It is the late 2010s, in southern Indiana. The evil Triumvirate is going to any lengths to crush resistance to its multiversal domination of all existence campaign. Heroes are too few and far between. Yet, one Centhuen Prototype is determined to defend her hometown from terrorists and corrupt bureaucrats alike - even if it earns her jail time: Ciem!
Download these packs, and journey along with Candi Flippo in your copy of The Sims 4, as she takes a stand against an army with few if any scruples, while holding together whatever resemblance of a family she can, as the (in)justice system is determined to squeeze her in its own gears. Or, follow along with the journey of her sister Miriam, who must expose a dirty CIA agent and his ties with defecting members of her own Critter Resistance Network of online vigilantes!
Play as Imaki, and try to keep Candi and Miriam from losing heart. Or, play as Marina, and jam tunes to relax away from all the hysteria of WWIII!
As Erin, try to bring your sisters home safely - if you can! Or play as the Trensons, and survive the Battle for Cincinnati! Play as Flintirah, as you seek your own path to redemption.
Feeling a bit evil today? Play as Drop-In, as Quoll, or as Eric Korsicht, and rain destruction down! Not that evil, but still a bad boy? Play as the Purge-Flare, and engulf your enemies!
One centipede-woman, plus some allies, against a world on fire. All yours to live out, in the Centipede and Fire Saga Story Pack Series!
- Ciem: Inferno Story Pack (Pending)
- Ciem: Ash Cloud Story Pack (Pending)
- Ciem: Caldera Story Pack (Pending)
The Flippo Triplets' early lives
Stan and Shalia saved Boonville from the Hebbleskins, and renamed it Gerosha, by way of what some would call divine intervention. But they failed to eradicate Duke Arfaas' division on Earth. The Hebbleskins vowed revenge, and to one day create a new energy dome around the town and enslave it! In 2006, they murdered the couple, and scared Reily into taking extra precaution to secure the Triangulum. Reily reneged on his initial promise to look after his sisters should anything go wrong, instead letting his adopted younger sister Erin assume custody.
Given Erin's numerous issues with frail health, and need for constant hospitalization, Imaki agreed to joint custody - especially of Candi. Marina had little interest in Imaki. Yet, as Candi's godfather, Imaki Izuki lovd her like she was his own daughter. Alas, he didn't always have time for her - since he would struggle to get his green card.
Stan and Shalia's refusal to abandon Gerosha - and uproot the triplets from the only life they'd ever known - caused Stan's son Darius Philippine, the director of SCALLOP, no end of bitterness. He blamed the triplets for his father's death; and was determined to (ab)use his position to make their lives more difficult. But things were about to get even worse.
It was revealed that not only was Stan used as an infant to create Darius; but that the Phaelite Society of Earth that would later become SCALLOP did something worse: they altered baby Stan's DNA, so that one of his children would stand a chance at becoming the perfect specimen of a Centhuen Prototype!
The girls were groomed by SCALLOP agents monitoring them early on for life as potential black ops assassins, until Candi showed the most potential. But as Imaki sensed Darius' hubris, lack of regard for faith, and drunknenness on power grow, a rift developed between the two.
Part of this centered around the Zeran tech that was being developed: Remotach pills, Zeran wardrobes, and Zeran teleporters. Imaki believed strongly that Candi would need these in the future. Darius insisted that their existence be kept a secret - lest an arms race develop within the military. Yet, Darius lacked a means to properly enforce this secrecy by law. Darius also made it clear that he only wanted Candi to - should she manifest - be used as a killer. As a solider. Imaki saw in Candi a desire to help others, and a kindness - especially toward boys. He didn't feel it right to follow Darius' vision for Candi's future.
Imaki promised Candi he'd teach her what each of these developments was for - but that Imaki's own designs of them for her were to be kept out of public knowledge if at all possible. Whatever Candi could do because of being a Centhuen Prototype, versus what the classified technology enabled her to do, no one outside of family (or a very close confidant) was to know the difference. He also vowed that if Candi manifested fully, he'd condition her to think and operate closer to a traditional comic book superhero, rather than the heartless killer that Darius wanted.
Since early childhood, Candi Flippo and her sisters, Miriam and Marina, were warned that they might manifest the Centhuen Prototype protocols that Reily avoided manifesting. As the Hebbleskins wanted to destroy all that was worthwhile or of God, and especially get revenge on Gerosha and on the legacy of Stan and Shalia Flippo, the girls' lives would be in constant danger. If they were ever captured, Duke Arfaas had vowed to have them ceremonially beheaded - no matter at what age - and their skulls turned into museum exhibits, right next to Shalia's, per Decolarent eam, eviscerate eum.
Within the best of their limited abilities, Erin and Imaki tried to teach the girls how to be independent and self-reliant. They also were determined to instill creation science and faith in each girl, aware that the Hebbleskins' political allies would stop at nothing to destroy the girls' souls. Erin's home had but a few rules. The strictest, however, was the one none of the girls would be able to honor: no dating. With a constant lack of parental-type supervision, and a need to cover this up, the girls seldom had much more than each other to turn to for guidance. And churches proved to be of little assistance to them, as the Hebbleskins systematically began eliminating the churches.
Candi in particular noticed that the world was getting to be a darker place. All her old, good teachers started disappearing. The new ones...creeped her out. Radical fruitcake LGBTQPIZON indoctrination in some classes, radical sexualization of everything, students encouraged to sexually harrass each other, local law enforcement not even curious...something was up. Yet, the local private schools were few and far between, and under pressure to close. Candi thought it insane to be expected to adhere strictly to a faith she had only her sometimes-available sister or godfather to reinforce, with no guarantee the church would still be standing, while encouraged 5 days a week to attend an institution that was rabidly hostile toward her - and toward the facts that she based her beliefs on! Yet, increasingly, she found her family frustrated by SCALLOP and by outside circumstance into playing along with this insane ruse.
By age 10, the sisters' happy childhoods were over. Yet, stick together they did. It was a fool's errand, however, to assume they'd never give in to compromise, or ever cave under pressure.
Middle school
As the girls started attending Gerosha Middle School, the urge to flirt became unbearable. They covered for each other, lest Erin should ever overreact on them for breaking the no-dating rule. None of them wanted to risk her kicking them out, as Erin suffered from extreme debilitating erotophobia - among many other conditions. Candi in particular took a liking to one Don Mendoza in school. Given that he was from a Mexican family, living with his sickly single mom, and had little to look forward to in life, (and the fact that they were among the few non-white kids in the entire town), Candi believed that she and Don could have what Candi longed for most - a special connection.
Candi idolized the seemingly perfect family love model that her deceased parents, Stan and Shalia, once emulated. She believed creating a society where it would be once again safe to live as they lived was, second only to evangelizing whom she could, the real purpose for her existence. All else was secondary. Don seemed inspired by Candi's committment to this belief - but not enough to hide his own bitterness over his father abandoning him, nor his mother's fading health.
Darius become increasingly cruel toward the girls too, and Candi was fortunate enough to survive an experiment that proved that Remotach worked - one which would have killed her otherwise. She was understandably traumatized by that incident - as it was the first time in her life that she'd experience the horror of being beheaded! Able to reattach her own head with the Remotach in her system, she grew to resent her half-brother. Imaki's contempt for Darius grew even larger - but Imaki realized he was too late to act. Darius now had too much government-granted control. Still, he insisted that Candi would not be used for Remotach experiments by SCALLOP scientists ever again!
The experience would prove useful for Candi many years later in life, after she was captured at the border of Texas and sent to a death camp. Her quick thinking not only would ensure her own survival in that critical moment; but would preserve the life of a friend: Dolly Malestrom.
As the continued strain of Candi's life situation persisted, her life at age 12 seemed for a minute like it would spiral completely out of control. Don's mother died, and he responded by turning his back on God - and on Candi for refusing to do the same! He wasn't interested in proofs of anything! All he cared about, what that he had lost faith in everything.
Wishing credit for himself to hurt the Gifted Flippo before turning her in, Don didn't inform Arfaas of which sister was most likely the "Gifted Flippo" that Arfaas feared was prophesied against him. All the same, he threw in his lot with the Hebbleskins, who transformed him with a stolen Phex-1 formula into a vampire-like creature.
He then conspired with bullies at school to exact the ultimate shame on Candi - he worked with them to ensure that, at one point after a basketball game, she was in the shower stalls of the girls' locker room alone. He then attacked her in the shower stall, proceeding to rape her.
Giving in to her anger, Candi's Centhuen Prototype abilities manifested in full. She used her newfound strength to force off her assailant. With his powers not yet fully matured, Don realized that Candi stood a good chance against him in a fight. He fled the scene. Candi chased him out of the girls' room - only to discover the other girls there, snickering. It was a setup! She sent one of them flying through a ceiling tile, and gave another bloody lip, then stung a third, before getting control of herself again.
The evil classmate girls fled, vowing that they'd one day sell her out to Duke Arfaas. A devastated Candi knew she couldn't tell Erin. Erin would never believe that it was non-consensual! Candi also feared a growing impulsive desire within herself, to one day cast aside her own morals if only to confide in a man of her choosing. She wanted validation! Her love life was not supposed to turn out this way!
Miriam and Marina understood what happened, but were unable to tell anyone. Candi tried to inform SCALLOP of the situation, but Darius didn't care. She tried going to the police - but one of the conspirators was the daughter of an officer, so the matter was swept under the rug. The school staff threatened Candi with suspension if she got in another fight too soon, seeming almost delighted that she'd been a recent victim of sexual assault!
Other than Miriam and Marina, and the local pastor, it seemed the only empathy Candi could hope to get, was Imaki - once he was available again. Imaki decided to show Candi the news. Clyde Spendelworth was joining Gleeful-N'-Young to the Hebbleskin Gang. The loss of Sleet Mountain in 2009 did little to deter this band of evil human traffickers.
Worse: There were rumors of a pending alliance between Arfaas and the Icy Finger's Rappaccini - an alliance of evil that would spell doom for the world, not just Gerosha! Imaki proceeded to up Candi's training, and helped her make some ever-improving costumes. He felt she was finally ready.
After another classmate sexually assaults Marina, and appears to be getting away with it, Candi becomes the "Spookfaced Centipede," and avenges her sister by putting the rapist in the hospital. However, this results in her receiving a warning from Darius to not focus on "such petty" cases. Candi takes to assisting local police in dealing with the ever-increasing problem of carjackings and vehicle break-ins, as the "Nighttime Mysterious Centipede Girl." Yet, she is bothered by the fact that her assistance to police does little to stop the crime wave from growing ever more and more. A gang from Evansville - the Pyro Panthers - hellbent on arson and destruction for its own sake, further make protecting Gerosha difficult.
High school
The problems in Candi's life only seemed to get worse as she entered 9th grade. However, by then, she was getting adept at her double life as the centipede heroine she still hadn't settled on a name for. Miriam had become the online global vigilante hacker "Sniperbadger," as a way to help Tim "Tamperwolf" Downsen's Critter Resistance Network take down all manner of ne'er-do-wells in cyberspace.
Miriam also decided to be Imaki's backup as mission control, and was learning other skills involving tech and mechanics. Candi may have been believed by her family to be the chosen one; but Miriam was determined to be the hypercompetent sidekick. Come Hell or high water, Miriam was not going to be chopped liver! While Candi was still a hopeless romantic, Miriam gave up for a time on searching for a man. A secret relationship with a classmate named Corey nearly ended badly, as he used Miriam for sex and then bragged about dumping her afterward to the class. Marina's hopeless romantic escapades spelled problems for Miriam and Candi's reputations at school also.
While Candi and Miriam were all about that life of battling criminals and terrorists; Marina decided she wanted nothing to do with it. She instead took an interest in indie rock music; and became a fluent guitar and bass player. With an also decent singing voice, Marina wasted little time auditioning for bands to notice her. Erin was quite impressed; but feared that the road would be rife with temptations for Marina.
Ruthless queen bee Julie Saffrins had it in for the Flippo girls, however - for not being promiscuous enough! To deal with her, Candi found herself blackmailed into sleeping with the perverted classmate Tyrone Menster - a deed she regretted, but which got Julie to not spill dirt on Miriam or Marina.
The first boy to show a genuine interest at school in something other than sex, and to show an interest in Candi beyond simmply being an object for it, was one Danny Loffin. He was charming, sweet, awkward, short, timid, humble, and had a love for downhill skiing.
After an incident involving some Gleeful-N'-Young scouts invading Gerosha in May of 2015, however, Danny learned that the mysterious centipede girl protecting the town was of the same skintone as Candi - making it all but immediately apparrent who she was!
Danny offered to help Candi protect her secret identity, and was welcomed to Team Centipede - in spite the need to hide him from Erin. By July of that year, Candi and Danny began dating. Yet, their toxic culture and personal struggles had drilled unwholesome desire into them. Being left alone for too long, temptation eventually got the best of them. The couple headed to an abandoned property outside of town, which they'd volunteered to help the city clean up. But with no one else around that morning, they consummated their relationship. They both felt incredibly guilty about it; yet quickly became addicted to each other's bodies.
Miriam attempted to cover things up for Candi, as the latter sometimes grew careless. Miriam feared Candi's indiscretion would make Erin wise one day. However, Miriam also wanted things to work out with Danny, in spite her misgivings about him; because she wanted Candi and Danny to be what she and Corey failed to be.
Prologue to destruction
Writing was on the wall years earlier. Darius wasn't sure why his wife, Nancy, was falling ill. Little did he realize, it was his own new right-hand man, Jim Oisdaat, who was giving her cancer. This Icy Finger plant went unnoticed for years, while also playing on Darius' ego to undermine his faith - and even his sexual sanity! Even as Nancy was growing faint from cancer, Darius was involved in a homosexual affair with Oisdaat. This would eventually compromise Darius in his ability to make any sound decisions. (James 1:8)
In 1998, ideological differences within SCALLOP led to some unethical scientists departing from it, adopting Hebbleskin-similar ideology. The Phaletori compromised Darius' base near Houston as a civil war broke out within Phaelite culture on Earth. A man who witnessed too much by accident, one Evan Manicotti, was sent trapped inside a Marlquaanite Prison Field Chamber of suspended animation to Phaeleel, with his entire life up to that point turned into a museum exhibit. This was seen as a way to protect him from the Phaletori seeking revenge on him for what he witnessed.
The early 2000s arrived, and the Society of the Icy Finger began experiments in northern Canada to get rid of the Inuit Chapter of the Order of the Oraphim. When these experiments ended disastrously, the end result was Jerry the Psycho Reindeer - who defected to the Kingdom of Nordreichdun.
Another escapee from those experiments was one George Lawence, who became a gun for hire for Gleeful-N'-Young cartel ringleader Clyde Spendelworth. Clyde used George to defend his Sleet Mountain operation in 2009, which fell apart after Clyde abducted Sleet Mountain employee Ashley Phillips - resulting in her coworker Chris Kennal betraying Clyde in order to save her. Chris, realizing he'd become a murderer due to Clyde's manipulations, set to work becoming a vigilante. He was determined to avenge what was done to Ashley, in order to sleep better at night. To do this, Chris reasoned that he had to go up the entire chain of command of Gleeful-N'-Young, killing all of Clyde's underlings until he made his way to Clyde himself.
The World Begins to Fall Apart
The Great Marlquaan Storm of 2012, instigated by one Dereck Johnson of Marl-Q Industries, proved to be a genuinely world-changing disaster. It brought the Gray Champion into the modern world - at a terrible cost. However, residents of Boston were a little smidgeon safer from Icy Finger terror attacks. Yet, if they wouldn't rally behind the God that chose the Champion, then he would in short order not be enough to face what was coming.
A much darker hero rose as well: Extirpon. However, with Extirpon's rescuing Madeline Casey and her child from government rogues, and the ethics of Phexo creation by SCALLOP thrown into question; government pointy-heads and degenerate leftists in league with the Icy Finger decided to fight back.
After much time and thought, Warren "Rappccini" Buntine of the Icy Finger formed an evil syndicate with the likes of Duke Arfaas and the Hebbleskin Gang. Dubbed the "Triumvirate," this pact included the rogue Phaletori - as well as the Legions of Halal Affadidah. They conquered Boise, and took most of Idaho and Montana hostage, creating a new Hebbleskin dictatorship on Earth dubbed "Netheel." This experiment would be met with plenty of internal resistance, emboldened in 2018 and 2019 by the arrival of one Zize "Plum Bixie" Choi from China.
An oppressive new (f)law
With Rainsborough Network radio host Brent Principe's strong warnings being largely ignored by America, repeated permitted and tolerated lawlessness in the country resulted in a tyranny that then backed itself up not only with pretended legislation; but with Icy Finger and Screwworm terror coming in from without. Brent, along with fellow podcast host Tyler Mauve, were assassinated in 2016 by Jim Oisdaat - who was still actively an Icy Finger agent while (poorly) undercover as a SCALLOP agent.
While the Flippo girls were intrigued in 2009 by a snippet of a podcast with Brent as the speaker; they were never able to tune in again - much to the detriment of their own development. Candi would later remark, after many years, after hearing some old podcasts that Hea had managed to preserve, that she would have conducted her life very differently - if only she'd been allowed to hear that message sooner.
Georgia Representative Tom Kirby saw his anti-chimera proposed legislation hijacked from the bench by corrupt Obama appointee Judge Terry Beliah. The "Kirby Act," as this amended, hijacked legislation came to be called, granted obscene amounts of emergency power to executives to outright ignore the Constitution at their leisure - particularly in regard to the rights of Phexos and Marlquaanites. Tellingly, Meethexos were excluded from concern. Yet, public questions about this frequently went unanswered.
SCALLOP was forbidden to engineer new varieties of Phexos, and non-sanctioned Marlquaanite creation was outlawed - as was non-sanctioned de-powering of known Marlquaanites. Worse: SCALLOP was now required to place all its Genetically-Altered Humanity under lifelong probationary terms - regardless of any evidence of any wrongdoing! Far from protest, the corrupted Darius embraced this newfound power. SCALLOP added to its operations an expansion of its own prison-industrial complex.
Candi and her allies soon realized: their every move would have to be carefully wagered from now on! One false move could land any single one of them in prison, with Candi likely to go even if she were careful! She began to internalize the threat, and wonder if she weren't already a criminal. Danny tried to convince her otherwise, and said he supported her all the same. Though, this support would be put to the test.
Imaki was already encouraging Candi to use a fake ax and block to keep her awareness sharp: the odds were almost 90% that she'd be beheaded in the future if the Hebbleskins or Affadidah took control. He wanted her used to the idea of keeping Remotach handy, and to be aware of her own risk level at all times.
On top of that, he encouraged her to study the Kids for Cash scandal that was coming to light. If her enemies in the Triumvirate didn't behead her; she was just as likely to be incarcerated by her new government frenemies! She needed to be ready: death or arrest could come at any time - whether she deserved it or not! And even if she avoided capture; there were hundreds of other youth that were at risk. She would need to figure out how to save them - or avenge them!
Prelude to WWIII
After some scuffling between the Icy Finger and the Phexo known as Emeraldon, a massive hunt ensued. The Hebbleskins started pulling some more weight within the Triumvirate, and determined with some careful stalking that the Emeraldon that foiled the Icy Finger's plans in Florida was none other whom they suspected him of being: Donte McArthur.
As Arfaas focused more and more energy on sending men to Gerosha to abduct the locals - with hopes of catching the Flippos so he could behead them - and on retaking the town in an energy dome to undo Stan and Shalia's legacy; he decided to let Rappaccini be the one to get revenge on Emeraldon.
Mark "the Pencil" Javelin was to be Clyde Spendelworth's point man for sending in Gleeful-N'-Young to abduct teenage girls from Gerosha, and put them in the brothels. He was also supposed to work with the Hebbleskins' monster, created with Icy Finger scientist help: Antonio "Lava Tigre" Frenze. Frenze had won respect from Pyro Panther generals, meaning they were determined to assist with the taking of Gerosha. They had already begun preliminary chaos-inducing and scouting of Gerosha; though they were met with resistance from Ciem.
Some strange twists and turns developed, however. The Sodality Church and Order of the Oraphim intercepted some Triumvirate transmissions. The news? Not good! They heard word that the Old National Events Plaza in downtown Evansville was a target. But had no idea how big a target! Attempts to contact the FBI and CIA fell on deaf ears.
As a consequence, Imaki sent Candi out to Evansville to do recon - and suit up if anything got out of control. Emeraldon would be out of town, as he was called on for aid to save a special compass that Wishpon was attempting to steal from Nanaouk.
With Chris "the Purge-Flare" Kennal now wearing a suit and carrying fancy weaponry to imitate Extirpon in the eyes of his enemies, and having assassinated Pencil at the Cincinnati Airport, Clyde was forced to have the much more brutal Frank Morvel be put in charge of the Gerosha operation in Pencil's stead. Morvel knew he'd have to hurry. If the guy who may or may not be Extirpon were able to track Pencil that easily; then it was only a matter of time before this figure made his way to Gerosha to intercept the operation!
Alas, as everyone suspected, the attack on Yellek was a diversion! Anarteq, Nanaouk, and Nemara protected the location of one compass - which Nanaouk didn't reveal to Izzy was an Abdygalis Compass. However, Wishpon made off with a damaged one. Emeraldon's help ensured that Icy Finger agents harassing nearby North Bay were met with appropriate resistance, while Anarteq ensured there would be no functional Tug installations capable of capturing Emeraldon.
Nanaouk handed off to Izzy some brochures and a functional compass, and told him to go undercover in Sault Ste. Marie. Jissika later grew upset that Nanaouk didn't explain to Izzy what the purpose of the compass was; or what the recon was really for - leading to her running away so that she could fill Izzy in on the real purpose of his mission (and also find time away from home to deal with her hormones.)
However, what Emeraldon and Anarteq failed to take into consideration: the attack on Old National Events not only happpened; but was not even the main target! The whole thing was a setup! The real target? The home of Betty McArthur: 4824 Earl Avenue! The dirty bomb blast made everything within a 500-foot radius of Donte's old home uninhabitable, due to the extreme radioactive fallout! His mother was killed instantly. Even the Hardee's that Donte used to frequent was gone!
The mayor - and a few other innocents - were next to feel the Screwworms' wrath. If Candi hadn't been there, even more innocents would've died. Tug installations were being put into the rafters of the conference room, to set a trap for any SCALLOP, Gray Champion, Extirpon, Emeraldon, National Guard, or anyone else that might want to stage a rescue. A Zeran-teleporting centipede woman, however? The Screwworms didn't anticipate that. Candi's effort to then interrogate Dayton Bronson of the Screwworms doesn't go as planned; and she is sent home via an alternate route courtesy of SCALLOP agent Thevia Logindil.
- Oregon for the Loffins
- Julie's demands
- Critter Resistance Network
- Purge-Flare comes to Gerosha - Frank Morvel
- Lava Tigre
- Pyro Panthers
- Mukade situation
Hebbleskins retake Gerosha
- Crime up in Gerosha
- Chuckles Gas Station - Saving the girls from Frank
- Making good on the dare
- The raid
- Candi arrested
- Enter Drop-In
- Booking
- Jail
- Temp-adjudication
- Miriam and Danny's desperate plan.
- Teaming up with the Purge-Flare
- Arrival at Madison
- Making new friends (and enemies)
- Easy acquittal...but not really
The Bigger Picture
- Abrujan and Abdygalis Shards
- Eqquibus
- Grand Ultimate's Ruby
- Romania
- Rappaccini
- Sault Ste Marie and Anarteq
- Kahoopiliana
- Kaiakahinalli
- Cincinnati
- Madison
- Korsicht
- Yellowstone
- Quoll
Where you, the player, come in
While Earth-G7's resolutions are already pre-determined regarding the main plot points, how well will each scenario play out when you try it? Would you write about Candi's fate differently? When creating your own save files of this pack, you can find out!
Will you have Candi and Danny stay together? Should Miriam and Chris succeed in their plans? How would you stop homicidal perverts like Frank Morvel and Drop-In? How would you stop madmen like Korsicht? What fate would you have for Clyde Spendelworth? Should Chris learn how to love, let go of his dark past, and find redemption in a happily ever after? If you had to be stranded in the mountains to save the world, how would you do it?
How can one juvenile inmate with centipede abilities possibly stop the Triumvirate from causing a second ice age? Find out, in the Centipede and Fire Saga! Or...do it your way, with the Centipede and Fire Saga Story Pack Series, brought to you by Dozerfleet Labs.
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