state authorities, trying to use everything down to as petty a detail as Strainer's beard as reason to associate him with white supremacy groups, such as the Aryan Nation.
Writers for the local paper, frequently chanting "The Finger...is chilling!" behind most of the town's backs, even wrote a hit piece - which Strainer attempted to sue them for. This retaliation, however, led to a full-scale raid on Strainer's home. Strainer fought back, even attacking an intruding agent with a pot full of steaming hot water! It was all for naught.
Strainer's adult son, seduced to the dark side, cooperated with Estahm to secure the illegal sale of Strainer's pickup truck. He also set to work to ensure Strainer was forbidden by police order from entering his own home! The other children were sent to foster homes, where they were treated horribly - with the fosters awaiting orders to have the children trafficked into Gleeful-N'-Young!
Finally succeeding at posting bail after a month in jail, Rob finds himself a homeless man facing up to an additional year or three in prison, if he can't turn things around - but discovering the full extent of Estahm's diabolical agenda! How far to go to reveal the truth, to what extent, how soon? Because regardless of the system, and the railroading, Rob could get himself - or his children - killed, if he speaks up about too much too soon!
He sets to work driving a truck, trying to maintain a low profile, and staying in whatever housing he can secure, pending his trial date - for trumped up charges! Meanwhile, the radio alerts that more and more changes are coming, as Ameristan rises from the remains of the United States, which collapsed after the eruption of Yellowstone due to Kropimak Duzerit.
Things come to a head for him when he has a run-in with Anton Estahm - who wishes to get Rob in touch with the Navyropes to send a militia after the corrupt sheriff. Krampus also arrives, but breaks free of the wristband. Anton and Krampus come under fire, and Rob is able to save Krampus. The Screwworms dead or forced to retreat, Krampus and Rob now have to forge a shaky truce to stop Estahm's ritual.
Rob's rage begins boiling over even further, when he learns that Perchta's failure to save Jemma from human traffickers led to an incident that got Jemma killed! Jerry and Luca are able to save Ted, however, resulting in Rob being reunited with his youngest son. However, it soon becomes clear that the Strainers and the Horrorday Gang are going to have to work together, if Estahm is to pay. Rob has a simple condition for the Horrorday Gang: the innocent are off limits for their feeding frenzy! Estahm and the Screwworms? Free game!
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle at The Sims Resource
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Age: Adult
- File shared to Gallery: 8/11/2020
- File size: 106 KB
- Traits: Super Parent- Domestic, Hot-Headed, Active, Perfectionist
Rob Strainer at MediaFire
Jack Strainer

Partially grown up, an incorrigible brat, and resentful of how strict his father is; Jack naturally rebels by joining Estahm's spiteful campaign against Rob. However, he begins to question if he's made the right friends, when Estahm invades Nordreichdun to abduct Krampus!
Getting back at bad dad is one thing; but bringing down the wrath of Yuletide freaks on North Dakota, just to commit one act of fratricide? Too far! Alas, Jack would soon learn that it's too late to repent. To question Estahm, means death! To fight a monster like Estahm...you need another monster!
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle at The Sims Resource
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Age: Young Adult
- File size: 90 KB
- File shared: 8/29/2020
- Traits: Joke Star - Gregarious, Gloomy, Snob, Self-Absorbed
Jack Strainer at MediaFire
Main Strainer Family
Note: These files are only together, because children in-game couldn't be in a household with no adults.
Ted Strainer

Ted agreed that Rob could be strict at times, but never developed the insane, irrational hatred that Jack had. Even so, he knew right away that the raid on his family was entirely wrong and unjustified. He knew the fosters he was with were bad news. He figured he'd have to flee from them or possibly even kill them in self defense, and then flee to Montana, if he wanted to live. He had heard them brag of their previous exploits, who went undetected into Gleeful-N'-Young, with the FBI turning a blind eye!
What he didn't count on, however? Being saved by Jerry the Psycho Reindeer! Who would have ever guessed that?
Screwworms helped the fosters in tracking Ted down; but Ted and Jerry together proved too much for them. Before the final battle, Ted is escorted by the Straggelle to Gerosha - where they feel he'd be safer with his mother Leah, and with the Exodus Agenda. Rob agrees to stay behind until after the Battle for Oakes, to assist the Horrorday Gang while Perchta recovers.
Leah Strainer

Leah was many things. She never thought she'd be the estranged wife of a man forced to work with Krampus to stop an Icy Finger-affiliated judge's satanic ritual. She never thought that she'd have to move to Gerosha, just because life in Forbes proved too dangerous!
She found herself in a halfway house - in spite no convictions - forced to wait matters out, while her husband was dragged through Hell on Earth! And for what? He wasn't perfect. He was stressful. He was hard to handle. But NOTHING on par with what was done to her and her family! It seemed he was willing to take the heat for the trumped-up charges being pushed on HER, which were entirely without foundation!
Yet, she was most of all in disbelief that Yuletide monsters would come to her rescue, solely to get revenge on that no-good sheriff! Leah reached a point, where she didn't know what to believe anymore about much of anything.
Jemma Strainer

Jemma was sweet and innocent. But that changed when she found herself trafficked. She hadn't yet been "initiated," as the others called it. She had no desire to be. Yet, she'd seen evidence of what happens. She was determined to escape - somehow. Yet, she sacrifices herself to save Perchta from the Screwworms. This fuels her father's - and Krampus' - rage, to boiling levels, and sets the Battle for Oakes into motion! Estahm must pay!
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ginevra Skin Overlay by Saya Sims at The Sims Resource
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- File size: 18 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 8/29/2020
- Leah's age: Adult
- Leah' traits: Super Parent - Domestic, Creative, Gloomy, Freegan
- Ted's age: Child
- Ted's personality: Whiz Kid - Loner
- Jemma's age: Child
- Jemma personality: Rambunctious Scamp - Goofball
Leah, Ted, and Jemma Strainer at MediaFire
Sheriff Chad Estahm

On the heels of Eric Korsicht's failure, and the Navyrope Society having caused his friends a more than heaping serving of irritation, Estahm deeply wants to prove himself worthy to be the new herald of Rappaccini.
However, the way in which he quickly lost control after literally kidnapping Krampus to enslave for the murder of his own brother? Just earned him a spot on Krampus' to-kill list, and a spot on Rappaccini's biggest idiots list!
Regardless, Estahm will assert his superiority over Rob Strainer to the bitter end, as well as his quest to create a new Abdygalis Shard! He and his own miniature cult following across North Dakota are absolutely ruthless toward their personal and political enemies, and Estahm enjoys massive popularity. Icy Finger cultists have the local media on his side, as well as the courts, CPS, FPB remnants, and more. However...invading Nordreichdun to kidnap its leader may very well have been the camel-breaking straw!
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle at The Sims Resource
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Extreme Violence by Sacrificial Sims
- Age: Adult
- File size: 97 KB
- File shared to Gallery: 9/1/2020
- Traits: Psychopathic Tendencies - Master of Disguise, Hot-Headed, Self-Absorbed, Mean
Sheriff Chad Estahm at MediaFire
Anton Estahm

Anton is far from a perfect man. He's gambled, he's been to Vegas and been with hookers there, he's made some bad business investments. However, none of that ever led to his life crashing down. What did? His brother, becoming obsessed with this Icy Finger insanity! Anton wants nothing more than to expose his brother's criminal abuses of power to the Navyropes, and get action taken against Chad.
However, Chad isn't completely stupid. He figures out quickly that Anton is a liability, and uses his massive sway over the seduced populace of Dickey County - and his Screwworm army - to ensure Anton is falsely imprisoned without much fanfare. For a while, everyone looks the other way, while Anton is left to rot.
But one fateful day, Anton escaped. Anton got really good at hiding. So in a panic - and wanting to prove himself - Chad didn't settle for a simple manhunt. He did the most desperate thing possible: capture Krampus, and attach a device to him to blackmail him into hunting Anton down!
Anton's effort to flee both Krampus and Chad's men led to him making one last ditch effort to get his word out - by seeking out the only man he believed still had the fortitude to get the job done: Rob Strainer! The perfect setup for a horrific showdown, as this sacrifice would free the beast within Kraus. With Krampus free, Rob had a reluctant ally. The Horrorday Gang was coming to town!
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Free Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ricky Male Skin Overlay by Wistful Castle at The Sims Resource
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Body Hair, Version 5 by Luumia at LuumiaSims (Tumblr)
- Age: Adult
- File shared to Gallery: 9/1/2020
- File size: 91 KB
- Traits: Friend of the World - Gregarious, Bro, Insider, Paranoid
Anton Estahm at MediaFire
The overt terrorist arm of Rappaccini's Icy Finger. The Screwworm Network have seen it all, or so they think! They were still few and far between in 2012, when the Gray Champion arrived in the modern world! Rappaccini had just risen to power, and was determined to completely crush the world under his Palpatine-like fists! But Eqquibus being defeated at the hands of John Domeck, seemingly back from the dead, meant mass hysteria within the ranks.
When Blackveil was defeated by Gray and Hea, Rappaccini realized half measures for his Screwworms would never do - and teamed them up with Halal Affadidah's radical Islamic terror groups.
The Screwworms then tried to play a role in every major crisis that would ever happen since then. They helped corrupt DC politicians get MPF "Tug" installments, to deal with the extreme lengths that a certain Extirpon was willing to go to in order to protect a certain Madeline Casey from them! They tried using Cold Digit to tear apart the Pangs. They sent Chillingworth to find Hester's Locket.
They formed the Triumvirate with the Phaletori and Hebbleskins. They plotted Project Kaiakahinali 2. They assisted Korsicht in trying to destroy Ohio and Indiana. They tried to perform all manner of evil acts in Florida. When Emeraldon interfered, they retaliated by blowing up an entire neighborhood in Evansville, and killing the mayor!
They tried to secure an Abdygalis Shard in Romania, only to be betrayed by Kritchobol. They even attempted to blow up the St. Mary's River, in order to steal an Abdygalis Shard, only to be foiled by Anarteq! They tried to secure more rubies in Hawaii, only to be foiled by Anarteq again! That time, with the help of Kamohoalii and Nemara! They eventually defeated their enemy Goatgruff; but failed with defeating Ciem! And their friends, the Hebbleskins, were taken down by Ciem with help from the likes of Earwig and Plum Bixie! And losing their then-current leader, Audrey "Lady Screwworm" Golin, in a battle against Pilltar and Strawberry? Probably one of their biggest blows!
However, the Screwworms are persistent. Enough to secure themselves a place in Arkonia under the Chrome Kite regime.
In November and December of 2018, however, they learned that you don't mess with Krampus, nor with disgruntled North Dakota family men! One female Screwworm, Wilma Menka, has been included in this pack.
Wilma Menka

Having infiltrated CPS, Wilma is determined not to let the Navyropes rain on her parade! However, her Screwworm division is placed under a new leader: Sheriff Chad Estahm of Dickey County.
A literal witch, she laughs when mothers cry when their kids are wrongfully taken away! Oddly enough, she's so much worse than that! However, she fears Chad's ambitions are bit too grandiose, when he invades Nordreichdun to abduct Krampus. That...won't end well!
Official Pack Requirements
Official Expansion Packs

Official Game Packs

Official Stuff Packs

Required Custom Content
- Ginevra Skin Overlay by Saya Sims at The Sims Resource
- Defined Feet Overlay (W1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Defined Hand Overlay (1) by Sims 4 Nexus
- Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod by SimmyTheSim at Mod the Sims
- Armageddon Mod by Sacrificial Sims
- Extreme Violence by Sacrificial Sims
- Age: Adult
- File shared to Gallery: 9/1/2020
- File size: 88 KB
- Occult type: Spellcaster
- Traits: Psychopathic Tendencies - Mistress of Disguise, Evil, Hates Children, Mean
Wilma Menka at MediaFire
Notable pack trivia
- Rob Strainer's journey in this pack is inspired by the real-life crusade of Bob Miner of North Dakota, who has spent years trying to reunite his family amidst never-ending corruption in that state. The manipulations of greedy government officials are legion; and his family is but one of hundreds to be victimized.
- While the Krampus in this pack is inspired by the 2015 Michael Doughtery film, this pack's version seeks to be an entirely different interpretation of the character concept.
- Names of the sheriff and CPS workers have been changed. Names of most members of the Miner/Strainer family have also been changed. All other characters should be assumed to be entirely fictional.
Further reading
- The Horrorday Gang Story Pack entry at IMDB
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